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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

“Jack” answered Serenity. “I don’t know how lang 1 have to stay here for. I want to tell him not to wait

for me for dinner.”

Serenity searched for Jack’s contact in the phone and called him.

The call was quickly picked up. Jackson’s slightly cold voice greeted her, “Sis.”

“I have to take care of something, so I’ll be home late today. You should take care of dinner yourself,”

said Serenity.

“What do you mean “take care of something“? Just tell him that you’re in the hospital!” Lisa chimed in.

“Sis, you’re in the hospital?” There seemed to be a slight change in Jackson’s tone.

“Yeah, I tripped and fell, so I’m now in the hospital waiting to get an X–ray,” replied Serenity.

“Which hospital? I’ll be right there,” said Jackson,

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“You don’t have to come. Lisa’s with me. Just wait for me at home,” she quickly said.

The other end of the call was silent. After a moment, Jackson’s cold voice could be heard again. He

repeated the question insistently, which hospital?”

“Solaria General Hospital.” Serenity bit her lip slightly. Because she lost her mother when she was

young and also spent three years in prison, she was always reluctant to impose on other people

If Lisa did not happen to be with her today, she would probably have come to the hospital by herself

without telling anyone.

“I’ll be right there,” said Jackson.

After hanging up, Jackson called Connor Gunn. “Find out what happened to Serenity Lewis today.”

“Yes, Mr. Valor,” answered Connor.

“Also, find out who’s the best doctor in Solaria General Hospital’s orthopedic department and have him

go to the hospital right now to take a look at her injuries,” ordered Jackson.

“Yes, Mr. Valor,” Connor answered once again.

After the call ended, Connor stared at his phone. Was his boss really not in love with Serenity Lewis?

For the sake of a woman, he would go through the trouble to investigate what happened to her and find

the best orthopedist

for her.

He remembered there was an incident when their car drove past Serenity Lewis quite some time ago.

She was cleaning the side of the road when an electric scooter ran into her. At that time, Mr. Valor

merely spared her a glance and did not even react.

But now… he would go through all this trouble for the woman Connor thought there was no way

Jackson Valor had no special feelings for Serenity Lewis..

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And so, while Serenity was waiting to get an X–ray, a nurse suddenly walked over to her and took her

directly to a VIP room to get an X–ray scan. She then took Serenity to a consulting room that had a

different doctor in it than the one who inspected Serenity earlier.

“Shouldn’t i pa bark to the doctor from before?” asked Serenity. After all, it was the other doctor who

examined her and told her to get an X–ray, so it only made sense for her to return to him after doing so.

“Dr. House happens to be available,” the nurse quickly said.

free at all. He was at home when the

Dr. House smiled and said gently, “Yes, I happen to be free right now.” No, he was ba hospital director

called him and ordered blin to go in the hospital to inspect a certain patient.

The director even told him to be extra careful and not to make any mistakes.

He thought the patient must be a big shot of some sort, but the person before him looked rather

ordinary. Her clothes did not look that expensive either.

However, as a doctor, it mattered not to him who the patient was. He would always do his best to help
