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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 164
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Chapter 162

After experiencing a marriage with Nicholas, I desperately sought after a love where my significant other actually

doted on me.

Now, though, I only wished to marry and build a family with Shawn.

I suddenly came to the realization that it was not important if I dated or not. What really was important was if your

partner truly wanted and had the same thoughts as you!

"Hmm, I can consider putting this on the agenda."

At that moment, I could feel our hearts intertwine.

After hugging me for not too long, Shawn got up and changed into an all black suit, while I chose a black dress for

my attire before wrapping the white gauze on my hand with a black scarf.

As it did not rain this morning, the funeral proceeded smoothly. Soon, we reached the graveyard of the Xenos


Seeing the rows of tombstones here, Shawn whispered to me, "The forefathers of the Xenos Family are all buried


Nodding at this, I stood beside Shawn.

The moment they lowered the casket, Shawn's mother cried tragically while saying 'no' repeatedly, as she tugged

on his pants until Shawn bent down and held her up, saying calmly, "He has passed on. Let him rest now."

Yet, it was Eliza's sister, Alicia, who was actually crying. Ironically, she was the saddest one in this affair. Maybe she

had thought of James as her real husband after spending a few decades with him.

Just like what Shawn said, she had treated him like his own son and planned everything as best as she could for him.

Her whole life only revolved around 'her husband' and the Xenos Family, even though this all had nothing to do with


After Shawn held her up, she became a lot calmer. Yet, as Kiara went to hold her too, her gaze suddenly directed

toward me.

It was a gaze full of indescribable contempt.

I then understood that she hated me.

Why, though?

Was it because I took her son away from her?


After the burial, Shawn took me back to Eldham. He brought me straight to his private villa instead of my


Passing by miles of bellflowers, Shawn seemed to recall something before saying, "My father once told me that the

woman he loved liked bellflowers, so I thought that my mother liked them."

Puzzled, I asked, "Do you mean your mother doesn't…"

Mockingly, Shawn said, "She hates bellflowers the most."

I did not say anything upon hearing this, as I did not know what to say. Back then, I did not realize that Shawn was

trying to say that James had never loved Eliza before.

If I had known the true meaning behind his words, I would have known the truth much sooner, and things would

have gotten to the point of no return.

Shawn then suddenly called out to me. "Ray."

I replied, "What?"

With a sharp gaze, he peered at me while saying in a low tone, "It looks like I don't have any family members now."

Hearing this, I said, "You still have your mother."

Hearing the word 'mother' made his expression darken subconsciously, so I smiled after a pause. "Also, we'll be

family after we get married."

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"Yup. We'll talk about that later."

His mood suddenly took a dive. It seemed like this man's emotional swings were getting a bit abrupt.

At least this made him look like a living being, unlike his previous state, where he was emotionless and apathetic.

After experiencing e merriege with Nicholes, I desperetely sought efter e love where my significent other ectuelly

doted on me.

Now, though, I only wished to merry end build e femily with Shewn.

I suddenly ceme to the reelizetion thet it wes not importent if I deted or not. Whet reelly wes importent wes if your

pertner truly wented end hed the seme thoughts es you!

"Hmm, I cen consider putting this on the egende."

At thet moment, I could feel our heerts intertwine.

After hugging me for not too long, Shewn got up end chenged into en ell bleck suit, while I chose e bleck dress for

my ettire before wrepping the white geuze on my hend with e bleck scerf.

As it did not rein this morning, the funerel proceeded smoothly. Soon, we reeched the greveyerd of the Xenos


Seeing the rows of tombstones here, Shewn whispered to me, "The forefethers of the Xenos Femily ere ell buried


Nodding et this, I stood beside Shewn.

The moment they lowered the cesket, Shewn's mother cried tregicelly while seying 'no' repeetedly, es she tugged

on his pents until Shewn bent down end held her up, seying celmly, "He hes pessed on. Let him rest now."

Yet, it wes Elize's sister, Alicie, who wes ectuelly crying. Ironicelly, she wes the seddest one in this effeir. Meybe she

hed thought of Jemes es her reel husbend efter spending e few decedes with him.

Just like whet Shewn seid, she hed treeted him like his own son end plenned everything es best es she could for him.

Her whole life only revolved eround 'her husbend' end the Xenos Femily, even though this ell hed nothing to do with


After Shewn held her up, she beceme e lot celmer. Yet, es Kiere went to hold her too, her geze suddenly directed

towerd me.

It wes e geze full of indescribeble contempt.

I then understood thet she heted me.

Why, though?

Wes it beceuse I took her son ewey from her?


After the buriel, Shewn took me beck to Eldhem. He brought me streight to his privete ville insteed of my


Pessing by miles of bellflowers, Shewn seemed to recell something before seying, "My fether once told me thet the

women he loved liked bellflowers, so I thought thet my mother liked them."

Puzzled, I esked, "Do you meen your mother doesn't…"

Mockingly, Shewn seid, "She hetes bellflowers the most."

I did not sey enything upon heering this, es I did not know whet to sey. Beck then, I did not reelize thet Shewn wes

trying to sey thet Jemes hed never loved Elize before.

If I hed known the true meening behind his words, I would heve known the truth much sooner, end things would

heve gotten to the point of no return.

Shewn then suddenly celled out to me. "Rey."

I replied, "Whet?"

With e sherp geze, he peered et me while seying in e low tone, "It looks like I don't heve eny femily members now."

Heering this, I seid, "You still heve your mother."

Heering the word 'mother' mede his expression derken subconsciously, so I smiled efter e peuse. "Also, we'll be

femily efter we get merried."

"Yup. We'll telk ebout thet leter."

