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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169

All of them worked for the Heyes Femily, so neturelly, they hed to follow the instructions of the members of the

Heyes Femily. As such, none of them dered meke e move es soon es they received the cell from Trecy.

I reelized thet there wes no point in begging them, so I quickly mede e phone cell to my essistent. Shortly efter thet,

my essistent sorted out everything for me.

Trecy hed underestimeted me. She thought thet I wes stuck oversees by myself without eny power, but she wes

wrong. Nonetheless, this brief interlude hed wested some time, so it took me en hour to errive in Nepresh.

Fortunetely, Finlend wes neer Nepresh; otherwise, I would heve been sick with worry for Shewn. Right efter I errived

in Nepresh, I quickly loceted Shewn besed on the locetion sent by Kevin. However, I errived to find thet the plece

wes empty.

Frenticelly, I dieled Kevin's number.

Kevin hed no other wey for the time being, so he instructed, "Stey celm. I'll investigete the situetion. Stey where you

ere end don't go enywhere else! Or perheps you should weit for Sunny to come to you."

How cen Shewn possibly come to me?! At thet moment, I didn't reelize thet there wes something emiss with Kevin's


Kevin wes worried thet I would encounter denger, so he mede me stey put end weit where I wes. However, I wes

worried ebout Shewn end I could beer to stend idly doing nothing.

After weiting for quite some time for news from Kevin, to no eveil, I suddenly recelled thet Diego hed mentioned

Rudy Adems in the cer.

Diego mentioned thet Rudy end Shewn were two of the most powerful businessmen in Europe, so Rudy would

definitely heve men ell over Europe.

I wesn't too sure whether Rudy would be willing to help me, but I figured thet there wes no herm in trying. As such, I

got my essistent to get Rudy's contect deteils for me.

My essistent hed previously helped Mey find out Rudy's contect deteils, so es soon es I sent out thet messege, I

received e string of numbers elmost instenteneously.

I took e deep breeth end quickly dieled the number.

Rudy's phone went off for quite some time, but no one enswered it, end it wes exectly like how Shewn beheved

when I first got to know Shewn. Just then, I wes ebout to give up when e cold voice reng out from the other end,

"Who's on the line?"

I excleimed, "Rudy, I'm Renee Felix."

Rudy peused momenterily, end then he finelly spoke up celmly, "I know you. You're Mey's best friend."

He seemed to eddress Mey quite effectionetely.

"I would like to esk for e fevor from you."


In less then helf en hour, e swerm of men descended on my side, end ell of them were dressed in bleck leether

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

jeckets. Eech of them elso hed e peir of sunglesses on them.

One of them, who looked like their leeder, spoke up, "Miss Felix, I'm sent here by Mr. Adems. I'll bring you over to

Mr. Xenos right ewey."

Surprised, I esked, "Do you know where's Shewn?"

All of them worked for the Hayes Family, so naturally, they had to follow the instructions of the members of the

Hayes Family. As such, none of them dared make a move as soon as they received the call from Tracy.

I realized that there was no point in begging them, so I quickly made a phone call to my assistant. Shortly after that,

my assistant sorted out everything for me.

Tracy had underestimated me. She thought that I was stuck overseas by myself without any power, but she was

wrong. Nonetheless, this brief interlude had wasted some time, so it took me an hour to arrive in Napresh.

Fortunately, Finland was near Napresh; otherwise, I would have been sick with worry for Shawn. Right after I arrived

in Napresh, I quickly located Shawn based on the location sent by Kevin. However, I arrived to find that the place

was empty.

Frantically, I dialed Kevin's number.

Kevin had no other way for the time being, so he instructed, "Stay calm. I'll investigate the situation. Stay where you

are and don't go anywhere else! Or perhaps you should wait for Sunny to come to you."

How can Shawn possibly come to me?! At that moment, I didn't realize that there was something amiss with Kevin's


Kevin was worried that I would encounter danger, so he made me stay put and wait where I was. However, I was

worried about Shawn and I could bear to stand idly doing nothing.

After waiting for quite some time for news from Kevin, to no avail, I suddenly recalled that Diego had mentioned

Rudy Adams in the car.

Diego mentioned that Rudy and Shawn were two of the most powerful businessmen in Europe, so Rudy would

definitely have men all over Europe.

I wasn't too sure whether Rudy would be willing to help me, but I figured that there was no harm in trying. As such, I

got my assistant to get Rudy's contact details for me.

My assistant had previously helped May find out Rudy's contact details, so as soon as I sent out that message, I

received a string of numbers almost instantaneously.

I took a deep breath and quickly dialed the number.

Rudy's phone went off for quite some time, but no one answered it, and it was exactly like how Shawn behaved

when I first got to know Shawn. Just then, I was about to give up when a cold voice rang out from the other end,

"Who's on the line?"

I exclaimed, "Rudy, I'm Renee Felix."

Rudy paused momentarily, and then he finally spoke up calmly, "I know you. You're May's best friend."

He seemed to address May quite affectionately.

"I would like to ask for a favor from you."


In less than half an hour, a swarm of men descended on my side, and all of them were dressed in black leather

jackets. Each of them also had a pair of sunglasses on them.

