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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

Since Cedrick was not home, Albert-being the family butler-was worried that the young master would

accidentally fall and hurt himself.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and pushed open the door to the study. Inside, Miles was reading a

book by the desk, his expression seemingly solemn and concentrated.

This place had many of the books he had always wanted to read but could never afford. Miles was so

immersed in his reading that the sound of the door pushed open startled him instantly.

He raised his gaze.

“Grandpa Albert, you scared me,” said Miles, his widely opened mouth slowly flattened as he saw the


“Goodness, my boy! Oh, you’re alright!

“Master Cedrick mentioned that you broke your leg, and you don’t know how that frightened me!” said

Albert as he carefully scanned ‘Ollie’ from head to toe.

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Upon confirming the boy was fine, relief washed over him.

The moment Albert wanted to report this to Cedrick, however, he realized that the communication line

had been cut off!

Cedrick hung up the phone as an indescribable expression formed on his face. He pinched his slightly

wrinkled eyebrows. .

Had he been too lenient to Ollie, or perhaps neglected in disciplining him?

Ollie had lied, ran away, and even caused a whole commotion at the police station.

It seemed that the punishment he gave had not only failed to educate him, but also stimulated his

rebellious mentality.

Cedrick did not show much affection toward Ollie ever since he became a father, but he nonetheless was

responsible to guide him on the right path.

He turned to the top floor of the hospital, where he came to obtain the DNA paternity test report of him

and Ollie.

Shortly after leaving the restaurant earlier, he received news from the hospital that the report had come

out. Cedrick happened to be on the way and decided to stop by.

The hospital director was already at the elevator entrance the moment he learned of Cedrick’s arrival.

Ding! The elevator door opened.

The hospital director was instantly greeted with a gloomy-looking Cedrick, and the stiffening aura he

emitted left the director stuttering in his speech. Nonetheless, he hurriedly handed Cedrick the DNA

paternity test report prepared early in the morning. “M-Master Cedrick! Why did you come here in

person? I could’ve had someone deliver the DNA paternity test report to you…”


Cedrick took over the sealed yellow folder but did not rush to check it immediately. “Is there any problem

with Ollie’s medical report?” he asked.

“Please rest assured, Master Cedrick, that the young master is healthy,” said the hospital director. “I

would…recommend the child to be on a light diet for now, however. He likes spicy food, and there’s a lot

of heat in the body, causing weak digestive processes in the intestines. It’s nothing to fret about, though,

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but we still need to keep an eye on it.” “Wait,” Cedrick’s dark eyes narrowed. “You mean that spicy food

has been causing his intestines to be weak?” “Don’t worry, Master Cedrick. It’s just a minor issue that’ll

be healed before you know it!” The director showed a puzzled expression. Did Cedrick not just bring Ollie

over that day, mentioning that he ate something spicy? Cedrick’s eyebrows knitted tighter even more,

and his fingertips rubbed the corner of the document folder. He opened the files and swept through the

previous analysis with one glance before finally, his eyes fell on the conclusion in the very last column.

(Probably of Paternity: 99.99%.]

Ollie was indeed his son. Cedrick felt his temple bulging, and for the first time, he felt that he could not

understand Ollie.




Edwin heard that Cedrick had done a paternity test for himself and Ollie and rushed over to witness the

drama unfold. “You look a little out of it lately, Cedrick,” he remarked smilingly. “Little Ollie looks just like

you, so how is he not your son?” “I’m not the one ‘out of it’; he is,” said Cedrick, telling Edwin about

Ollie’s taste and personality changes.