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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1101-1150
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Chapter 1101

“Really? That’s great!”

Selena grinned and added, “You have to find the right time to go out, okay? After all, it won’t be easy for

them to find you since they can’t follow you. This way, they won’t know where you’re heading!”

“Of course not. I’ll give them a signal to make them think that I’m going to the branch family! I’ll wait for

them to head over to the branch families, and then I won’t turn up there at all!”

jackie flashed a wicked grin. “We’ll make them go on a merry hunt. There are so many branch families.

They’ll be wasting plenty of time while they’re going on the search!”

“That’s a great idea. Hah!”

Ben laughed after he heard all this.

However, he quickly frowned and said, “But how are you going to hint them? You can’t just run up to

them and announce it just like that. They’d never believe you that way!”

“Of course we can’t do that!”

jackie smiled. “Your sister and I will put on a show before Hudson. I noticed that he’s always sticking

around the Third Elder and Lily and he’s definitely up to no good. He’ll definitely report any rumors he

hears to the Third Elder or Lily!”

“All right. So that matter is settled! You have to leave in secret, okay? Only then will the plan work!”

Selena nodded her head.

The next morning, jackie heard a piece of good news—the Third Elder had retreated.

“That’s great. The Third Elder has retreated. It’ll be even safer for you when you go out, Dear! Any

regular person is no match for you!”

Selena heaved an internal sigh of relief when she heard the news. After all, jackie feared the Third Elder

the most at present. The Third Elder and the First Elder were fighters at the advanced stage of the true

god status, and the strongest fighter in the White family was Nash, who was at the peak of the true god


Now, with Nash’s physical condition in this state, the only person who could match the Third Elder was

the First Elder.

“It’s definitely good news!”

jackie gave a bitter smile. “But it might not necessarily be a good thing,” he said. “If the Third Elder is

choosing to retreat at this moment, it means that he has a plan. Right now, only the First Elder can beat

him. The Third Elder must be trying to break through the peak of the true god status in one shot! It’ll be

troublesome if he actually achieves that!”

“No way. So you’re saying that he wants to rebel?”

Selena’s expression darkened when she heard this. “He still wants to be the head of the house even

though he’s so old?”

“Of course he does!”

jackie’s lips curved into a frosty smile. “I overheard two members of the White family talking after they

had just returned from the search the other day. They were probably in charge of helping to find Lance.

After listening to their conversation, I think that the Third Elder does not believe that Lance will return


Chapter 1102

“No way. That old fox is so dangerous!”

Selena was shocked after she heard that. “He’s already so old. I never thought that he’d want to take the

head of the house position for himself!”

“Who knows what he’s thinking? He wants to kill me and Lance, and now he’s even retreated. It’d be odd

if his intention was not to be the head of the house!”

jackie gave a cold smile. “However, I heard that it’s not been that long since he achieved the advanced

level of true god status. That’s why it won’t be easy for him to experience a breakthrough. It’ll take a long

time. That’s why I must quickly find the antidote for my father!”

As the two talked, they actually saw Hudson walking over.

jackie and Selena exchanged a glance and smiled. They immediately understood each other’s thoughts.

“How many branch families are there, dear? What are you going there for? Are you going to every single

one of them?”

Selena asked jackie on purpose once Hudson walked a little closer.

jackie bobbed his head. “Mmhmm. I’m going to see all of them. I’m not very familiar with them yet. I’ll

also take a look and see if there are any masters among them. If so, we should converse more with the

members of the branch families!”

“When are you leaving?”

Selena asked again.

“Tomorrow! Since I’ve nothing much to do for now.”

jackie replied, smiling.

Hudson, who had just happened to pass by, scrunched his brows together when he heard of the two’s

dialogue. Delight leaped in his heart, and he quickly scurried away to find Lily.

“First Madam, I’ve got some big news!”

Hudson could not help but burst into laughter after he came to Lily’s residence.

After all, Nash was dying, and Lance was missing. No one had found any traces of him even after so

long, so he was probably eaten by monsters already.

Furthermore, if jackie was truly killed by Lily, he would be the only true master in the White family. This

meant that he still had a chance to become the heir to the White family. He might even become the


When he thought of this, he was extremely elated.

“Big news? Heh. How big could it be?”

Lily chuckled after she heard that. “Tell me. I’ve not heard of any good news ever since jackie got here! I

truly hope you are here with some good news!”

After she said that, Lily thought of something, and her eyes immediately brightened. “Don’t tell me that

Lance is back?” she guessed. “Has he been found?”

Hudson was speechless for a while. He shook his head slowly. “That’s not the case, First Madam. But

there’s some other good news!”

“All right. Just spit it out. It probably won’t be much of a good news, since it’s not about Lance!”

Lily released a long sigh, disappointment flashing in her eyes.

“First Madam, I think this piece of news is worth two stalks of first-grade premium spirit grass!”

Hudson looked at Lily, grinning, trying to hint at the news.

Chapter 1103

“Two stalks?”

Lily’s expression darkened. “You must be joking. I might believe you if you said that it’s worth a first-

grade intermediate spirit grass. You’re telling me it’s worth first-grade premium spirit grass—and two

stalks, at that! Do you realize the sheer value of that?”

“No, no. It’s definitely worth two stalks of first-grade premium spirit grass. Trust me!”

Hudson tilted his head.

“No way. Two stalks of first-grade intermediate spirit grass, at most!”

Lily was also a stubborn person. She folded her arms over her chest, her features twisted into a flippant


“All right. I take it that you don’t want to grab an opportunity to kill jackie. All right then!”

Frostiness tinged the corners of Hudson’s lips. He wheeled around and stalked out.

He was well aware that aside from wanting her son to come back alive, Lily desperately wanted to kill


He did not believe that Lily would be able to resist that idea.


Lily immediately called out to Hudson when she heard that it was an opportunity to kill jackie.

She flipped a palm and took two stalks of first-grade premium spirit grass, thrusting it toward Hudson.

“Tell me. What news do you have?”

Hudson swiped the spirit grass away and grinned. “You truly are generous, First Madam,” he said. “In all

honesty, jackie is digging a grave for himself! I overheard him and his wife talking just now. He said that

he was going to the branch families tomorrow to meet them!”

