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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 138
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138 Here He Comes

Keira looked at Isla’s cellphone, only to find her

chatting with someone she didn’t know.

The other party had sent a message. “I'm already at the entrance. Which private room is it?”

Isla had sent the nof the room.

The other party wrote, “I'll be there in a moment.”

This puzzling chat history left Keira full of

bewilderment. At that moment, there was a

commotion at the entrance, and everyone looked over.

Outside, Lewis's steps halted slightly as he suddenly

turned his head.

Following behind him, Tom couldn't help but ask, “Boss, aren't you going in?”

But when he noticed the direction of his gaze, Tom then turned his head and saw a man in work clothes, with

traces of mud on him, stride in.

Scott had specially washed his face today, but he hadn’t had tto change clothes.



138 Here He Comes

Moreover, in his own country, dress codes weren't that important. Events like a high school reunion were just

about everyone getting together to have fun. Someone of his background wouldn't be looked down upon, as no

matter what he wore, he'd be praised anyway.

So he didn’t think much of it and, after arriving beside

the two, he smiled politely and asked, “Excuse me, is this the Purple Bamboo Garden Room?”

Lewis clenched his jaw tightly, while Tom looked up at the nof the room, nodded, and asked, “Are you also

here for the high school reunion?”

“No, I'm here to find Keira.”

Scott smiled and then pushed the door open and


Tom was stunned. He turned to look at Lewis. “Boss,

what's his relationship with Miss Olsen?”

Lewis almost gnashed his teeth and said, “How should |


Inside the private room.

After the door was opened, Scott walked in.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Keira wasn’t sure if it was her imagination. but it



seemed that in the instant the door opened, she caught a glimpse of Lewis.

But wasn’t he supposed to be catching up on sleep?

How could he be here...

Keira felt she must have been mistaken. As she was

pondering, Erin’s annoyingly sharp voice suddenly rang out. “Keira, is this your husband?”


Keira looked at Scott, puzzled, feeling he seemed vaguely familiar but couldn’t recall where from. After all, when

she gave him an umbrella yesterday, his face was all covered in mud. With his clean face today, people could

see his striking features.

His foreign features made him exceptionally handsome. He was even better looking than the

celebrities on television.

He was such a ruggedly handsman that just by standing there, he could make everyone else in the room

seem lackluster by comparison.

He was almost as handsas Lewis.

Keira was about to shake her head when Erin sneered.



“Keira, he isn’t a bricklayer from the construction site, is he? Why did you find someone like him? Is it

because he looks good?”

Hearing this, Isla hastily spoke up, “Erin, don’t say that; every profession should be respected.”

After these words, Isla pointed to the seat beside Keira. “Excuse me, give up your seat for Keira’s

husband. Don’t make him stand.”

The male classmate originally sitting next to Keira stood up, vacating the spot.

Scott walked up to Keira, smiling slightly, “Miss Olsen.”

Keira frowned, “Who are you?”

Scott was just about to introduce himself when Erin laughed. “Keira, what are you up to again? Don’t tell me

you're pretending not to recognize your own husband.”

Keira frowned. “I don’t know him.”

Hearing this, Scott was also confused, “I, I'm not her


Although his accent was strange, he did understand the special meaning of the word “husband.”



The last the went to the Olsen residence, nobody had mentioned that word in front of him, so he hadn't

understood what they meant, but this time, he was ready to object.

Their back and forth left everyone present momentarily stunned.

Jake's gaze fell on Scott, and with a sneer, he said, “Not her husband, yet you were visiting the Olsen residence

yesterday. Keira, could it be that you disdain him, so”’you’re denying him in front of everyone?”

This remark made everyone turn their eyes toward


Keira scowled, “Visit what Olsen residence?”

She looked at Scott, “You went to the Olsen home


Scott nodded. “I did, to bring you an umbrella.”

Isla smiled. “Yesterday, there was a light rain, but Keira had cars to pick her up and drop her off. She wouldn't

need an umbrella. You're way too anxious about her... Keira, although your husband's job isn’t great, he really

does care about you. It’s not very nice of you to treat

him like this”



138 Here He Comes

Her tone of reproach was as though Keira had let

down Scott.

Keira was utterly baffled. “I honestly don’t know him.”

Scott immediately waved his hands in apology/ “I'm sorry. | didn’t realize this was the situation. Perhaps |

shouldn't have clooking for you. | am truly not Miss Keira’s husband; please, everyone, don’t misunderstand

her, my apologies!”

However, the more he said this, the more the people around them were convinced.

Who hadn’t seen one or two TV s before?

Children were ashamed of their parents picking up trash or collecting bottles at school and would pretend not to

recognize them. The audience knew this plot all

too well!

At this moment, Scott looked just as pitiable as those parents who didn’t dare acknowledge their own


Everyone began to speak.

“Keira, every profession deserves respect. Without people like your husband, there would be no high-rise



138 Here He Comes

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

buildings for us to live in. You shouldn't look down on


“Dr. South, it’s really okay for you to admit it. After all, you have your own status here, you don’t need to marry

someone so amazing anymore. You're a tycoon on your own! You have a gigolo, but we won't say anything...”

“Dr. South's husband indeed looks very handsome, and he doesn’t rely on marrying Dr. South or living off a

woman. He continues to work outside, making a living

with his own hands, so he can’t be bad...”

Charles was also baffled.

The company was recently preparing to go public. He was aware of that, and not long ago, when he went to

report to Mr. Morgan, he had overheard a


It was about how Dr. South would marry someone- anyone-just to help with the company’s IPO.

So Dr. South and Scott really were husband and wife,


They must be a contractual couple...



138 Here He Comes

But seeing Scott's expression, it was clear that he was deeply in love with Keira, while she was very cold to


Even though he understood the marriage was for show, Charles still felt Keira was being too harsh. Not yet sure

of the truth, he kept silent.

Erin then said sarcastically, “Keira, you say he’s not your husband, but do you have any proof? Unless you call

your actual husband over here and show us your marriage certificate, otherwise, stop putting on this

act here!”

Just as she finished speaking, the door to the Purple Bamboo Garden Room was pushed open, and Lewis

strode in!

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