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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31


Adam doesn’t answer me; he stands there looking lost at my face. What was he even looking at? At

first, I thought that I just imagined his presence; I felt that because I wanted him to clear his name so

much that my body was choosing to believe that he was in my room. But now I’m sure that this isn’t a

dream, he’s here, Adam is in my room. I know that I should be freaking out about this. My parents or

siblings could walk in here any moment and catch him in here with me. Things would take a turn for the

worst if that ever happens. Yet, despite knowing all of this, I don’t want him to leave; I want him to stay

and tell me exactly what happened. I want to hear the truth.

“What are you doing here?” I repeat myself. “Shouldn’t you be with Lizzie? The ex-girlfriend

you were kissing?”

He takes a step towards me, and I stiffen against my sheets. He stops walking, hesitant to come closer

to me.

“Please, believe me, Amiera,” he whispers. “She kissed me out of nowhere. I know that this

may not sound good, but the truth is that I haven’t exactly told Lizzie about us; she doesn’t know

anything. She still thinks that we’re playing around. (This will be daily updtaed at

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www.jar.com)Lizzie and I don’t have any boundaries to our relationship; we have messed around

before even though we are no longer in

a committed relationship. She didn’t know that there was something between us; not many


people know this. They think that I’m training you and I thought that this is what you wanted. I

thought that you wanted things between us to be kept a secret because of your parents. And what

exactly is this thing between us? We haven’t spoken about it;(This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) I don’t think either one knows what this truly is. I don’t know much; I just know that I

don’t want to do anything to hurt


His words increase the anger and hurt inside of me. Did he not tell me that they were just

friends? Friends should not be messing around with each other. And why didn’t he tell her

about us? His excuse sounds like bullshit to me.




“So why don’t you tell her?” I demand. “Why don’t you tell her that you have something with me? Why

would you let me see something like that? Do you not know that it f*****g hurts me, Adam. It hurts me

so much when I see you with her. It broke my heart seeing her kiss you;

I was looking forward to our training; I was looking forward to it because I thought we would

have another great time. I was looking forward to your touches and your kisses. After seeing

you with her, I felt so sick. I felt sick knowing that you kissed another woman even after

that. I’m not like you or her Adam, I don’t mess around with people, just like you said to me that night

next to yourjeep. I’m loyal, and I stick to one man, the person I have feelings for. I know that we haven’t

placed a label on what we have, but I don’t expect to see you with another woman either. I’m not going

to accept that from you; (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)we can’t keep seeing

each other if you’re

going to keep messing around with other women. You told me not to change who I am for anyone, and

this is me listening to you. My feelings for you may be strong, but I will not allow you to treat me

however you want to just because it’s what you’re used to doing.”

He takes my hand in his and kneels beside the bed. I angrily pull away from him; I don’t want him to

touch me again until I know where we stand.

“Am I just a toy to you?” I cry. “Is that what this is? Some game? Do you want to prove to your friends

that you can deflower the flaming whisperer? Is that it?”

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He grabs my cheek and leans his forehead against mine, “of course not. You’re not a game, Amiera.

You’re not a f*****g game to me; you’re so much more than that. I’m sorry that you had to see that and I

can promise you that it will never happen again. I’ll talk to Lizzie; I’ll let her know that I’m not going to

play around with her anymore; I’ll tell her that I’m starting something special with you. I won’t make this

mistake again; please give me a chance.”(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)

I don’t know if I should trust him. I don’t know what to do, but my heart aches at just the thought of

having to push him away.

“How can I trust you?” I ask him. “You told me that you two were just friends; friends don’t do what you

did. I can’t just believe your words from now on; I’ve gotten hurt that way before; need to see it in your

actions; I need to know that you mean it.”

“I’ll do whatever it is that you want me to do to prove that I’m serious about us.” He promises. “I will

leave my old ways behind; I will not do anything that would hurt you again. I mean it when I said that

Lizzie kissed me out of nowhere; you walked in just as it happened. I didn’t kiss her back; I hope you

saw that. I’ll keep my distance from her if that will make you happy. Just tell me what you want, Amiera,

whatever it is, I will do it for you. Please believe me when I say this to you.”

His promises make my heart sway a little bit; I’m still not ready to believe him entirely. “I think that we

should take things slowly from now on,” I tell him. “Until I’m sure that I can

trust you. We will continue with the training as normal because it’s what I need to do. But give

me time to trust you again.”(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)

I can see that Adam is unhappy that I don’t trust him anymore. He doesn’t try to hide that