“The branch families? What on earth would he want to go to the branch families for?”

Lily’s eyes brightened when she heard that. “Fantastic. This is indeed good news. That brat is actually

leaving the White family residence. He’s truly digging a grave for himself. This is a golden opportunity to

kill him!”

“That’s right. He said that he wanted to get to know more of the branch family members and survey the

masters among them so that he can contact them more easily!”

Hudson smiled. “I think that punk knows that plenty of members from the main family look down on him

because he’s from the mortal realm. So he wants to curry favor with the branch family members and get

their recognition instead.”

“That’s probably it!”

Lily nodded her head. “He’s leaving tomorrow, right? I’ll assign two guards to keep watch at the bottom of

the mountain tomorrow. They’ll inform me immediately once he leaves. Then I’ll send more people to kill


“Right. This is a serious opportunity to kill him. We can’t miss it. That’s why we can’t afford any slip-ups,”

Hudson immediately replied. “He’s a pretty strong fighter, and he has good talent—who knew that he

would be a second-grade intermediate fighter. That’s why we should probably get those who are at the

peak of the true god status to kill him. If we can’t muster that manpower, we must at least get people at

the beginning stage of the true god status after him!”

Lily frowned when she heard this. “Actually, the best man for the job is the Third Elder. He would

guarantee us results. But he just had to retreat. We have to find someone else to kill that brat!”

“Mmhmm. And we must find someone we can trust. Before, it’d be fine to kill him because he was not the

heir, but it’s different now that he’s the heir. That’s why we must find someone trustworthy and

dependable. Someone who won’t reveal their identity, and someone who won’t let that brat escape!”

Since Hudson wanted to become the heir, he willingly helped Lily in her schemes!

“What about this? I’ll look for two fighters who are at the beginning stage of the true god status. That

should be enough. We’ll just kill him and those friends of his if he brings them along. We won’t give them

a chance to escape!”

Lily decided after thinking for a while.

Chapter 1104

Lily quickly went to look for two members of the Lagorio family after considering the situation.

These two were from the Lagorio family, but they were Patronums in the White family, who had always

relied heavily on them.

They had the Lagorio surname, but because of the relationship between the First Madam and Nash and

how the White family treated them nicely, they worked hard for the White family, putting effort into

whatever they did.

“What? You’re telling us to follow Young Master jackie and kill him?”

The two Patronums could not help but exclaim once they knew why Lily had come to them.

They had never imagined that she would assign them to such a task.

“What’s wrong with it? Don’t tell me that you have a problem? You both are fighters who are at the

beginning stage of the true god realm. Surely it won’t be difficult to kill jackie.”

Lily was taken aback for a while, then she spoke with a cold smile hanging on her lips.

“We didn’t mean it like that!”

The young woman among them scrunched her brows together. “First Madam, even if Young Master

jackie snatched the position that your son should have taken, we shouldn’t kill him over this, right? After

all, he is the master’s son. The master is already in such a state, and Young Master Lance is…”

A shadow immediately fell over Lily’s face. “What are you saying? Are you trying to tell me that my son

will never come back? That he’s dead?”

“Don’t misunderstand me, First Madam. We didn’t mean that. But we don’t know if Lance is alive or not,

and the master is in such a poor state. Young Master jackie has strong talent, and he’s the master’s son.

I think it’s fine if he becomes head of the house! We can’t have someone unsuitable sitting in that

position, right? Hudson isn’t too bad, but he’s no match for jackie!”

Yolanda, the young Patronum, finally managed to wrangle her thoughts out after pondering for a while.

“Are you betraying your own for another now, Yolanda? Don’t forget that it was me who brought you over

to the White family. You were weak then, and no one cared about you in the Lagorio family. But you

advanced so much after you came here, and your fighting skills grew rapidly. Besides, it was I who

fought for the Patronum position on your behalf. And now you want to help jackie?”

Lily’s expression darkened, as though a storm were brewing across her brows. “I gave this task to the

both of you because I trusted you. I never thought that you would say something like that to me, Yolanda


“Don’t worry, First Madam. We are from the Lagorio family. We will listen to whatever you say!”

Yolanda thought for a while before adding, “I just think that it would be a shame if a master like jackie

were to die just like that. And I’m afraid that there won’t be a successor to the White family. What if

Young Master Lance doesn’t return? What do we do then?”

“First of all, I believe that my son will come back,” Lily replied, huffing. “Secondly, even if my son doesn’t

come back, we can’t let an illegitimate child like jackie become the head of the house—and he’s a live-in

son-in-law, to boot! We’ll become a laughing stock if word of this gets out to other families. Understand?”

Here, Lily paused for a while before continuing, “At any rate, be here tomorrow morning. Follow jackie

once he sets out for the branch families, then kill him once you’re some distance away from the White

family residences. Kill all his friends if they’re with him. Got it?”

“Don’t worry, First Madam. We will carry out your commands without fail!”

The other Patronum, a young man, gave a wan smile and swore to Lily.

“Good. Keep this a secret. Got it?”

Lily nodded her head and said.

Chapter 1105

Yolanda heaved an internal sigh, but she had no choice but to nod her head and agree to it.

However, she did not expect her partner to quickly flash another smile at the First Madam, “Shouldn’t you

give us some spirited grass, First Madam? After all, we can’t carry out such a big assignment for nothing.

If we advance to the intermediate stage of the true god realm, we’ll be able to carry out your orders even


“You’re really honey-tongued, aren’t you!”

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Lily rolled her eyes and took out two stalks of first-grade premium spirit grass. “I’ll give you both one stalk

each,” she said. “Come find me here once you’re done and I’ll have more waiting for you!”

“Thank you, First Madam!”

The two immediately did fist-to-palm salutes after they took the spirit grass.

Soon enough, the two exited Lily’s residence.

“It’s true that jackie has good talent, Yolanda, and that it would be a shame if he died!”

After they walked some distance away, the man spoke to Yolanda, “But why think too much into it? The

First Madam is the mistress of the house, and she’s the first daughter of the Lagorio family. If we don’t

help her, who will? I also think that she can be a little too petty, but there’s no way about it. It’s the way of

the world. jackie is just unlucky!”


Yolanda released a sigh and managed an awkward smile.

