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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 211
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211 Mama's Girl

At that moment, Mrs. Olsen thought of many things.


She had always lived in Oceanion under a pseudonym and never even revealed her identity or connections to

Isla, causing Isla to take a roundabout path to marry into a wealthy family.

Now it was Keira’s turn...

Her status was higher than Isla’s, and her situation was even more difficult.

How could the matriarch of a top-tier family like the Horton Group cfrom an ordinary middle-class family?


Mrs. Olsen lowered her gaze.

The matter between her and Uncle Olsen was after all

a grudge from the older generation, which was

unrelated to Keira.

Keira had the right to know who her biological father




< 211 Mama's Girl

Uncle Olsen had remained unmarried for so many years; if he had a daughter, he would surely love her twice as

much. With the Clance Olsen family as her

backup, Keira would be able to set her footing in the Horton family quickly.

Mrs. Olsen's lips curved into a mocking smile.

In the end, it seemed that even top-tier families like these were still particular about marrying equals...

Seeing her relent, Ellis raised an eyebrow at Keira. “Your mom has agreed. Shall we set a tand place?”

But Keira looked at Mrs. Olsen and said indifferently, “Sure, my mom said yes, but | know she didn’t really

want it.”

Mrs. Olsen was taken aback.

Keira continued. “Mom, if you won't see him, neither

do I need to.””

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Olsen gazed at Keira and saw her standing there with an air of casual grace. She

suddenly laughed.

She had been mistaken.

Isla had always been someone who chased fand



211 Mama's Girl

fortune, which was why she blamed her, but Keira was


From her childhood, Keira had always relied on herself;

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she took to heart the words Mrs. Olsen had once taught them, never changing over the span of more

than twenty years.

Mrs. Olsen laughed. “Then we won't meet.”

The mother and daughter shared a smile as they looked at each other; a deep understanding lay hidden

between them, not needing words to be


However, Ellis couldn't accept this. “Hey, you can’t go back on your word like that. Mrs. Olsen, you have no idea

how difficult Keira is having it in the Horton family right now!”

He pulled up a chair and sat beside Mrs. Olsen's bed. just got wind of something. The illegitimate daughter from

the Horton family’s first branch has made contact

with the Cobb family in Clance. If their union

succeeds, the first branch will surely dominate. By then, Lewis's position as the family head and as CEO of

Horton Group might well have to be handed over!”




211 Mama's Girl

Keira said with a smile, “Mom, don't listen to his

nonsense. It’s not that serious. Lewis definitely has other plans.”

The man’s strength was unfathomable; Horton Group wasn’t all he had.

Ellis’s mouth twitched. “You're quite confident in him.”

“Of course, my mom likes Lewis too.”

Ellis’s eyes flickered, and he said, “What about the clinical trial spot at the Clance Research Institute? Old Mrs.

Horton's dementia is getting worse; you should be exploring options and preparing to get a spot for the old lady

to try again, right? Lettell you, my family has connections in that area too!”

Keira was perplexed.

She frowned slightly and looking at Ellis’s expres she finally understood why they needed her to personally

choose the trial spot in Clance.

The officials at the Clance Research Institute could withstand the temptation of money, but not the pressure of


Could they resist caving in if a family like the Clance


211 Mama's Girl

Olsen family applied pressure?

Seeing Ellis’s confident demeanor, it was clear it was impossible.

They had thrown a hot potato at her.

Keira stroked her forehead and twitched the corner of

her mouth.

Her demeanor, however, led Ellis to misunderstand. He immediately said, “The illegitimate daughter from the

first branch of the family leveraged the Cobb family in Clance to secure a spot. Do you really think she’s showing

filial piety to old Mrs. Horton? Just you wait. Once the medicine is used, she’ll demand a king's ransom! If Lewis

doesn’t transfer five percent of the shares to her as a dowry, this deal won't go through And with an additional

five percent, the Horton family’s first branch will hold fifty-four percent of th company shares, and they'll call a

board meeting and oust Lewis from his position!”

Ellis raised an eyebrow. “So, Keira, cwithto see my uncle. With Uncle Olsen stepping in, everything will

be fine.”

Keira tapped her chin. “Is the Clance Olsen family that




211 Mama's Girl


“Of course, we are one of the top five families!”

Ellis was extremely proud. “My uncle probably wants to take you in as his goddaughter. With the Olsen family

backing you, you'll be able to do anything in Oceanion from now on!”

Keira laughed. “Well, thank you very much for that!”

Ellis excitedly stood up but heard Keira add another line. “But really, there's no need; having my mom is enough

for me.”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

He blinked, stunned, and then his face darkened. “Keira, don’t be an ingrate! Do you know how many people in

Crera want to cozy up to my uncle? This i the first the’s actually going out of his way to of

a favor to someone!”

Keira said seriously, “Then you can’t let him be

humiliated like that.”

Ellis was shocked.

Why were her words so infuriating?!



211 Mama's Girl

He was almost jumping with agitation. “How can you

be so clueless!”

Keira spread her hands. “Born this way. Can't help it.”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

He stared at Keira and then glanced at Mrs. Olsen, finally realizing something. “All this talk about your mom. It

turns out you're really a mama's girl!”

Instead of getting angry at this remark, Keira’s eyes lit up. She suddenly found the title endearingly reassuring

and smiled sweetly.

Ellis was speechless. How starved of affection was she, to be content with just her mom's love? It was just

unbearable to watch!

Then he heard her voice, cold yet tinged with excitement. “Do you have any other business? If not, please don’t

disturb my mom's rest. She just woke up

and she’s still weak.”

Ellis was thus chased out of the hospital room, and standing at the door, he watched Keira. She was devoid of

that prickly attitude he'd sensed at their first

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211 Mama's Girl

meeting. She was now compliant and adorable.

“Mom, want swater?

“Mom, it’s tfor your medicine...


All her “Mom” made Ellis feel like he was seeing his five-year-old nephew, who would incessantly call out to his

mom at hand drive his sister-in-law crazy every day.

Yet Mrs. Olsen would always look at her daughter with

a gentle smile, showing not a hint of impatience.

Dragged down by his thoughts, Ellis returned to the hotel and entered Uncle Olsen’s room. He then ranted

and jumped about how Keira was “unable to recognize favor” and ended in a huff. “Uncle, she’s not your

daughter, so there's really no need to spoil her!”

Unexpectedly, upon saying this, he saw Uncle Olsen smile. “Her temperament is indeed very much like Miss


A sudden sense of foreboding washed over Ellis. Sure enough, the next moment he heard his uncle say, “Since

she’s unwilling to meet me, then I'll have to go



211 Mama's Girl

to her.”

Ellis was stunned. “Where will you meet her?”

Uncle Olsen pondered for a moment and then smiled. “I cannot go to the Olsen residence, but the Horton's, | can

still visit, can’t 1? | heard their old lady is ill. I'll pay

them a visit tomorrow.”

Ellis was shocked.



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