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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 741
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Chapter 741 Happily Ever After

He glanced at Ziyue to confirm she was sound asleep before striding out of the room.

He skimmed through the news article – it was obviously fabricated. Initially, he thought someone exposed the

incident about Ziyue being forcibly injected with drugs by Yige, but it turned out to be a nonsensical article with no


Fortunately, the article was released at midnight, so only a few had seen it.

Muchen made several calls and instructed his subordinates to handle the matter but was not rest assured, so he

headed out too.

By the time he settled the matter and returned home, it was almost four in the morning. He tip-toed into the house

and found that the bedroom light was on. His heart skipped a beat, worrying that Ziyue had seen the news.

He stood in the living room for a while before going upstairs. After entering the bedroom, he saw Ziyue scrolling

through her phone.

Ziyue looked toward him when she heard the sound of the door opening.

"You went out? Where did you go in the middle of the night? I was about to call you…" She asked and put down her

phone. She looked sleepy, and her voice was tinged with drowsiness.

Muchen was relieved. It looks like she has just woken up and isn't aware of the news.

The next day was their wedding. He didn't want her to be troubled on the happy day.

He walked over to kiss her and hugged her tightly.

Ziyue struggled slightly, so Muchen let go of her.

"You haven't told me where you went!" Ziyue completely sobered up.

Noticing Muchen was dressed formally rather than in pajamas, she was sure he had gone out.

Muchen stared at Ziyue briefly and hesitated upon remembering his promise to always be truthful to her.

He sat on the bed and said, "Would you believe it if I say I went out for a walk because I couldn't sleep?"

Ziyue was puzzled. "Why couldn't you fall asleep?"

Before Muchen could answer, she had a guess. "Are you nervous?"

Seeing Muchen's flushing cheeks, Ziyue stared curiously at him as if she saw something rare. "Are you really


"Not really…" Perceiving Ziyue's doubtful gaze, Muchen had no choice but to be honest. "Slightly."

Ziyue laughed in spite of herself.

When she saw Muchen's stiff expression, she controlled herself and hugged him. "There, there. Hope you're feeling

better now."

Muchen snorted arrogantly but quickly reached out to hug her back.

Neither of them felt sleepy – Ziyue had had enough sleep while Muchen was wide awake after staying up

throughout the night.

Cuddling each other on the bed, the couple chatted aimlessly and dozed off for a while before sunrise.

The wedding day is the most important in a woman's life. When Ziyue sat in the dressing room, she finally felt the

excitement and nervousness of being a bride.

"Mrs. Qin, your skin is so smooth. I can't tell you're a mother of a child." The makeup artist praised Ziyue while

applying makeup for her.

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Ziyue was delighted despite knowing the makeup artist said so to please her.

She replied with a smile, "Thank you. You're beautiful too."

The makeup artist smiled shyly, thinking Ziyue was friendly despite being the president's wife.

Previously, outsiders only knew about their divorce but didn't know Muchen had transferred all his assets to Ziyue.

Little did they expect the couple to remarry half a year after they divorced.

Xia came into the room with a tray of food while humming a song.

She laid down the tray and took a piece of cake. Then, she sat down and ate the cake while observing Ziyue putting

on makeup.

After staring at Ziyue for a moment, she suddenly tutted and commented, "It feels like the story of 'Beauty and the


"Are you saying Muchen is a beast?" Ziyue glanced at Xia.

Xia alertly looked around the room and patted her chest when she realized Muchen wasn't around. "I didn't say


She was just feeling sentimental. Although Ziyue and Muchen had registered their marriage before, she only felt

like Ziyue was truly getting married now that their wedding was happening.

Ziyue chuckled.

Just then, Zixi, who was dressed in a suit, skipped in.

"Mommy!" He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. The suit fit him perfectly, and his hair was neatly combed.

Meanwhile, Ziyue's makeup was done. She carried Zixi and observed him carefully.

"You're so handsome today, like a little prince."

"You're beautiful, Mommy, like a little princess."

Ziyue smiled. This boy used to be taciturn; since when did he learn to fawn over others?

Before Ziyue could say something, Zixi added, "The little prince and little princess live happily ever after in fairy


Suddenly, someone carried Zixi and put him on the ground.

Ziyue lifted her head to see Muchen's striking face.

Muchen looked at Zixi and uttered tauntingly, "I can't believe you're still reading fairy tales at this age, like a little


At this age? But everyone says I'm a kid… Zixi was confused.

Xia was sheepish due to her remark about Muchen just now. She pointed at the food on the tray and said, "Ziyue,

please have some first. It might be late before you have a chance to eat later."

Then, she slipped away with Zixi. Zixi was reluctant to leave but was pulled away by Xia.

Muchen gazed at Ziyue carefully and smiled. "You're beautiful today."

"Only today?" Ziyue asked coquettishly.

Muchen's smile didn't waver. "I can say it every day if you like my compliment."

As a single lady, the makeup artist was awkward to witness the couple's display of affection. So, she silently

retreated and left the room in perplexity. They seem to be very close to each other; why did they divorce


Outsiders might have many doubts, but the parties involved didn't have to answer their questions.

Today was their day, and they didn't have to care about what others thought.

Before the wedding began, Ziyue noticed Xia looking around as if searching for someone. She knew who Xia was

looking for, so she asked Muchen, "Will Jingshu be here?"

"I contacted him. He's on the way from the airport." Muchen answered and cast a thoughtful glance at Xia.

Ziyue didn't ask further.

Just then, Chuan walked up to Muchen and whispered in his ear.