At night, just as the sky settled into a deep, dark blue, jackie, Lana and Ethan left the estate.

The next morning, the two people that Lily had commanded, went to take the new shift. They talked with

the others who were changing shifts, and they knew about this.

The two took in sharp intakes of breath. One of them went straight to see Lily.

Lily had initially thought that jackie would be killed very soon. She had been so excited that she could not

sleep the whole night, and she had woken up very early this morning.

Now, she, Yolanda, and the young man from the Lagorio family were waiting for jackie in the garden.

“They’re back. So fast. jackie must have made his appearance!”

Lily’s face broke into a smile when she saw that the guards at the foot of the mountain ran up.

Anticipation pounded in her chest.

Yet the man’s expression seemed grim when he ran over. “First Madam, you told us to keep watch on

jackie and inform you immediately when he leaves the main house. But it seems like we won’t get the

chance anymore!”


The smile on Lily’s face hardened. She asked him immediately.

“We talked to the people who were changing shifts and found out that jackie had gone off last night. They

left just as it turned dark!”

The young guard gave a bitter smile. “When I asked further, it turned out that jackie was not the only one

who left,” he continued. “There was another woman and that man called Ethan who left with him. There

are three of them!”

Chapter 1106

After she heard all that, the corners of Lily’s mouth twitched violently.

She waved her hand after a while. “All right. Understood. Go back to your post first!”

“Yes, First Madam!”

The young man did a fist-to-palm salute before wheeling around and descending the mountain.

“What should we do now, First Madam? He has already left last night. We can’t kill him now!”

The young man from the Lagorio family twisted his lips into a bitter smile. “We can’t return the spirit grass

you gave us yesterday,” he reminded her. “That’s a down payment!”

Yolanda was delighted as well. It seemed that she would not have to get her hands dirty now.

After all, she had always thought that Nash had treated them nicely. She had some reservations about

killing his son.

Yet she never thought that Lily would cast a wicked grin instead. “Why’s that brat in such a hurry to

leave, that he would take off a day earlier?” she said. “He must be afraid that I will send someone after

him. That’s why he left earlier!”

Here, Lily paused before continuing, “But I know where he’s heading for. So he can’t escape!”

“Do you know where he’s heading, First Madam?”

The Lagorio man was surprised. “Seems like we’ll have to do our jobs anyway then!” he said, a bitter

smile on his face.

“That brat is heading off for the branch families, as well as families that are bound to the White family…

That’s why it’s time for you to go off!”

Lily flashed a mirthless smile and spoke as she looked at the two.

Yolanda and the young man’s expressions darkened. However, they nodded their heads in agreement in

the end.

Soon enough, Yolanda and Dean went down the mountain and followed the path toward the branch


“Sh*t. It’s so hard. There are so many branch families. Are we really going to ask each and every one of

them to find jackie? How are we going to do it?”

Dean’s expressions were fogged by a dark cloud. “I had thought we would receive plenty of benefits.

Seems that these benefits won’t be easily obtained!”

“Of course. It’s not easy to obtain!”

Yolanda had a hapless expression. “Let’s go. He left just the night before. We’re both of the true god

status and we’ve been flying a lot longer than him. He can’t fly for long before he has to resort to walking.

Those of the demi-god status don’t have strong chi within them, so they can’t overuse it, just in case they

run into trouble. That’s why we should be able to catch up to him if we fly more than we walk!”

“You’re right. It’s a long way off to the branch families. We’ll catch him near a branch family so long as we

speed up!”

Dean’s eyes brightened when he heard that. “Yolanda, plenty of women are only good for their looks, not

their brains,” he praised her, “but you’re an exception!”

Yolanda was speechless inside. She regretted her words now, honestly. She had no intention to kill

jackie, but she made that proposal without thinking twice.

If only she had kept her mouth shut. They could just talk as they walked slowly, and it would be difficult to

catch up to jackie then.

“Let’s go and catch up to them!”

Yolanda rolled her eyes at Dean. The two flew toward the direction of the branch families.

Yet jackie and the others had long arrived at the outskirts of a small city.

“Where are we heading now, Master?”

Chapter 1107

Lana could not help but ask jackie after thinking about it.

Before jackie could reply, Ethan spoke up, “If my hypothesis is correct, Master probably wants to have a

meal and rest here first. Then we’ll buy tickets to the Soul City, right?”

jackie bobbed his head. “We’ll buy the tickets tomorrow after resting here for a while. Soul City is a

province rich with natural resources, and there are plenty of rare herbs there. I’ll probably find the

materials I need there!”

“All right. We were in a rush yesterday night, so it’s been tiring. It’s best if we leave tomorrow!”

Ethan nodded his head and smiled.

As Lana observed the bustling city, with its congested streets and raucous cacophony, she could not help

but exclaim, “I now understand why shadow families like the White family hate the secular world. After

all, the mountains have such strong points of chi. Meanwhile, not only you don’t get much chi in the dust

realm, the air pollution here is so serious!”

“That’s right!”

jackie also could not help but gain a sense of appreciation for the mountains. “Now there are fewer

places to properly train oneself. I think it’ll be harder for future generations if they want to break into the

true god status. After all, it’s very difficult to get the spirit grass if there isn’t enough chi to nurture it. Our

martial resources are getting scarce!”

“Oh, right. Do you think Lance and the others are truly dead, Master? They should have returned long

ago if they hadn’t died. But even if they had died, they were masters from significant families. There must

have been traces of fighting left behind in that mysterious forest they went into if they were killed. Or

there should have been a footprint or something. Why isn’t there a single trace?”

Lana quickly thought of something else and asked out of curiosity as she walked with jackie and Ethan.

“It is rather strange!”

jackie’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. “But we don’t have time to consider if Lance and the others are

dead or alive. Right now, we need to find the materials we need and craft an antidote for my father so

that he recovers. Only then will we be able to prevent the Third Elder from acting against us!”

The three quickly found a place to eat and a hotel to stay in. They also booked flight tickets headed for

Soul City scheduled the next morning.

The next day, at just over eleven o’clock in the morning, the three had already arrived at Soul City


“The air is good here, and there’s quite a bit of chi around. But it’s lacking compared to the City of Martial


Ethan could not help but criticize after breathing some of the air here.

“Move over, Uncles. Don’t block the way.”

