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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86

Shawn was like my saving grace right then—even though there wasn't much life in me left to be saved. I crawled

toward him and spread my arms wide open while the rest of the wedding guests stared at us dumbfoundedly. I was

worried that he would reject me, so I tried to sweet-talk him a little.

His entire figure was spotless, and he wore a thoughtful and inquisitive look in his eyes as he stepped forward to

look at me. I was suddenly reminded of what he once said. "I'm a clean freak." I was extremely dirty right then, so it

was impossible for him to carry me. I was just about to pull my hands away when he bent down and lifted me into

his arms. "Myra," he uttered in a deep, magnetic voice.

"I'm so sad," I wailed. My body was like a cat's as I curled up in his arms and clung to his shirt without letting go. He

tightened his grip on me as he looked at the crowd before him. They were all people of power, but it was clear that

they were shocked by what they had just seen. Even Nicholas looked a little dazed.

Benedict called out for Shawn when he saw the young man. "Mr. Xenos, how did you find the time to attend my

daughter's wedding?" Benedict was smart enough to build connections even during such times. However, Shawn

merely glared at the old man before he spoke in a heartless tone. "I came here for Myra. Since she doesn't want

the couple to get married, I'll have to stop this wedding."

Shawn didn't sound like he was open to any discussion at that point, and Benedict was too taken aback to speak for

a moment. "Myra is…?" Benedict asked after a while. "Renee," Shawn replied without batting an eyelid. I glared at

him dumbfoundedly. So, he knew about my identity all along?! Why is he here today? Has he been tracking me all


Benedict responded to Shawn after a while. "Sure, Mr. Xenos."

I didn't know Shawn that well, but whatever happened had just proven Merlin and his assistant right. However, after

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seeing the scene that just occurred, I concluded that Shawn must be one of the most influential figures since even

Benedict had to bow down to him. How powerful is this man exactly?

"You can't do that, Dad!" Alice started to throw a fit. However, Benedict wasn't in the mood to deal with her then.

"Shut up. We'll talk about this later," he ordered.

Shawn was about to carry me away when Clair stopped him. "Mr. Xenos, can I know how you're related to Renee?"

The Norman Family only established its business because of Shawn, so Clair spoke in a polite tone as he showed

some levels of respect for the man. However, Shawn only gazed at him for a short while before walking off without

giving an answer. The crowd was left with nothing but Shawn's back figure as he walked off on his own.

Shawn was carrying me, and Waylen was holding an umbrella for us. My body still felt chilly although I was no

longer under the rain. When Shawn brought me into the car, I could still see Nicholas' dumbfounded figure standing

by the entrance of the church. Alice had one hand reached out to hold Nicholas' arm. Nothing's worse than a

broken heart, huh? I thought to myself as I looked away to ignore them.

My figure was trembling, so Shawn took off his coat and placed it over me. "I'll bring you somewhere far away," he

said in a comforting tone. I wasn't in my right mind at that point, and I used my fingers to grab onto his collar

before whispering into his ear, "I have cancer. I don't think I can survive for long. My condition has already


All of a sudden, Waylen interrupted me to speak to Shawn. "There was a woman who came earlier, and she

claimed that she could heal Miss Felix, Mr. Xenos." I tightened my grip on his collar, and he lowered his gaze to look

at me. "I don't want that woman to save me," I muttered.

He simply nodded before telling his driver to drive. Soon after that, Shawn brought me out of the rainy Bryxton all

the way to Eldham. I couldn't remember much of anything as I slept for the most part.

In between naps, I woke up confused about where we were. However, I always felt the steady support coming from

beside me. It seemed like Shawn had brought me to the hospital, and I lost most of my consciousness after that. I

had a long, long dream where I was alone in an empty space. In my dream, I had a healthy body, and I didn't feel

any sorrow at all. It felt like I was a child again. I ran around happily in this emptiness, and it was a while before I

bumped into a man with a tall build and broad shoulders. His back was turned against me. "Who are you?" I asked

out of curiosity.

The moment he turned around, the space behind him turned into a starry night sky, and his eyes gleamed like the

two brightest stars around. He didn't seem human—he was the most handsome being I had ever met in my life. He

looked like a mythical creature, yet I didn't find myself attracted to him at all. I was just a regular girl, after all. I

liked people who were made of blood and flesh, like I was. "Who are you?" I asked him with a smile.

"Myra," he uttered in his deep voice.

Myra… He sounded extremely heartless as he called me. What an ice-cold being, I thought. "You can call me

Reene," I told him. He simply smirked without saying anything. Did he just smile? I wondered.

When I woke up in the hospital, Waylen was the only person by my side. "Am I in Eldham?" I asked him dazedly.

"Yes, Miss Felix," he replied politely.

"How long have I been in a coma?" I asked while sitting up.

"Today would've been your ninth day," he replied. I straightened my figure in shock. "So, I didn't die?" Did I manage

to survive despite my body's terrible condition?

Waylen provided me with a detailed explanation after seeing how surprised I was. "Your condition was really bad

that day, Miss Felix. Mr. Xenos agreed to the doctor's suggestion, so you were arranged to undergo surgery.

Fortunately, the Xenos Family has access to the drugs that you need," he said.

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"What do you mean by that?" I eyed him confusedly.

"Congratulations, Miss Felix. Your illness has mostly been healed after the surgery and some chemotherapy. If you

start taking more care of your body from now on, you should heal pretty soon," Waylen said with a grin.

"My cancer…" I muttered.

"There was a young girl who stopped our car and told us that she knew how to save you, Miss Felix. Coincidentally,

her teacher also happened to be one of the scientists in the Xenos Family. The Xenos Family happened to have the

drugs she was talking about," Waylen explained.

I was overjoyed—I didn't know how to express my happiness at that moment. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes, Miss Felix," Waylen said in a firm tone. Oh, how the tables have turned! I can't believe my cancer can be

healed. I don't even have to rely on Quinn! Quinn… I thought about Nicholas whenever I thought about Quinn.

As I lowered my gaze, Waylen was quick to notice my change in demeanor. "Are you sad, Miss Felix?" he asked


I shook my head to deny it. "Where's Shawn?" I asked.

"He's out for work," Waylen replied. That means that he's not in Eldham, I thought. I didn't feel too disappointed by

the news—I just felt conflicted because of the whole mess that was waiting for me back in Bryxton.

Waylen handed me the pills while giving me a reminder. "You have to take these during the stated time," he said.

"Thank you," I uttered gratefully.

"You'll have to get some rest since you've just completed surgery, Miss Felix. Mr. Xenos didn't specify anything, but

he was hoping that you could stay in the hospital for a few more days," Waylen uttered.

Shawn had shown up and disappeared without any notice in the past few times I'd met him, so we never really got

to talk to one another. However, he was extremely nice to me.

"Why were you guys at the church the other day, Waylen?" I asked the assistant puzzledly. After a short pause, I

pressed my lips together before questioning him. "Did Shawn go th