Muchen inhaled deeply and ordered, "I don't want to see her ever again."

The incident last night was unexpected. Muchen swiftly addressed the matter and suppressed the news before

returning to Cloud Bay. Thereafter, he didn't ask Chuan for a follow-up. He could guess who the mastermind was.

Sure enough, the name Chuan mentioned just now proved his speculation – it was Hanyan.

He had never cared about that woman. At first, he didn't completely brush her aside because she was Yuchuan's

benefactor. However, what happened subsequently made him despise Hanyan to the core. His patience reached its

limit when the woman stirred up the episode on the eve of his wedding.

Noticing Chuan whispering to Muchen, Ziyue was curious. "What did Chuan say to you?"

Muchen stared at her intently. "I'll tell you if you make me happy tonight."

Ziyue blushed to the root of her hair when she realized what Muchen meant.

Jingshu only arrived right before the ceremony began. However, Ziyue couldn't be bothered with Jingshu and Xia

because the ceremony was about to commence.

Soon, it was time for the bride to toss her bouquet.

Ziyue glanced backwards and discovered Xia wasn't focusing, so she called out to her, "Catch it, Xia!"

Then, she turned around and tossed the bouquet in Xia's direction. When she turned around to observe the scene,

she felt awkward to see the female guests fighting over the bouquet.

Most were senior executives or influential figures in Yunzhou City, but Ziyue didn't expect them to be so eager to

catch the bouquet.

Nonetheless, Xia, too, gave her best and managed to snatch the bouquet. Then, she waved the bouquet at Ziyue.

Holding Muchen's arm, Ziyue smiled at Xia, wishing her happiness. Xia blinked at her, indicating she understood her

intention. Then, they exchanged another smile.

Muchen had arranged a group of groomsmen and bridesmaids to receive the guests, so they could be available.

It was a joyous occasion. Whether the guests were here to network or for other intentions, Ziyue would rather

believe they came to witness their happiness. So, she courteously greeted every guest with Muchen.

When they reached a table with three guests, Ziyue was surprised to see Yunan. "Hi, Mr. Bai. I didn't expect to see

you here."

"We're friends, after all. Of course I have to attend your wedding and give you my blessing." Yunan replied with a

rare, amiable expression.

Ziyue welcomed every guest, including Yunan. Moreover, she no longer felt enmity toward Yunan, so she nodded at

him and said, "Thanks for coming."

Muchen gazed at Yunan and uttered indifferently, "It's okay if you can't make it. After all, you're a busy man."

Obviously, Muchen wasn't pleased to see Yunan at the wedding.

However, Yunan didn't mind, as he knew Muchen still held a grudge against him for having been interested in Ziyue

in the past.

The two men didn't reveal their thoughts and perfunctorily exchanged a few words before Ziyue and Muchen

moved on to greet the next table.

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After going one round, Ziyue realized it was impossible to greet everyone because the crowd was too big. So,

Muchen entrusted the task to Chuan.

Jingshu coaxed Zixi and brought him away, so Muchen and Ziyue could return to their room and get some rest.

They planned to have a private dinner with a few close friends at night.

Upon returning to the room, Ziyue took off her heels and threw herself onto the bed.

"Tired?" Muchen walked over and massaged her feet.

Ever since Ziyue regained consciousness, she had rarely gone outdoors or worn heels. So, she was exhausted after

wearing the heels for long hours.

She sat up on the bed with an excited look. "I'm fine. I could do it all over again…"

Muchen lowered his body to kiss her and gently nibbled her lip, "What do you mean you could do it all over again?"

"I'm just joking…" Ziyue quickly denied it and kissed him back, trying to please him.

However, Muchen wasn't satisfied. He pressed her down and started kissing her fervently.

Ziyue pushed him and mumbled, "Hey… it's still daytime…"

"Jingshu and the others will surely hold us back till late at night. I haven't gotten my share for months, so let me get

some benefits first." Muchen said in a muffled voice while kissing Ziyue gently.

Ziyue went along with Muchen despite him being shameless. Muchen had a good time, having kissed Ziyue from

head to toe.

Ziyue recalled something in a daze and asked, "Why did you drink the spiked wine at Lumiere Jade House back


"Nothing would go wrong even if I drank it."

Ziyue regained her senses and snorted, "Then why did you…"

Muchen interrupted her, "It was you who refused to let me go."

"I didn't!" Ziyue retorted to him sulkily, refusing to believe she would hold him back.

Muchen grinned and kissed Ziyue's cheek lovingly.

Indeed, Ziyue didn't prevent him from leaving. Despite his intention to leave, he didn't.

Muchen first met Ziyue, a beautiful and obedient girl, when she was nine. At fourteen, he didn't know what love was

but was pleased to have a lovely girl as his younger sister.

During that period, he sent her to school daily and subconsciously acted like her elder brother. Before he knew it,

he had a mysterious desire to protect her.

After his mother passed away, he thought of looking for Ziyue. However, Ziyue didn't know about him. To her,

Muchen was a stranger. Besides, she had a misunderstanding with his father, thinking he caused her mother's


So, she didn't know how to face Muchen.

Time flew by. Ten years later, Muchen returned to Yunzhou City, coincidentally when she had just returned to the


Muchen was focused on his career and had little contact with women. Other women were ordinary to him, but

Ziyue was different – she nearly became her younger sister.

The girl, who had similar experiences and a peculiar connection with him, was lying before his eyes, young and


He was captivated. Ever since then, their lives had become entwined for a lifetime.

They could have grown up with each other. However, fate reunited them after many years, so they could be

together for the rest of their lives.

[The End]