At this moment, a young woman appeared behind them, clad in stilettos and wearing sunglasses. She

was pushing a luggage bag and cried out impatiently.


jackie and Ethan craned their necks around. The two could not help but be stunned speechless. They

look like twenty-seven or twenty-eight at most.

The woman before them was probably a lot younger. She actually addressed them as uncles.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like the title, Uncles?”

The beautiful young woman stopped and took her sunglasses off, casting a condescending sneer at

them. “What should I call you then, since you’re dressed so shabbily?”

“All right, Aunty. You may pass now. All right?”

jackie gave a wan smile and stepped aside. There was plenty of space around them, but the woman did

not even think of going around. She just had to say that they were blocking the way.

“Aunty? You dare to call me that?”

The woman was so furious that her chest heaved heavily. She raised a leg and aimed a kick toward


Chapter 1108

jackie looked at the arrogant woman before him; he was tongue-tied.

The other party started the episode by calling them uncle jokingly, only then he called her ‘aunty’.

To everyone’s surprise, this was a sensitive woman; once she heard the word ‘aunty’, she swung her leg.

The woman was wearing high heels and the heels were sharp. If jackie really gets hit by this sharp heel,

he would be…

When the heel was about to hit him, jackie bent slightly and grabbed the woman’s foot with one hand,

and gently pulled it toward himself.


The beautiful woman failed to stabilize herself and lunged toward jackie. Her other foot twisted, and the

stiletto of the heel broke off.

“Let go of me, you b*stard!”

The woman landed gently into jackie’s embrace; her cheeks were kissed pink. She cursed at jackie as

she was feeling hot on her cheeks.

Only then did jackie let go of the other party and said, “Miss, take this as a lesson for you today! These

heels are so sharp, please don’t use them to kick anyone in the future!”

“Brat, do you know who I am? I’m from the Lancaster family, and my father will come to pick me up with a

bunch of bodyguards in a moment! How dare you take advantage of me! You definitely deserve some

good punching today!”

Shirley looked at jackie huffily, and her hands clasped in front of her bosom, looking high and almighty.

“Oh, is that so? They’re going to pick you up? Good to know. Well then. Nice to meet you, we’ll make a

move first.”

jackie smiled faintly, not bothering to pay further attention to the other party.

At this time, not far away from jackie and the others, a young man with his hand holding a bouquet of

flowers strode toward them with a dozen bodyguards following behind.

Shirley gazed over to the men and her face sank instantly. “What the heck? That guy, why is he here?”

The young man was a young master of a filthy rich family who often pestered her and clung to her like

superglue. Shirley’s face turned unsightly and dull.

Nonetheless, an idea suddenly popped up in her mind. She took off her heels, pulled her suitcase, and

paced toward jackie, trying to catch up. She then grabbed jackie’s arm from behind and leaned her head

on jackie’s shoulder. “Hmph! You touched my leg just now, and I’m yours now. I don’t care! You have to

be responsible for me, understand?” Shirley said to jackie.

jackie looked at Shirley and then looked at the gloomy young man who held a bouquet in his hand,

standing not far from them. jackie’s face went dull, and he was speechless at the woman’s act. It was

obvious that this woman was trying to use him as a shield to cast away the demon—the young rich man.

“Oh! Is that so? Hehe! Alright, don’t regret it then!”

jackie chuckled happily and wrapped his arm around the other party’s waist gently. Shirley’s face

immediately turned into pink, the sort of pink that brought champagne roses to the imagination.


Molten anger rolled through Shirley as she shot jackie a deadly glare.

“Oh? Weren’t you the one who asked me to be responsible for you? What’s wrong? Do you regret it


jackie uttered with a cold smile.

Chapter 1109

Shirley gritted her teeth, but when she noticed the young rich man was striding towards them in a huff,

she immediately changed her attitude. “That’s impossible. I, Shirley Lancaster, never regret anything I

do. Do you even dare to tell me your name?” Shirley responded with a pretending warm smile.

“ jackie White!”

jackie smiled frostily and added, “ jackie White is my name and I’m proud of it. Why should I be afraid of

telling you my name!”

“That’s good!”

The beautiful woman smiled faintly, and after noticing the young rich man stood before them, she then

greeted him, “Hi, Young Master Norton, it’s been a long time! What brings you here? Are you picking

someone up?”

When the Young Master Norton saw the intimate behaviors between the two, the corners of his mouth

twitched awkwardly.

With a gloomy and darkened face, he looked at Shirley and said, “Shirley Lancaster, who is this brat?

Don’t forget your role! You’re my fiancée, you and I are engaged! Who am I here to pick up? Don’t you

know that clearly in your heart?”

jackie heard the exchange and was rendered speechless. He did not see this coming; he truly did not

expect that this man was actually Shirley’s fiancé.

However, from the looks of it, their marriage was not by their own will but arranged by their parents.

Shirley was clearly unsatisfied with the arrangement, hence she wanted to piss this so-called fiancé off.

“Heh! Young Master Norton, you’re not that dumb, are you? Our marriage was arranged by our

grandfathers before we were born into this world! You and I are totally not compatible!”

Shirley stared at the other party impatiently and then continued, “Let me introduce to you my boyfriend,

jackie White. We’ve been together for almost two years, so you better give up. I didn’t tell you sooner

because I was afraid it would affect your self-confidence. But since you’ve seen us together today, it is

what it is!”

Shirley paused for a few seconds and then added, “However, since I’m the one who broke off the

engagement, I’m willing to compensate you with a hundred million dollars to comfort your wounded

heart, how about that? After all, you’re Young Master Norton, who is never short of women, right? I’ve

always heard that you’re often accompanied and surrounded by beautiful young ladies, so why do you

still want to marry me?”

“Hmph! Shirley, it’s not like you don’t know that a hundred million dollars is nothing but stacks of paper in

my eyes!”

Young Master Norton smiled icily. “On the contrary, those other women who are seen with me, are

nothing but tools for me in handling business. They’re just for show, and you’re my fiancée! Once we’re

married, I promise that I’ll stay with you every day and every second!”

“Wilton Norton, didn’t I already say it crystal clear? This man is my boyfriend and we’ve been together for

almost two years! What else do you not understand?”

