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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Identity Exposed Again

“Tamels and I can help you prepare the vegetables, Mommy.”

Mommy. I can wash them”

“Mommy, you only need to stir-fry it, okay?”


There was no other way, so Melinda could only comply with her children’s wishes. Even though the

image of him applying medicine to Monica in his office made her uncomfortable, after all, he was their

father. “Okay, okay I’ll cook She tied on an apron.

Under the night sky, a Lamborghini drove toward Emerald Harbor. Stanley sat in the back seat, his

deep eyes revealing a hint of dimness. It’s impossible to come up with a new design overnight.

When he left the company, many in the design department were crying. He went in to say some

comforting words and left the rest to Monica.

In reality, she was under a lot of pressure, as this was a project that she had worked hard to obtain. Her

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goal was to impress Stanley, and she had dedicated countless sleepless nights and extensive efforts to

achieve that goal.

On the way back, Stanley was wondering. Who can pull off such a feat? The surveillance cameras

failed all of a sudden. Could it be Samuel? If it is, what is his motive?

The leak of the design sketches from Fox Group caused a lot of buzz online, eliciting both sympathy

and schadenfreude from the public. Many were eagerly anticipating tomorrow’s outcome. So far, the

company had not made an official statement regarding the incident.

Ten minutes later, the Lamborghini pulled up in the courtyard of the Emerald Harbor. Stanley got out of

the car, exuding an elegant aura that was as cold as ice. As soon as he walked into the living room,

Samuel and Pamela dragged him to the dining room. “Daddy, Mommy made you dinner.”

Looking at the table full of delicious food, he set aside his thoughts and saxo.com fast updatet in

the dining chair.

“Don’t get me wrong. The kids insisted on pulling me into the kitchen to cook,” Melinda said as she

untied her apron. “It wasn’t my idea. You forced me to come back from Sunnyvale, but you flirted with

another girl in the office. Just thinking about this makes me seethe.

Overall, dinner was peaceful. Samuel and Pamela behaved themselves, staying quiet and well-

behaved, while Melinda paid no attention to Stanley. In honesty, she did not know why she was upset.

Since Stanley would not bring any work-related troubles home, he just thanked Melinda for the meal

after enjoying two full plates before going upstairs to his study.

“Hmm, is Daddy upset?”

“He seems to have something on his mind…”

The children whispered to each other, but Melinda pretended she did not hear them.

Soon after, Gael came in. “Madam, the Fox Group’s designs leaked this afternoon, but the Queen of

Brundela is coming to pick up the sketches tomorrow. The company is facing an unprecedented crisis.”

“I just saw it on the news,” he said. Then, he sighed lightly. “Madam, please try to understand Mr. Fox.

Don’t be mad at him. He must be under a lot of pressure lately.”

Hearing that, the kind-hearted Melinda suddenly felt she was in the wrong.

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After Gael left, she and her two children walked to the yard.

“Mommy… During their stroll, Samuel and Pamela walked hand in hand on either side of Melinda. The

little ones were worried. “Daddy probably won’t be able to sleep all night.”

“Mommy, shouldn’t we help Daddy?” Pamela also expressed her opinion, her watery eyes filled with


Suddenly, Melinda halted. “How can we help?” She looked at Samuel and then at Pamela.

“We’re a family, Mommy. We share happiness and hardship,” said Samuel. “If Daddy can’t come up

with a new design sketch tomorrow, he’ll have to pay a huge compensation, and the company’s

reputation will suffer! Our quality of life will be affected too.”

In her adorable, baby voice, Pamela said, “I heard… the compensation could be up to hundreds of

millions. That person who always goes against Daddy’s company must be secretly happy. We can’t let

the bad guys _win!”

Upstairs in the study, the lights were not on. Stanley stood at the window, looking at her and the

children walking in the yard. All afternoon, he had been thinking about another issue. He recalled what

happened at Jessica’s birthday banquet and wanted to take this opportunity to verify Melinda’s other


If she’s Emma, she must have design sketches.