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Master of his heart (Brielle and Max)

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

“Got the jitters?”

Max’s voice came through the phone with a chill that was like an invisible hand, steadying

a racing heart

“Nah, I just know he’s joking.”

Max’s eyebrow arched, his lips curling into a slight smirk, “Andrew never jokes”

Brielle’s breathing hitched a bit as she felt Kenzo’s gaze turn more meaningful. She just

wanted to end the call as soon as possible “Uncle Max, you needed me for something?”

“Yeah, get ready. You’re joining me on a business trip tonight.”

Brielle thought she’d misheard, but when it came to work, she straightened up, all

business. “What time tonight?”

“Flight’s at ten. Patrick will pick you up.

That settled it for Brielle, she couldn’t say no to Max. She handed the phone back to

Andrew with a thanks and then turned to Tiffanie. “Something’s come up with work-I’ve

got to head out.”

years ago. I

Then she looked at Kenzo, “Kenzo, I never got to thank you for that thing three yea owe

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

you dinner.”

Kenzo’s gaze deepened, his smile fading a little, “Sure, add me on Messenger.

Without any fuss, Brielle whipped out her phone, added him, exchanged a few polite

words, and left.

After she was gone, Kenzo put his phone down and turned to Andrew.

“Little Canary?”

The gentle smile was gone, replaced by an unreadable expression.

Andrew flipped his lighter open and lit a cigarette with practiced ease, “What, scouting

info for your little sister again?”

“Alivia has been nagging too much. I can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

“Nothing special. Max will keep her close for a few days.”

Kenzo’s eyes narrowed slightly, a spark of interest flickering in them. Max, keeping a

woman close?

Whatever the reason, Brielle was now a threat to Alivia’s future. Kenzo smirked at the

thought of the drama that would unfold.

Chapter 52

Tiffanie, on the side, really didn’t want to stand with two men like this. It would affect her

upcoming hunting. She made a quick excuse and slipped into the dance floor, eyes peeled

for her target: a top-tier celebrity rumored to be there tonight.

Meanwhile, Brielle returned to her apartment, clueless about where the business trip

would take her or for how long.

She packed a couple of outfits and, after a moment’s thought, applied a touch of makeup.

Then she grabbed all the documents she could carry, and by seven, Patrick’s car pulled up


Brielle slid into the car and immediately noticed Max, sitting quietly with his eyes closed,

head resting against a custom headrest, looking every bit the picture of weary nobility.

She moved more gently, not wanting to disturb him, then leaned forward to ask Patrick in

a low voice.

“Where are we headed?”

“Ms. Brielle, you’ll see when we get there.”

Reading the room, Brielle fell silent.

Before boarding the plane, her phone rang-it was the Haywood family. The Haywood

household was in an uproar because Faith had shown up in person to scorn them and call

off the engagement.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Brielle, get back here now!”

“Do you have any idea how vital the business ties between the Haywoods and the Dorseys

are? Since Spencer still wants this engagement, keep your mouth shut. Bri, don’t

disappoint me. You’ve been stepping out of line too much lately.”

That night, Brielle confessed to having an affair, making Miranda feel bot Combined with

the thoughts from Lillian’s diary, Miranda suddenly felt past years. Actually, Brielle’s

nature was just so deceptive and fickle!

Regret washed over her for not having Lillian as her own daughter-at lea have been such

an embarrassment.

nger and pain.

by these

“Mom, Spencer cheated on me first. His thing with Lillian, it’s like a thorn in my

Impatience flickered in Miranda’s eyes. She felt she knew Brielle’s true nature and believe

a word she said.

“Just get back here and apologize to Ms. Faith, And don’t bring up that night again. As long

as Spencer is willing, you must marry into the Dorsey family.”

Brielle had never felt so insignificant in her position within the Haywood family

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!