Shirley grew even more frustrated. She had already laid out all the cards for him to see clearly, but the

other party refused to give up on her and continued to cling onto her.

Wilton cast jackie a despising glance and sneered coldly, “Haha! Shirley, do you think I’m that stupid? I

don’t believe your bullsh*t at all! How is it possible for our Young Miss Lancaster to find such an ordinary

and lowly guy to be your boyfriend? You’re testing my intelligence, right? Let’s say what you said is true,

you’ve been with him for so long, hence you should’ve bought him branded and premium clothes and

watches, right? Why does this brat look like a beggar then?”

He paused for a moment as he looked at Shirley’s bare feet. “Why are you barefoot?” He asked with a

confused look on his face.

“None of your business! I like him that way. It doesn’t matter if he’s poor, at least he’s better looking than

you, more charming than you!”

Shirley stared at Wilton puffingly. She was completely mad at the other party.

Wilton’s expression grew even more unsightly. He pointed at jackie with a devastating yet ugly look on

his face. “Shirley, you’re insulting me, do you know that? You’re my fiancée for f*ck sake! And you’d

rather choose this trash than to be with me?” Wilton started to yell. “Hmph! Since you said you’ve been

with him for almost two years, then you two must have slept together right?” He asked cynically.

Shirley scrunched up her face and a vein popped out in her neck. She turned to jackie with her teeth

gritted and said stiffly, “Of—of course, we’ve slept together. What about it then? Are you hurt or

disappointed? Oops, I’m sorry but I can’t help. I just don’t have feelings for you, so you can’t force me.

Besides, the marriage agreement was between my grandfather and yours. Now that they’re both dead,

the agreement is no longer valid! You’d better give up and leave!”

“I don’t believe it! You must be lying to me!”

Wilton’s face contorted and anger clouded his features. “Unless-unless both of you kiss each other in

front of me right now!” He yelled.

Chapter 1110

jackie immediately went poker-faced when he heard Wilton’s words. What the f*ck was this? He had just

taken a long flight and landed in Soul City. He never expected to get involved in this drama.

Initially, he thought that he only had to help this pitiful woman by pretending to be her boyfriend to upset

the other party so that they would leave.

Little did he expect the young master would actually request for them to kiss in front of him, in public, or

else the young master would not believe.

But to think about it, Shirley had never had a boyfriend before, and suddenly she claimed that there was

a boyfriend? It was too untrustworthy even for jackie himself.

A scarlet flush crept up Shirley’s face and her eyebrows knitted. She was in a difficult situation right now.

However, jackie had touched her leg and wrapped his strong arm around her waist, if she were to deny

that jackie was her boyfriend right now, all her previous efforts would go down the drain. Besides, she

cared a lot about her reputation and public image, and right now she had no way to back down.

Watching Shirley’s face go blank and dull, Wilton laughed and sneered sarcastically, “Oh? What’s the

matter? I was correct, right? Hahaha! Shirley, I’m no fool, it’s not that easy to trick me! I, Wilton Norton,

am not stupid!”

“Well. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that Shirley would be embarrassed if we were to kiss on the


However, at this time, jackie intervened with a faint smile plastered on his face. His arm that was

wrapped around Shirley’s waist was now, tighter. He turned to Shirley and smiled warmly at her,

“Besides, Shirley is tired after flying for such a long time. We should find a hotel to have a good meal and

good rest first. Things like love and affection, we’ll wait till the night when the atmosphere is right.”

Shirley’s blushed cheeks were even redder by now. She gazed at the jackie before him, realizing that he

was truly a good-looking guy. Now that they were close and her waist was held tightly by him, she

somewhat felt a little weird inside, like butterflies in her stomach.

Lana—who had been standing behind the two—was jealous of them in her heart. Even though the

episode before her was just merely an act, she was envious of Shirley. If she were Shirley right now, she

would die of happiness!

“You’re such a pervert!”

Shirley quickly reacted to jackie’s acting and cooperatively threw him a wink and scolded him in a

coquettish tone.

Wilton burned with anger and fury vibrated through his being when he saw the couple flirting with each

other, moreover, the woman before him was his fiancé! How could he not have thrummed with anger?

“Motherfcker! How dare you touch my woman! I’m Wilton Norton for fck sake! You certainly have a death

wish!” Wilton hissed and stared deadly at jackie.

“Huh, brat, how dare you threaten me? There aren’t many people who threaten me, but for those who

did, they don’t end up well in their life!”

jackie chuckled nonchalantly and continued, “In a moment, Uncle Xavien will be here to meet us. And

there’ll be dozens of bodyguards coming together with him. So, what now? Do you dare to beat me up in

front of them?”

“Is that so? Do you really think that I’m afraid of the Lancaster family?”

Wilton jeered frostily and gestured to his underlings. “Beat him up! Uncle Xavien and his men aren’t here

now, let me, the Young Master of the Norton Family, teach this beggar a good lesson today! And I’ll tell

Uncle Xavien that his daughter is together with a stinky beggar with no power and no money! We’ll see if

Uncle Xavien agrees with your relationship then!” Wilton commanded to his underlings, at the same time,

critiqued the couple.

As Wilton’s last word dropped, the bodyguards behind him immediately charged forward and surrounded

jackie; they prepared to beat him up.

Shirley merely wanted to piss Wilton off initially, so that he would give up on her. However, she did not

expect at all that the other party commanded his men to beat jackie up.

She was in complete shock and terror right now. She was the culprit of this episode; she stirred up the

problem, and yet jackie was the one who would receive the beating. jackie was innocent!

When Shirley thought of this, she clenched her teeth and stepped forward, standing in front of jackie and

blocking the men from harming jackie. “Wilton Norton, don’t you understand the theory ‘you can take a

horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink’? You can’t force a relationship nor marriage onto

somebody else. And how could you beat people up when the outcome is not what you desire!” Shirley

huffed angrily.

Chapter 1111

“You’re wrong. I’m not kind or generous at all. You’re my fiancée and this trash slept with you! If I don’t

beat him to death today, I’m not Wilton Norton!”

