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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 690
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Chapter 690

“I… I’m sorry!” she apologized in a hurry as the pain on her wrist and in her head subsided.

“Why did you touch me? Also, why did you call me by that name? Serenity, do you really have no feelings for me at

all?” He stared at her intensely.

Her pale face turned red. “I… It’s a misunderstanding!”

“Misunderstanding?” He suddenly laughed. “Then tell me, what kind of misunderstanding would make you call me

by my nickname again and again and make you touch my face?”

She bit her lower lip and could find no answer. She could only say, “It’s not what you think. I won’t do it again. I had

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a headache just now, so I mistook you for someone else.”

“Mistook me for someone else?” He hissed, “You called me Luke!”

“You’re not the only person in the world called Luke!” she retorted.

She suddenly caught sight of Lisa nearby, so she told Lucas, “My friend is here. I’m getting off. Let me go.”

Lucas stared at Serenity with fiery eyes. The tension in the air was almost palpable.

A moment later, Lucas loosened his grip. Serenity hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car. She shouted at

her best friend who was looking around for her, “Lisa, over here!”

Lisa looked over and, upon spotting Serenity, jogged over. She saw a luxury car driving away behind Serenity and

was surprised to see that the driver looked suspiciously like… Lucas Gomez!

“Serenity, was Lucas Gomez in the car behind you just now?” Lisa asked with a surprised face.

“Yeah.” Serenity did not deny it.

“But you… How come you and Lucas Gomez… And why did you suddenly leave the bookstore by yourself?” Lisa felt

like a lot of things happened while she was flipping through magazines!

Serenity told Lisa about what happened in the bookstore. Lisa cursed out the man who confronted and filmed

Serenity and said, “Why didn’t you come over to me? I would have kicked that guy!”

“If I did, the crowd would have filmed you too. Do you want to go viral too?” asked Serenity.

“But if you hadn’t run into Lucas Gomez, you would have…”

“Of course I would have thought of something else. Enough about that. Let’s go get some snacks,” Serenity held

her best friend’s arm and led her to a dessert shop nearby.

After they ordered two sets of desserts, Serenity changed the topic, “Let me ask you something. If you often dream

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about something that feels like it happened during your childhood but you have no memory of it ever happening, is

it possible that you had the dream because you heard someone else talk about it and mistake it for your own

experience when you were a


What?? Lisa was understandably confused. It took a while for her to understand the question.

“I’ve never heard of something like that. Maybe it actually is your own experience but you forgot about it? We see

that all the time on TV,” said Lisa.

“You mean, like, amnesia?” Serenity was stunned.

“Yes, partial memory loss. You see it all the time in s and on TV,” said Lisa, “Maybe you can try hypnosis to

help you remember, but it’s best to consult a professional first!”

Hypnosis? Serenity had a thoughtful look on her face. She wanted to figure out why she was having that dream!