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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111


Nevertheless, he certainly had no feelings left for Serenity!

It was a pity that he could not possibly tell Jenny the truth now, but he was still anxious that Jenny

might misunderstand him.

“Jenny,” he said after taking a deep breath, “there are some things that 1 just can’t tell you even if I

wanted to.”

Jenny stared at Zeke for a while and asked, ‘Does Serenity Lewis have anything to do with Joy’s


Zeke stared back at his fiancee in astonishment, completely unable to utter a word. Still, his silence

and expressions were enough to let Jenny know that her guess was correct

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“So she really does have something to do with it,” she said, before continuing to speculate, “Did she

make a new friend in prison? A friend with some connections, maybe?”

Before Ze’s could answer her, a voice suddenly rang out, “So my injuries were Serenity’s doing. huh?!

Joy walked into the room with a limp. She had merely intended to come over to tell her brother and

Jenny to return to the living room only to overhear such a shocking revelation. The incident that led to

her injuries filled her heart with a burning vengeance. Not only were the bones in her leg fractured and

she had to be sent to the hospital for that, but she had now also became a laughingstock among her

group of friends, and yet she could not even Ind out who had done this to her, and she was even

unable to attend her own brother’s engagement party because of ir!

She was already seething with rage before, but when she heard that it was Serenity who had sent

some people to hurt her, she was simply on the verge of exploding, wishing for nothing more than to

settle the score with that woman right then and there!

“If you still talo Serenity’s side this time, Zeke, you’re dead to me! I don’t even know how long it will

take for my leg to heal! 1 might even end up being a crip ple for the rest of my life! Since Serenity was

the one who did this to me, I’ll never rest before I break her leg too! I swear it on my honor as a Shaw!”

As Joy uttered those words in full fury, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through it as if looking for

a number to call

“Joy!” Zeke yelled. “I told you that if you want to live the rest of your life In peace and safety, don’t ever

hamn Serenity ever again!”

“Why would I do that?! Who the hell is she, anyway? Why should I be so scared of her? Did she think

that she can get away with everything just because she made some friends in prison?!!

“That’s right,” Jenny chimed in, “Joy is a member of the Shaw family, after all. If she doesn’t fight back

even after being so cruelly attacked, then from now on, the whole world would think that the Shaw

family is weak!”

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“You wouldn’t say that if you knew that the one helping Serenity is Jackson Valor!”

Zeke blunted those words out in one breath before he could think. Right after he spoke, his face was

suddenly drained of all color. He shuddered to think about what would happen if Jackson Valor found

out that he had told someone else about this.

And just lie him, Jenny and Joy both turned sickly pale.

Jackson Valor?!

“But that’s impossible!” Joy exclaimed in disbelief. How could Jackson Valor ever help Serenity 7! She’s

the o Mara bark then!”

who killed

“I don’t care whether you guys believe it or not,” Zeke stated inter-of-factly, “but it is the truth Jackson

Valor probably look a liking to Serenity or something, I don’t know. In any case, he was probably the

one responsible for Joy’s injuries. In other words, it was his way of saying that he didn’t want Joy in

attend the engagement party
