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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

The line was busy, so I couldn't contact Shawn at all. I ended the call dejectedly before returning my focus to the

repost that Xenos Solutions' official website had made. The more I stared at it, the more annoyed I felt. In the end, I

couldn't help but give Kevin a call. He picked up my call for a moment, but he ended it directly after that! Is he

trying to provoke me right now?! What a nasty guy!

Frustration bubbled in my chest as I tightened my grip on the phone. Soon enough, Kevin sent me a text. 'I was just

trying to show support. I wanted everyone to know that there was someone who loved you! Anyway, I'm not going

to delete the tweet!' So, he knew the reason I had called him!

I held onto my phone and left the office grumpily. As I got downstairs, I felt the urge to head to Eldham just to give

Kevin a punch in the face. However, I eventually let out a sigh of resignation. "I should go to Shawn for this matter,"

I muttered to myself.

Since Shawn didn't pick up his phone, I sent him a text. 'There's something that I'd like to talk to you about, Sunny.' I

figured that he would reply to me when he had the time to do so. I had just texted him when May sent me a

WhatsApp message. 'How are you, Renee?' she asked worriedly. She had already texted and called me two months

ago when Shawn first brought me away from Bryxton. However, I was feeling really down back then, so I barely

used my phone. All of the messages and missed calls piled up on my phone, and I only sent a broadcast message

once I got back to Bryxton. 'I'm back in Bryxton. Don't miss me too much,' it said.

When May received this text, she understood that I didn't want to be bothered—that was why she didn't contact me

immediately. She only contacted me after what happened the day before and after I had made a statement about

it. May was the one person who knew about my experiences throughout the years—she understood all of the

sorrow and pain that I had been through. Moreover, she knew that I needed time to digest the situation. So, she

only texted me after I was done processing my emotions. 'How are you, Renee?'

She was asking about how I was doing. 'Everything's fine,' I replied calmly. My cancer had been treated, and I had

managed to bid goodbye to the past. I didn't feel too drained by this situation—the only thing that required more of

my effort was the issue with Felix Corporation. That, and Quinn's kidney… I guess I'll deal with that a while later. I

just want to enjoy my life for now, even if I'm not in a relationship.

'Where are you?' I asked her after hesitating for a moment. I hadn't met May since her miscarriage, and I had no

idea how she was doing. After a while, she responded in a rather gloomy tone. 'I'm at work. I feel troubled by so

many things—I'm about to drown in frustration!'

Did she say that she's at work?! Since when did she find a job? 'Do you want me to pay you a visit?' I asked.

'Sure! It's been so long since we last met!' she replied. After she sent me her address, I headed to the company's

garage and got into my white race car before driving over to her. When I arrived, May was being held back by her

superior, so she couldn't leave immediately. I felt rather grossed out as I waited in the car and stared at the building

in front of me, because her workplace was none other than Adams Corporation. She had finally managed to get

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into the company.

It was past noontime when May finally made her way down. "My superior is so annoying," she uttered while

dragging her tired figure over to my car.

"Do I know your superior?" I asked out of curiosity.

She opened the door and let herself into the car. "You're famous, while my superior is just some random person.

How would you guys know each other?"

"I thought your superior would be someone from the Adams Family," I explained. She quickly shook her head. "Both

sons of the Adams Family stopped working in Adams Corporation after Rudy returned to Bryxton. I'm not sure about

the reason for this, but I heard that Old Master Adams was trying to please Rudy." Apparently, the assistant

mentioned that Rudy refused to work with anyone after returning to Bryxton. It seemed like Chairman Adams didn't

wish to let go of a powerful figure in the company.

May sighed before speaking. "I recently found out about Rudy's history. It makes sense for him not to show much

interest in the Adams Family—they aren't that big of a deal after all. Furthermore, I heard that he often works with

Shawn," she said.

Why is May mentioning Shawn all of a sudden… "Are you about to ask about Shawn and—" I muttered hesitantly.

However, she quickly interrupted me with a smile on her face. "That's not it. Shawn… I've only heard Rudy mention

him briefly. Shawn sounded like someone who wasn't a fan of forming partnerships, and he seemed to put most of

his efforts into international businesses. He's definitely a man who can handle risks," she said.

I didn't know much about the Xenos Family's background, but there was certainly a limited number of families who

worked with the Xenos Family. The Xenoses were definitely a lone wolf. Judging by how they managed to get to

where they were on their own, they had to have some form of an extremely powerful background. However, I

didn't know the details of it.

Even though Shawn often told me that I would have the Xenos Family's support, I never had a clear picture of what

the Xenos Family did. As I started the car to drive away from the building, I responded to May's statement honestly.

"I don't know that much about Shawn. I just saved him once, and… Well, we somehow got to know each other. He's

been treating me well ever since," I uttered.

May pulled her lipstick out and touched up while glancing at the mirror attached to the car. "What could a man's

intention be when he's nice to a woman?"

I stared at her speechlessly.

"It's because he fancies you, of course," she uttered in a firm tone.