Anger flooded Wilton’s veins and his eyes were filled with rage. “Shirley Lancaster, I was being too nice

to you before and you took my kindness for granted! How dare you sleep with another man, such

reckless behavior! I’m not afraid of the Lancaster family at all! Don’t forget, the Lancaster family is merely

a third-class family here, and the Norton family is a second-class! A third-class can’t do anything to a

second-class!” Wilton barked as he stared fiercely at Shirley.

“I’m…I’m sorry, jackie. I didn’t expect that things would turn out like this…”

Terror dawned upon Shirley’s face as she heard Wilton’s words. She started to consider whether or not

to tell the other party the truth.

Nonetheless, jackie chortled and comforted her gently, “It’s alright. He has bodyguards, I have two here,


Ethan and Lana immediately stood up upon summon. “Hey, maggots, do you have a death wish? How

dare you offend our young master!” They barked at Wilton and his men.

Those bodyguards who surrounded jackie stood frozen upon hearing. The two behind that man were his

bodyguards? And this brat was actually a young master? Could he be a young master of a certain

prominent family?

The bodyguards were afraid of offending a highly authoritative person, hence they all wheeled their

heads and looked at Wilton for the next order.

“Young Master Norton?”

Puzzlement appeared on Wilton’s features as well. He quickly adjusted and sneered with a sinister

laugh, “Oh, boy, your acting is not bad at all, who are you trying to intimidate? In this Soul City, I’ve not

heard of any young master of the White family. Moreover, there are only a few first-class families here,

what is there to be afraid of? Even if he is rich, he is at most a young master of a rich businessman! Beat

him to death!” he ordered.

“Young Master Norton is right, I think this brat is probably just trying to stall for time, waiting for the head

of Lancaster family to come and rescue them!”

One of the bodyguards smiled coldly. He charged directly with a clenched fist toward Ethan who stood in

front of him.

Ethan and Lana exchanged glances for a second and both found their eyes full of excitement. They had

not fought for a long time; all their muscles and joints were screaming for some good exercise. It looked

like they could use these bodyguards to practice.

Within a few seconds, dozens of bodyguards that Wilton had brought with him were all lying on the

ground, wailing one after another.

“No f*cking way!”

Wilton was completely dumbfounded. He did not expect that the two bodyguards of this brat called jackie

were so strong and powerful. With a few blows and blasts, his bodyguards were all knocked down and

crying for pain on the ground.

“Your…your bodyguards, aren’t they too powerful?”

The bare-footed Shirley who stood beside jackie had a silly look on her face. She studied jackie again—a

man who was dressed so ordinary; she did not expect his bodyguards to be so powerful.

She had also heard that the majority of Wilton’s bodyguards were former mercenaries and they

possessed strong combat prowess. Ordinary fighters were not on par with them at all! She clearly did not

expect that these skillful bodyguards were like tofu in front of them—soft and weak.

“Take your people and leave!”

jackie looked at Wilton—who almost wetted his pants—and reprimanded coldly. “Let me give you a piece

of advice, feelings and love can’t be forced, same goes for a marriage. Don’t pester Shirley anymore, do

you hear me?”

Chapter 1112

“Brat, I’ll let you win this time!”

Wilton was smoking with anger inside, but he could not do anything. He had never imagined that he, as a

young master of a second-class family, could not do anything about the current situation—his fiancée

was with another man and he could not even teach the brat a lesson. Even worse, he was threatened by

the man!

With his teeth gritted firmly and his fist balled tightly, he took his men and left the scene. He knew that if

he continued to stay on, it would only bring him more trouble.

After the other party left, the boulder in Shirley’s heart was finally lifted. She heaved a huge sigh of relief

and said, “I bet he wouldn’t come pestering me again! Thank you so much!”

jackie had already loosened his arm around Shirley’s waist. He smiled at the other party and uttered,

“Miss Lancaster, I’ve done you a great favor this time. But looking at Wilton’s expression just now, I bet

he will be holding a grudge against me. Well. It doesn’t matter, I’m not afraid anyway!”

jackie halted for a few seconds then continued, “But, I’ve helped you. Now how should you thank me?”


Shirley initially thought that jackie was a kind-hearted man. She did not expect jackie to ask her to return

the favor. She could feel the anger building within her.

She studied jackie and suddenly thought of something. “You’re such a pervert! You want to bring me to a

hotel, don’t you? I’m telling you; the episode just now was a ploy, I couldn’t think of anything better. If you

really want me to give my body to you, dream on! I’m not that kind of woman!” Shirley huffed, staring at

jackie fiercely.

“Heh? Not that kind of woman? Then why did you pretend to be my girlfriend?”

The corners of jackie’s mouth curved upward, and he teased the woman with a playful tone. The girl

before him looked a few years younger than him, and her outfit and her appearance exuded a youthful

aura, with a hint of daintiness.

Furthermore, her body was well-maintained, otherwise, the filthy rich Young Master Norton would not be

pestering her all the while.

jackie was even more convinced that if Shirley was not a good-looking woman or with an ordinary face,

Young Master Norton would have broken the marriage agreement long ago.

“Girl…girlfriend? I…I… That was a ploy! Got it?”

Shirley rolled her eyes at jackie and added, “Besides, you broke my expensive heels! My heels are now

scrapped; they cost me twenty to thirty thousand dollars! But since you’ve done me a huge favor, I’ll not

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

ask for compensation. It’s even now!”

jackie laughed wholeheartedly at Shirley’s reaction. “Don’t worry. I’m not interested in you or your body at

all. You’re not as good-looking as my wife and your figure is not as attractive as my bodyguard over here,


When Lana heard the reference, her heart was pleased. She had always been confident of her body and

now her self-confidence grew even more.

Although she knew that her body was attractive and well-maintained that it was almost impossible to say

a negative comment about it, when she heard it from jackie, the feeling was completely different.

Shirley’s anger had not subsided since the conversation started. She peeped at Lana who stood beside

jackie and realized that jackie was right, this woman’s figure was indeed very alluring.

However, she snorted coldly, “Indeed, her body is well-maintained and alluring. As for your compliment

about your wife’s good-looking features, I do not know. After all, I’ve not seen her before. So, lying is not

a good thing, understand?”

“I’m too lazy to continue this argument with you. Anyway, I need a small favor from you. Help me out if

you’re willing to, if not, just forget it!”

jackie shrugged his shoulders and asked, “I want to know which are some of the famous apothecaries

here? Preferably those with a lot and complete medicinal materials!”

