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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133 In a Daze Because of Her

The two female makeup artists exchanged glances as they dared not delay any further.

Hence, one of them touched Shirlene’s arm and bent over, asking in an especially gentle tone, “Miss

Grayson? Are you sleeping? We have to start on eye makeup now.”

+15 Bonus

“Go away.” Shirlene continued lying on her back. “Leave the eye makeup for the last and do what you

must right now.”

But eye makeup is the most challenging and time-consuming part of the process! “Miss Grayson, the

opening ceremony is starting soon. The other performers have already had their makeup done.”

“Hah. I’m not other performers’ anyway” Shirlene opened her eyes and parted her red lips, saying in

disdain. “I have the lead role. If you can’t deliver quickly while maintaining quality at the same time,

what right do you have to serve me? I can ask them to fire you.”

The two female makeup artists couldn’t retort when they heard that. Even their breaths turned careful.

A short distance away, Mervin crossed his arms as he leaned against a pillar in the shadows. He stared

coldly at the woman.

So, this is the real Shirlene?

A good girl?

An innocent princess?

A pure character?

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The teenage girl type?

She was mean and unreasonable in private. Look at that arrogance!Why didn’t the media expose her?

He had no idea why she could be popular for so long.


Someone’s shout startled Shirlene, and she bolted up from her position. She saw Mervin leaning next

to the pillar with his arms crossed, turning slowly around to see a man running toward him.

Shirlene felt something constrict in her chest. She didn’t know he was present. So… did he witness

how I treated the makeup artists?

Soon, Mervin left with the man. Shirlene, though, was furious as she questioned through gritted teeth,

“Why didn’t you tell me that someone else is there?”

“Miss Grayson, we’re so focused on putting makeup on you that we didn’t realize he’s here.”

The opening ceremony would begin at 9.18AM.

“Miss Grayson… May we put on eye makeup for you now?” one of the female makeup artists asked


Shirlene suppressed the rage in her heart. “Go ahead. Make it simpler so that it looks as natural as


Chapter 133 In a Daze Because of Her


+15 Bonus

At Fox Group, the president’s office was located on the 22nd floor of the building. The room was

around. 3000 square feet, and it had a light gray color scheme with a simple yet gorgeous style that

was also fashionable.xo.com fast update

Max walked into the office, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and said, “Mr. Fox, are you sure you’re

not attending the opening ceremony of The Love in Sapphire Bay? The director called us thrice and

said that you promised to attend the ceremony when you made your investment.”

Tm not going.” Stanley’s voice was firm. He sat on the office chair, his fingers tapping away at the


Max knew that it was because of Mervin. However, Stanley had already made a promise, so he

shouldn’t go back on his word.

After Max left with the documents, Stanley closed his laptop. He leaned back in his chair and realized

that he was restless, not being able to focus on anything. Where exactly did Melinda go?

She got up early in the morning and left. After being missing for a whole day, she didn’t return at night


He couldn’t help but pick up his phone and make a call back home. Gael picked up the call and told

Stanley that Melinda wasn’t back yet, and he couldn’t reach her phone either.

“All right, got it.” Stanley hung up. He couldn’t understand what was going on. How could she just

disappear like that? Did she run into trouble?

Finally, he endured until the afternoon.

In the vice president’s office next door, dozens of clothes racks lined the walls, and every rack was

filled with the latest outfits from various luxury brands. The design department of Fox Group was

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always outstanding and excellent because the vice president watched fashion trends closely.

Monica was troubled. “Lydia, is something wrong with Mr. Fox today? Why do I feel as if he’s kind of…

in a daze?”

“Really?” Lydia replied as she organized the files, “I didn’t notice anything. He’s always been stern like

that. right? He rarely smiled, and people never dared approach him.”

But only Monica knew that Stanley wasn’t being unapproachable. He was distracted.

Just now, after a meeting had ended, Monica saw Stanley and sensed that he was in a bad mood.

In the president’s office next door, Stanley stood in front of the French windows, his hands behind his

back as he gazed at the scenery in the distance.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, so he grabbed his phone and dialed Stephanie’s private number.

At that moment, Stephanie was bustling about in the kitchen when she saw the number displayed on

the screen. She was shocked!

Goodness! Why would Stanley take the initiative to call me?


Chapter 133 In a Daze Because of Her

She hastily wiped her hands on a towel, then gingerly answered the call. “Hello, Mr. Fox.”

“Stephanie, is Madam at Repulse Bay?” Stanley asked calmly.

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Stephanie answered truthfully. “Madam isn’t here, but I have good news for you, Mr. Fox. Dr. Cohen

came here with his teacher, who is a famous apothecary master. They’re staying in Repulse Bay, and

Miss Fox has agreed to be treated!”