"What about Rudy, then?" I asked in return. Rudy was nice to May too. She froze without responding after that. We

were both smart enough to stop bringing up either one of the men after that. "What happened back then?" I asked


"Are you talking about my miscarriage?" She was a quick-witted woman. I nodded, and she lowered her gaze

before speaking in a calm tone. "There were a few jealous women who thought that I was pregnant with Rudy's

child. Perhaps I was really close to him then… Anyway, I'm going to avenge my child's death within the next few


Jealous women… Hearing that, I naturally thought about Maria and Alice. It was common to see girls flocking

around handsome and talented men like Rudy and Shawn, but it also made things harder for the innocent women

around them. "Don't be sad." I felt my heart aching for her as I tried to comfort her. May simply scoffed in

response. "I'm not sad. I'm about to make them pay. Rudy had intentionally offered to deal with them on my behalf,

but I rejected his offer. I want to do this on my own."

After pausing for a while, May let out a slight chuckle. "This was the only flesh and blood that he had left in this

world. How am I supposed to not feel sad about it?" I didn't know what to say then, so I simply stopped the car

before pulling her in for a hug. She bawled her eyes out while clinging to me.

May had been completely heartbroken ever since Alba's death. There wasn't even anyone around to comfort her at

one point.

After having a meal and strolling around with May, she picked out a black belt as a gift for me. After putting it on

me, she pressed her palms against my waist before sighing. "What a slim waist. You're fair, slim, and gorgeous,

Renee. You're practically tempting all men to commit sins by wearing this singlet of yours," she said.

I stared at her speechlessly. The belt that she had bought for me was rather wide, and it looked pretty cool. It made

my waist seem especially slim when I put it around my pants. I had to admit that I had a small waist—it was literally

the size of Shawn's both palms when he held onto me.

Whenever I thought of Shawn, I felt rather flustered. Why am I thinking about him all of a sudden? I hastily shook

my head.

A while after I parted ways with May, I received a call from Shawn. "What is it?" he asked coldly. I quickly told him

about what Kevin did, and he fell silent for a moment before speaking again. "Okay. Got it," he uttered flatly.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

"Hmm. I'm at Bryxton," he said out of nowhere. Why is he mentioning this? Why did he come here, anyway? What

should I say in response?

I pressed my lips together and hesitated for a while. "Where are you?" I asked.

"I've just arrived at the airport. I have clients to meet later," he said. The old Shawn wouldn't have told me his


"Are you going back to Eldham tonight?" I asked.

"I have other matters to do in Bryxton," he replied. This meant that he wasn't going to head back to Eldham.

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"Where are you staying?" I forced the question out of my mouth.

"Hmm?" he replied icily. He seemed to think that I was a busybody.

Would it be heartless of me to not welcome his presence in Bryxton? He saved me, after all. I felt conflicted for a

long while, but I eventually managed to conjure a sentence. "If you don't have a place to stay, you can stay at mine.

I can go back to the villa."

"Myra," he said all of a sudden.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I'm going back to Eldham tonight," he said.

What? A dumbfounded look spread across my face. Did he just abruptly decide to head back to Eldham after

hearing my invitation for him to stay at my place? How distant is this man? He's probably a cold-blooded creature.

Yeah, he's definitely a cold-blooded man.

"I see," I replied awkwardly. He ended my call right after that. Soon enough, I received a call from Kevin. "Did you

call Sunny and tell on me?" he asked.

"No." I denied my actions.

"Then why did he just transfer me to an overseas department all of a sudden?" Kevin asked.

Is this Shawn's way of punishing Kevin for jumping the gun? Why is Shawn such an extreme man? "Things aren't

that serious, are they?" There was guilt in my voice.

"He just called me to give me his orders! I don't care, Myra. Sunny's in Bryxton right now. You need to go to him and

put in a good word for me. Otherwise, I'll log onto Xenos Solutions' official account, and I'm going to write all sorts

of cheesy statements!"

"Are you that childish, Kev?" I muttered grumpily.

"My entire family is in Eldham, and I don't want to go overseas at all. If you don't speak up for me, I'm going to fight

you!" he cried.

I was speechless once more. If Kevin actually used the Xenos Solution's official account to write other embarrassing

stuff, then I would never hear the end of this matter. I felt conflicted at that point, so I couldn't do much but call

Shawn again. "Where are you, Sunny?"

"What?" he muttered icily. This was his way of asking me what was going on. I hesitated for a long while as I felt

extremely torn by this matter. However, I eventually decided to avoid Kevin's threats. "Kev called me to apologize

earlier," I told Shawn honestly. "Can you not punish him anymore?" I asked.

Shawn only responded with more silence. I knew what he could be like, so I didn't feel bothered at all. "I'll pick you

up and send you to work," I offered. He didn't respond after that, so I called his name in my whiny and soft tone. "I

want to see you. Can we meet?" I said in a coquettish tone. Even I felt embarrassed by my own existence at that


However, my priority then was to ensure that Shawn would give in to my request. Right when I thought he would

never respond to me, he gave me an address. "I'm leaving in 40 minutes."

"I'm coming now!" I replied excitedly.