“This is the favor you ask?”

Shirley was slightly tongue-tied at jackie’s favor. He only wanted to inquire about apothecaries in the

Soul City. Such a simple favor!

Chapter 1113 jackie was speechless as well. He laughed bitterly to break the awkward atmosphere.

“Young lady, do you really think that I would want you to repay me with your body? Although you’re good-

looking like I’ve said, I’m not interested in you, so don’t make a fool out of yourself!”

“What? make a fool of myself? Keep dreaming on! I was so uncomfortable when you wrapped your arm

around my waist just now!”

Rage churned inside Shirley as she spoke. She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the

Soul City and there were always many men who were head over heels for her! She truly did not expect

that this brat was not interested in her, moreover, he had said that into her face twice! That was like a

blow to her self-esteem!

After saying that sentence, she looked at jackie and thought of the incident a moment ago— jackie

offended Young Master Norton to help her. So she softened her tone and said, “Well. It happened that

I’m very familiar with what you’ve asked! How about this, you and I go over to that shop and you buy me

a pair of shoes as compensation for my broken heels, and then I’ll take you around to various famous

apothecaries. Sounds good?”

jackie’s eyes immediately lit up when he heard her plan. “Hehe, that would be perfect! After all, we’re not

familiar with this place!”

“But, I have one more request. I have no shoes on now, and I don’t think you want a dainty lady to walk

to the mall across the airport barefooted, right? So you have to carry me over there. This way, you can

also show your sincerity in…”

Shirley suggested with an evil grin plastered on her face.


jackie’s face turned unsightly at the request.

A few horizontal lines formed between Shirley’s brows as she saw the unwillingness on jackie’s face.

“What’s wrong? I’m considered a good-looking woman with a dainty aura! There’re so many men out

there waiting for an opportunity like this! You only have to carry me to the mall, why did you put on such a

reluctant look!” She said in an exasperated tone.

“Do you know who he is? How dare you let him carry you? Are you not afraid of death?”

Lana—who witnessed the whole exchange—could not bear to see it continue anymore. jackie was the

Supreme Warrior; how could she ask jackie to carry her? Ridiculous!

In her point of view, because of jackie’s good-looking features, Shirley must have fallen in love with him

at first sight, only then she requested ridiculously to approach jackie. Perhaps, this woman did not even

know where the famous apothecaries were!

Nevertheless, jackie quickly shot Lana a glance, signaling her to shut her mouth. Apparently, jackie was

afraid that she would accidentally expose his identity as the Supreme Warrior.

“Who is he then? Isn’t he jackie White? I don’t believe that I’ll die just because he carried me on his


“Let’s move!”

jackie squatted down with a helpless look.

Shirley smugged and jumped onto jackie’s back, and said to Lana, “You, help me to carry my suitcase.

It’s a simple task and it’s what a bodyguard should do, right? And you can’t let your Young Master carry

me at the same time to carry the suitcase, right?”

jackie carried Shirley on his back and strode toward the direction of the huge shopping mall across the

stress. Lana followed closely behind them with an exasperated face. She balled his fists tightly and

punched Shirley a few times, but only in her imagination.

“Let me do it, Lana. Carrying a suitcase should be a man’s responsibility!”

Looking at Lana’s hot and boiling face, Ethan immediately went over and pulled the suitcase. “By the

way, Lana, don’t tell me you…you like our Master?” Ethan whispered softly.

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Lana shot him a deadly stare. It was so frightening that Ethan could feel chills travel along his spine.

Chapter 1114 Soon, jackie arrived at the mall outside of the airport with Shirley on his back.

Shirley’s face was crimson red as she was on jackie’s back. The manly aura that jackie emitted caused

her to be extremely nervous. She had no idea that this guy, who made her angry, would give her such


“Hey, am I heavy?” Shirley thought about it and purposely asked to lighten the mood.

“You’re alright!” jackie dismissed perfunctorily in a few words. He carried Shirley into a shoe shop he saw

in front. “Oh yes, are you sure that you want to buy two pairs of shoes?”

“Of course! You’ve broken my shoes. Don’t you know about double compensation?” Shirley pursued her

delicate mouth and said arrogantly.

“Alright. Double! Double!” jackie smiled bitterly.

“Oh, my, cousin! Are you in a relationship?” As they finished speaking, a young girl who was trying on

shoes in the shop immediately ran over when she saw Shirley. The girl opened her eyes widely and her

eyeballs almost popped out of her sockets as she was very surprised.

“Let…let me down now!” Shirley’s face was blushed in crimson color and she wanted to hide

underground. She was absolutely speechless. All she wanted was to bully jackie, she had no idea that

her younger cousin’s sister would spot them.

jackie also did not expect to meet someone familiar so he immediately placed Shirley down.

“Cousin, this is your boyfriend? You have very good taste, he’s really handsome. I’m envious!” The

young girl looked at jackie from head to toe as she walked over and said happily.

“What are you talking about? He’s not my boyfriend!” Shirley rolled her eyes at the pretty girl in front of

her before saying. “Willow, so nice to meet you here. I have no idea that I will bump into you right after I

got off the plane!”

“Yes, cousin. What a nice coincidence. If it wasn’t for this coincidence, I would not have seen this sweet

interaction between you and your boyfriend!” Willow said with a smile. “Don’t bother to deny it. Haha… If

this is not your boyfriend, why are you on his back? Cousin, there’s nothing to be shy about. Don’t worry,

I will keep this a secret from you. Uncle and the others won’t know about this!”

Willow said happily. She soon thought about something and added. “Oh right, there’s still Wilton. He can’t

know about this too.”

“This guy broke my shoes so I…I asked him to carry me and pay me back. If you don’t believe in me, you

can ask him!” Shirley glanced at jackie and he actually started smoking the cigarette he took out. She

was slightly speechless as he did not stand forward to help explain.

Previously she did this to make Wilton angry. It was troublesome if Willow misunderstood her for this and

people learned about it. How would she explain to her father and the others?

“She’s right. Don’t misunderstand us, I’m only repaying her shoes!” jackie smiled and said to Willow.