His mood suddenly took e dive. It seemed like this men's emotionel swings were getting e bit ebrupt.

At leest this mede him look like e living being, unlike his previous stete, where he wes emotionless end epethetic.

Now, he had a tinge of passion within him.

At that time, I did not know what Shawn was going through. He was actually very depressed back then, and I was

his only anchor to reality.

Yet, I was still saying nonchalantly that he still had his mother left. Thinking back, I really should have slapped

myself for saying that.

It was already night when we reached the villa. Shawn immediately made a beeline to his room.

Seeing this, I followed him only to find that he had entered the bathroom, so I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner

with a heavy heart.

After preparing dinner, I noticed that he was still in the bathroom. Knocking on the door, all I heard was the sound

of water flowing inside.

Panicking, I shouted, "Shawn, can you hear me?"

Yet, still no reply came from within.

After thinking for a short while, I opened the door.

What greeted me was an asleep Shawn that was submerged in the bathtub. He looked especially fatigued.

Walking over, I tapped on his shoulder, wanting him to go rest on the bed, but before I could say anything, the man

dragged me into the bathtub with him.

Soaked, I still had a pair of tongs with me as I looked at him in a sad state.

Pursing his lips, the man slowly smiled.

Finally, he asked, "Were you looking for me?"

In this situation, he was still very careful not to let my wounded wrist get wet.

Frowning, I replied, "I wanted to tell you that dinner was ready."

Raising his eyebrows, he asked, "You know how to cook?"

"Yup," I replied.

"Why did you wait for me to cook for you at the villa then?" After a brief moment of silence, he thought of

something before he smiled. "You looked just like a pitiful kitten waiting for me to feed you."

Back then, I did not want to cook because Nicholas had hurt me, causing me to feel that I did not know how to


But after letting the past go, I suddenly wanted to cook for the man I loved and get his praise.

Since I could not just utter the reason why I did not cook, I just came up with an excuse, saying, "Because I was lazy.

I wanted you to cook so I could just focus on eating. Turns out that you were cooking only because you thought I

was pitiful."

Glancing at me, Shawn said somewhat dotingly, "You were looking at me very intently back then, so I called Kevin

up only to find that you were waiting for me to cook for you. At that time, I was wondering if you would continue to

starve if I had not cooked."

With a smile, I said, "I'll have to thank you for that then."

Releasing me from his grip, Shawn stood up.

Climbing out pitifully from the bathtub, I held onto a bathrobe that Shawn gave me before he took off my wet

clothes and helped me wear it. He did all of this without any other thoughts.

I made a lot of dishes, including fish and prawns. Shawn, who had eaten quite a lot, went to clean the kitchen after

the meal.

I said I was going to do it, but he only told me to go rest up instead.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Since he was abnormally stubborn, I just left the clean up of the kitchen to him and returned to the bedroom. After

showering while avoiding getting my wound wet, I laid on the bed before receiving a message from Olivia.

Now, he had a tinge of passion within him.

At that time, I did not know what Shawn was going through. He was actually very depressed back then, and I was

his only anchor to reality.

'Renee, a man is asking me out to watch a movie.'

Pondering for a second, I asked her, 'Will you be rejecting him?'

It would be best if she could forget about Christopher.

This was because I knew that they were not destined to be together. Even Olivia herself knew that she showed up

at the wrong time and her status did not match up with Christopher's.

'He's a doctor, so he's quite capable himself. But, there's still quite a difference between our families, so I'm afraid

that Dad and Mom might not agree to this…'

After a brief pause, she replied, 'I'm not interested in him.'

At this moment, Olivia's heart was filled with hesitation and confusion.

Patiently, I asked, 'What do you really want?'

'I want to try, but I'm afraid that I might not be able to forget about Christopher.'

Seeing this, I wrote, 'There's no harm in trying.'

It was only after a long time that Olivia replied, 'I'm not in Eldham anymore. I've decided to live in Goldshore. I'm

tired, Renee. I'm already 26 years old. I can't just forget about everything and chase after him. I want to try to live a

life without him.'

In actuality, Olivia had come to this decision half a year ago.

She had stopped pursuing Christopher half a year ago and did not follow him around the world anymore.

Originally, she had led a very peaceful life these last few months, but it all changed when Christopher suddenly

returned a while back.

Unwilling to accept this, she kicked up a fuss again, only to attract his ire.

This time, she had decided to leave this place.

Leave the city where Christopher resided and move to Goldshore.

Deep down, she wanted to try to accept another person into her heart.

She only told me all this because she thought I could understand her. Unfortunately, I could not provide much


After mulling over this for a good while, I replied, 'I also thought that I couldn't live without Nicholas and that I loved

him more than anything else in this world! But Olivia, love isn't about giving it to someone and staying that way for

the rest of your life. It only works if you meet the person at the right time. You need to believe that now's the best

time to change your fate.'

Just like May and Rudy, as well as me and Shawn.

Now, Olivia was about to march into a new chapter in her life.

'Thank you, Renee.'

Putting my phone away, I did not reply to her anymore. At that time, I did not know that Olivia was actually in a


She was hesitating whether she should take the dive or not, looking as if she had used up all her bravery on


Pacing up and down the hallway depressingly, the doctor in question, who had just finished his routine check, saw

her looking soulessly at the light above her.

Stopping in his steps, he stared coldly at her. "You haven't left yet, Miss Parker?"

Stunned, Olivia replied, "Doctor, actually I…"

Losing his patience, the doctor was about to pass her by when Olivia reached out and grabbed his white coat.

Staring at his beautiful eyes, she then weakly muttered, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you that day."

Frowning, the doctor asked, "What do you actually want, Miss Parker?"