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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 697
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Chapter 697

If the dreams were indeed her memories, then she was indeed the person Lucas had been searching for. What

should she do then? What would be her next step? Should she tell Lucas about it?

Would it only cause more trouble eventually?

But… if she did not find out the truth… there would be a bottomless hole in her heart which would cause her

constant anxiety,

While Serenity was lost in thought, her phone rang. She picked up the call and heard a familiar voice. It was a call

from Jackson. “How did it go? Have you seen the doctor?”

“Yeah, I have,” replied Serenity.

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“What did the doctor say?”

“He said it’s nothing serious. He asked me to come back if the problem lingers,” she said somewhat guiltily. After all,

she had always believed that a couple should be honest to each other, but now, she was actually lying to him.

“That’s great. There’s a trade show tomorrow that you should go with me. I’ll ask the driver to take you to Color

Delight to pick a gown and jewelry,” said Jackson.

“Okay,” replied Serenity.

After hanging up, Jackson looked at Connor with cold eyes and asked, “Besides suggesting hypnosis, what else did

Dr. Fender tell her?”

“He also gave Ms. Lewis the name and contact information of a psychiatrist,” Connor handed a slip of paper to

Jackson. If Serenity were to see this slip of paper, she would definitely be shocked.

That was because the name and contact information on the paper were exactly the same as what she had gotten

from Dr.

Fender earlier.

“Keep a close eye on this matter. If Serenity really goes to this doctor, I want to know immediately,” Jackson said


“Yes, Mr. Valor,” said Connor.

Connor could not understand why Mr. Valor would monitor Miss Lewis so closely. She was only seeing a doctor.

What confused him even more was the fact that… the doctor in the note was a psychiatrist.

Why was Miss Lewis seeing a psychiatrist?

However, Connor was wise enough not to inquire about these things. That was how he could remain in his position

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for so long.

Color Delight was a popular boutique in Solaria, but only those in high society would be familiar with it.

Serenity had visited Color Delight before when she dated Zeke Shaw.

Otherwise, she would not even know what Color Delight was.

The driver dropped her off at the boutique entrance. The manager had already been notified that she was coming

and was waiting for her. He cordially greeted her, saying, “Ms. Lewis, how are you? I’m the manager, Wallace. Nice

to meet you.”

He led Serenity to the evening gown area where he kindly and respectfully presented her with several

recommended choices.

The other staff also demonstrated an extremely respectful attitude towards Serenity, continuously showing her

different accessory options such as shoes and bags.

They were giving Serenity the VVIP treatment.

Serenity vaguely remembered the first time she visited the boutique with Zeke Shaw. The staff only briefly

entertained her before turning their full attention to the more famous customers in the boutique.