Chapter 1115 Willow’s eyes lit up when she heard what jackie said. She walked forward and looked at

jackie with her bright eyes. “Hey, are you still single when you’re so handsome? Since you’re not my

cousin’s boyfriend, how about being my boyfriend? Although I’m not as pretty as my cousin, I don’t look

bad too. Apart from that, I’m still young and I have not grown to my full potential yet. I’m sure that I will be

even prettier in another two years. What do you think?”

The corners of jackie’s mouth slightly twitched. He had never imagined that a young girl who was around

18 years old would confess her feelings to him. Apart from that, this was the first time they met each

other. Were girls nowadays so proactive?

“Kid, stop messing around. I’m not from Soul City and I’m only here to run some errands. It so happens

that I need your cousin’s help for somethings!” jackie smiled helplessly and said to Willow.

Willow pursed her lips unhappily and said. “This is so boring. I’m so pretty but I’m being turned down.

You’re really insensible!”

“You better choose your shoes quickly!” Shirley could not help but laughed when she saw how Willow

was turned down. She turned around and started looking for her shoes.

She spoke to jackie after she chose two pairs of shoes. “Hey jackie, these two pairs of my shoes are not

cheap. They cost tens of thousands. You have the money right?”

“How much is everything, including hers? I’ll pay by card!” jackie smiled as he glanced at Willow, who

was beside them. He directly handed his bank card to the salesperson.

“Alright, sir!” The salesperson was extremely happy and went over to settle the sales. It seemed like she

had met with a rich person today.

“Oh wow, handsome! You’re really generous. I really like men who are generous like you. Hey, you really

don’t want to consider being in a relationship with young girls like me? I might be able to let you

experience something different?” Willow said happily when she saw that jackie had also paid for her


“Willow, I have no idea that you had started thinking about such things although you’re so young! After

all, I’ve never seen you being so proactive in the past!” Shirley could not help and started laughing when

she saw how Willow acted.

“What do you know? It’s seldom that I meet such a handsome guy. Apart from that, I can see a different

aura on him. He’s different from others but I can’t describe it. I feel that he’s like a king when he stands

there!” Willow rolled her eyes at Shirley and said.

“Psst psst! You are giving him such high appraisals!” Shirley smiled bitterly before she continued to

speak. “Come on, we need to go. I’ll lead you guys to the pharmacy to take a look!”

“Oh my, you guys are here to buy medication? Is somebody gravely ill?” Willow immediately said when

she heard their conversation. “One of my classmates has a grandfather who’s an experienced traditional

doctor and his medical skills are quite good. Do you guys want me to bring you to meet him? Ask the old

man to take a look at you?”

“Haha… There’s no need for that as we know how to treat the patient. We are just short of several herbs

and it’s difficult to obtain these herbs so we came here to take a look!” jackie laughed and said.

Soon, the group of people left.

However, several cars quickly drove over and stopped by the side of the road.

“Shirley, when did you come over here? Luckily we spotted you or it’s really difficult to find you!” Master

Lancaster walked over with his bodyguards, butler, and a young man when he saw Shirley. He then

spoke with a cold expression on his face. “Young Master Norton said that you have a boyfriend?”

He glanced at jackie after he spoke and continued to speak as his face darkened. “Is this guy the

boyfriend that Young Master Norton mentioned?”

Chapter 1116 “Father, you know I can’t stand that guy. Since my grandfather has passed away and his

grandfather also passed away last year, our marriage agreement doesn’t matter anymore!”

Shirley quickly moved forward and took Xavien Lancaster’s hand, acting persuasively, “Also, you know

that Wilton’s no good. I met him entering hotel rooms with different pretty women several times. Do you

think that he’s there to discuss business-related matters? From how they acted, they’re definitely there

for pleasure!”

Xavien eyed jackie suspiciously as he grumbled, “No matter what, you can’t just simply find somebody,

right? What’s this guy’s name?”

“He… He’s jackie White.” Shirley smiled embarrassingly and continued, “Father, I just met him today, and

I purposely said that he’s my boyfriend to agitate Wilton. I want him to give up, and things would be much

easier if he does.”

“Haha! Have you been watching too much drama?” laughed Xavien, his outburst stunning Shirley. “Don’t

you know what sort of a person Wilton is? He’s not somebody you can offend. Although I don’t want you

to marry him, he comes from a second-class aristocratic family. Not only is his family rich, but we work

with them on many of our projects!”

Xavien let that sink before he continued, “Wilton had already called and asked you to get ready for the

wedding in two days. He’s sending the invitations out today, and he’ll redraw all his investments in the

projects we’re working together with them on if you don’t marry him. Do you know the consequences?”

“What?!” Flummoxed, Shirley stood in silence as she felt her head buzzing.

“How’s that possible? Uncle, what is Wilton thinking? How could he act that way? Isn’t it too much for him

to force Cousin to marry him, knowing she doesn’t like him?” Unable to stomach Wilton’s ridiculousness,

Willow voiced out her opinion as it was unfair for Shirley. “Wouldn’t Shirley be treading on dangerous

grounds if she ends up marrying him for real? Will she have even a single peaceful day?”

“Sigh! I know that!” grumbled Xavien in extreme distress. “However, we’d be losing so much funding if

they redraw their investment. We’d be losing a lot by then. Apart from that, we’ll need to pay the other

business owners penalties, and that’s a huge amount. Our family will be done for when all that happens.”

The young man in white suit, who was beside Xavien, stepped forward and said, “Sister, it’s best if you

marry him. After all, you’re bonded by a marriage agreement. If you don’t marry him, not only will our

third-class aristocratic family be unstable, but we’ll also fall into bankruptcy.”

Shirley’s eyes turned red and she looked at her brother, Hendrix Lancaster in disbelief. “I can’t believe

you had the heart to say that, Hendrix! Don’t you know my life is ruined if I marry him? It’ll be ruined, all

down in ashes! Do you think that Wilton is a good man when he can think of such shameless ways to

threaten you guys? Do you think that he’ll be a good husband?”

What Hendrix said next made Shirley reel back in shock… “But Sister, who’s going to marry him if you

don’t? Young Master Norton is rich and powerful! If you marry him, our families will get even stronger as

we’ll be working together. Not only will our position as a third-class aristocratic family be strengthened,

but we might be able to become a second-class aristocratic family soon. I believe that we’ll take it up a

notch w