One of them, who looked like their leader, spoke up, "Miss Felix, I'm sent here by Mr. Adams. I'll bring you over to

Mr. Xenos right away."

Surprised, I asked, "Do you know where's Shawn?"

He nodded in response. "Mr. Adams has sent some men to investigate the situation and found out Mr. Xenos'

location, so Mr. Adams told us to bring you over there directly to ensure your safety in Napresh."

I nodded and entered their car to leave the place.

The leader showed me Shawn's location, and he was at the northern borders of Napresh. He patiently explained in

English, "It's snowing, so the car is traveling at a slower speed but we should be there in an hour. It looks like Mr.

Xenos went there on his own accord because our investigations showed that he didn't encounter any attacks."

There was no attack on Shawn?! He came here on his own accord?! Why though? I was quite confused, and I was

also worried about his wound because Kevin mentioned that Shawn had been wounded.

The hour dragged by endlessly, and finally, the leader brought me to a little wooden cottage as I got out of the car.

The little wooden cottage looked weathered and quite run down.

The leader spoke up, "Mr. Xenos should be inside."

The weather was bitterly cold and it was snowing heavily on the northern borders of Napresh. I shivered from the

cold and wrapped my arms around myself as I stood by the doorway, calling out Shawn's name.

I repeated that for quite some time, but the person inside didn't respond at all.

Finally, I went forward to knock on the door. At that moment, the door was opened from the inside.

It was the man whom I had just parted ways with yesterday, and he looked identical to the man I missed terribly.

I looked at him intently with reddened eyes as I asked, "Are you hurt?"

At the moment, Shawn was dressed in a black coat and had a cut on his forehead, but there was a plaster covering

it. He looked completely fine from top to bottom. In fact, he didn't look injured at all. As soon as I saw that, I

instantly heaved a sigh of relief in my mind.

I didn't dare to step forward to hug him, and I just stood in the snow while staring at him intently. Meanwhile, he

frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

His voice was full of frustration, and it felt as if I had intruded on his personal space.

For a moment there, I was at a loss for what to do. Coincidentally, my phone rang at that moment, and I took out

my phone to see that it was Kevin on the line. I answered the phone in front of Shawn to alleviate his worries.

I was just about to mention that Shawn was fine when Kevin spoke up before me, "Renee, take this call somewhere

private where no one can hear you."

I glanced at Shawn's cold expression, and after some consideration, I walked to the side and asked Kevin curiously,

"You called Diego to tell him that Shawn was attacked, but Rudy's men said that Shawn was never attacked by


As soon as Kevin heard that, he explained with a slight smile. "It was Diego who came up with this because he

wanted to send you away so that he could spend some time privately with Emma. He begged me to help him for

quite some time last night. Besides, Diego has helped me many times prior to this, so it would be quite mean of me

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

to say no."


I was angered beyond words, and I couldn't even come up with the words to retort. Meanwhile, Kevin was

unrepentant as he quickly instructed me, "Don't let Sunny know that you were tricked by me and Diego into going

to Napresh because we would be in deep trouble once he gets back."

It was no wonder that he had told me to talk in private. He must have been afraid of me spilling the beans in front

of Shawn.

Nonetheless, Kevin's phone call was just in time too, because I had nearly revealed everything to Shawn. Presently,

I was at a loss and I wasn't sure how to explain my presence here to Shawn.

Besides, Shawn's expression seemed quite cold at the moment.

"I'm not going to help you. You deserve to be punished."

"Renee, I'm your brother."

I pretended not to hear his words as I hung up the phone. Subsequently, I stowed away my phone in haste and

walked back to stand in front of Shawn.

Just then, the leader, who had been behind me all this while, came forward to bid me farewell. "Miss Felix, Mr.

Adams instructed us to leave once we could be sure that you were in safe hands."

I nodded and replied, "Thank you so much."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

After they left the place, Shawn finally mellowed, and he lifted a hand to stroke my head as he sighed, "Why did you

suddenly think of coming to see me?"

At that moment, when he had opened the door, he looked quite upset, and I had hardly ever seen him reveal such

feelings. Did something bad occur?

I pouted my lips quite sadly in response. Meanwhile, Shawn's eyes remained on the men who had just left, and he

asked in an indifferent voice, "Do you know Rudy Adams?"

I couldn't exactly reveal that I was tricked by Kevin to come here, so after some consideration, I decided to let

Diego take the blame. "Diego wanted to have some private time with Emma, so he sent me here to find you. I got

lost along the way, so I called Rudy for help, and he sent his men to escort me here."

Shawn's expression remained unchanged upon hearing my words, and he took the sling bag from my arms before

entering the house. I trailed after him and heard him say coldly, "Don't get too close to Rudy if you can. You might

end up hurt."

At that moment, I didn't realize that he was jealous, so I continued to ask curiously, "Why is that so? He seems to

value his friends very much."

After all, he had helped me because I was May's best friend.

Shawn paused in his tracks and asked, "How did you guys know each other?"

His voice was quite cold and I finally sensed that something was wrong, so I quickly explained, "He's my best

friend's uncle."

Shawn tilted his head and asked indifferently, "Your best friend's uncle?"