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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 601
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Chapter 601 Sun-Drenched

Christopher and Emma left while the night was still young, whereas Diego and Ian only left at 10.00PM. After seeing

them away, I gave Eins and Zwei some food before heading upstairs.

I took a shower in the bathroom next door, and it wasn't until I was done that I returned to our bedroom to find

Shawn had awoken. "What's wrong? Are you thirsty?" I lay by his side and cooed.

As he had just awoken, a hint of confusion still laced his eyes. He closed them once more, taking a moment to

himself before asking, "No. How long was I asleep for?"

"About four hours. Go on, go back to sleep."

Honestly, my heart twinged to see him so busy.

"I have some business to sort out," he said while getting up. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll tell Kevin to come to Finland

the day after tomorrow."

"Why the day after tomorrow?" I was rather bewildered.

"I haven't been spending much time with you lately because of all the things I have to deal with. As such, I'll take

time off tomorrow and spend some quality time with you. Besides, I'll probably be swamped with work after

tomorrow." Shawn got out of bed and put on dark-colored pajamas before continuing, "Things are different here

than in Bryxton. I have many issues to deal with."

"Just do whatever you need to. No need to worry about me," I said understandingly. "I have you for the whole day

tomorrow, and the twins will have arrived the following day. Besides, I've made Christopher a promise. He has a few

upcoming concerts in the cities nearby, and he's asked me to learn from him. Serene will be with me too. I have

quite the schedule, as you can see."

Shawn stilled. "He treats you very well."

"Why do you say that?" I asked in wonder. "Are you jealous?"

He took a plain gander at me, and I went over to hug him, smelling his scent as I said, "The only thing that ever

happened between us was the crush I had on him. That's basically it. Besides, we're still friends after clearing this

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up. He's just as sagacious as you are. I'm sure you're aware that there's nothing romantic at all between us."

"Yeah, I do. I told you I respect your past. I'm not jealous but merely stating a fact."

"Still sounds pretty jealous to me," I said on purpose, rendering him at a loss for words.

He circled my waist and rubbed his fingers against the skin for a moment before letting me go and striding out of

the room. After blow-drying my hair, I brewed some tea and brought it to his study and found him on a video


As I placed the tea in front of him, a woman's voice came from the video. "Is that a woman's hand, Shawn?"

Shawn didn't answer her but instead said, "Continue."

With that, the person continued with their report. It wasn't after Shawn was done with his video conference that I

asked, "Who was that woman?"

"A collaborator. Lestrange. I don't remember her first name," Shawn answered forthrightly.

"She probably asked you the question because she likes you."

"Is that so?" asked Shawn plainly, then quirked a brow. "Are you jealous?"

"I was just curious."

At that, Shawn comforted me, saying, "Kevin said there are thousands, if not millions, of women who like me. His

words, not mine. Imagine how exhausted you'd be if you bothered yourself with every single one of them. Their

fondness for me has nothing to do with me, though. I only have eyes for you."

"I swear, Sunny!" I chuckled.


"How are you able to say sweet nothings with a straight face?"

"Mm. Are you not going to bed?"

"I want to stay with you for a while."

Delighted, Shawn commented, "Diego said I'm a bore when I work. You, on the other hand, like to keep me

company instead."

Shawn was very diligent with his work. This morning, for instance, he had barely spoken to me, only busying away in

his own world, yet he was so attentive. He was never one to voice out in the group chats, and everyone thought he

never read any of the messages. In actuality, he read every single one of them carefully. He even took to heart the

things I texted in the group and deliberately drove to the city center to get me the candy. Also, it was worth

mentioning the candy was identical to the one Emma gave me.

He might appear aloof, but he was incredibly gentle and attentive.

"It's because they're guys that they think you're boring. Any woman who likes you will think you're incredibly

charming when you work."

"You're always generous with your praises toward me."

At that, Shawn opened one of the documents piled up on his desk while I sat on the couch in his study and said,

"You are very charming in the first place. Also, a thought just hit me. Do you have more candy?"

"Have you already eaten the one just now?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did!"

"That's it, then," he said directly.

"Did you only get one?"

"Yes. You won't appreciate it if I get you more."

"Who deliberately buys one candy?!"

Shawn ignored me this time. Thus, I shot him a glare and left the study. After returning to our room, I lay in bed and

checked my phone to find a text from Kevin in the group chat. 'Thanks for the money, Sunny!'

'How did you get the money when you're not here, Kev?'

Kevin, who practically lived on the internet, answered me in two shakes. 'Those working at the headquarters are

given cash while the rest of us receive the money through bank transactions! Sunny has made it rain this time, I'm

telling you. Word from Waylen is that he spent about 1.5 billion.'

Holy s—sugar and spice! 1.5 billion?!

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'That's a lot of money!' I commented in shock.

'Naturally. Sunny has so many subsidiaries under his name that the number of employees comes up to a little over

a hundred thousand. Given that everyone gets 9,999… Yeap, 1.5 billion is just about right. This is the first time

Sunny has done what a CEO should since becoming a CEO—splurging, and sun-drenched at that!'

Indeed, it was sun-drenched; everyone got their share.

At that, I commented admirably, 'I became the CEO of Felix Corporation when I was fourteen. Though I never

appreciated the value of money, I have never been this generous either! Come to think of it, I'm pretty stingy—I

have to admit that. Earlier in the day, I thought about giving the employees at Xenos Solutions money out of

courtesy. Then, the number of employees struck me, and I thought… Haha, I decided to take my words back.'

Kevin sent a despise emoji in response, then criticized me. 'You're the CEO of Xenos Solutions. You are deep-

pocketed! Word is that the Xenoses have a ton of gold in their possession. But that's just hearsay. Anyway, that's not

the point. The point is, Sunny is freaking rich! His money is also your money, which means you're the richest

woman in the world! So how can you be so stingy?!'

Of course, I wasn't really stingy. It was just that I had never splurged however I wanted to ever since I was in this

position. Even if the thought struck me, I'd certainly have to talk to Anthony about it in private.

I would never make immediate decisions as Shawn had.

'Who said the Xenoses have gold?' I changed the subject.

'I forgot. Sunny's mother, I think.'

'Well, she's not wrong.'

And it was hidden in Brimstone Mountain, which Charles was guarding.

Though he said his life-long mission had ended, he didn't have any children. As such, he decided to stay in

Brimstone Mountain and help the Xenoses keep watch over their wealth while returning my parents' favor.

'I'm genuinely envious of you.'

'Be my son, and you can inherit an asset or two.'

'Excuse you!' Kevin scolded me in the group chat. 'Would I do something that spineless just to inherit your assets?!'

Then, he added, 'Will Eilam get a share too in the future?'