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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

Benny was a very honest person. Knowing that Catelyn had come to Mason Estate to visit the young

master, he started chatting with her about Ollie.

Catelyn listened to him talk about how Ollie always treated his servants well, as well as how humble and

polite he was to elders. He also mentioned that his temper could be a bit dull at times, and his emotions

were more restrained.

Nevertheless, he was a kind boy.

Catelyn unconsciously sketched the outline of the well-behaved, sensible Ollie in her mind.

When she was at the door of the Mason Estate earlier, she seemed to notice the outline of a child.

However, she was so enraged at that moment, and the boy even covered his face with a towel, so she

did not manage to get a clearer look at him.

Catelyn suddenly had a feeling of remorse for some reason. She did not go to a hospital and instead

went to a’small clinic near her home for a simple bandage treatment.

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The doctor advised Catelyn to keep her wounds dry and away from liquid, adding that she should also

return to the clinic in two days to change her medications. Once everything was completed, Catelyn bade

the doctor farewell before she returned to Ocean Path Residence. Worry began creeping into her mind,

right after she had calmed down. Earlier, she had left Maia in such a messy state. Cedrick must be

hugging her, listening to all the accusations of her evil deeds. Catelyn also remembered biting the back

of Cedrick’s hand. Would he do anything to her about this?

Perhaps she should not have been so impulsive at that moment.

Worried that she would lose her livelihood under the possibility of being dismissed by Cedrick, Catelyn

decided to complete her draft of Chandier Competition first. In fact, she was almost done with it, but

there were just some minor things left that needed to be polished.

The winner of the competition would be awarded prize money worth a million dollars.

Catelyn, wanting to check the time, reached for her phone in her pocket

It was empty! Where did her phone go?

Catelyn quickly looked around the living room and searched at the usual spots, but to no avail.

She did remember having it in the morning when she gave Albert a call.

Was it lost in the clinic? No, she recalled not seeing her phone out before that.

Was it…in Benny’s car?

Catelyn went to the supermarket downstairs and borrowed a phone to dial her phone.

The dialing tone rang incessantly, but her call was not answered.


Meanwhile, Benny was busy cleaning his car after he had dropped Catelyn off when he noticed a white-

colored mobile phone under the car seat. Perhaps the phone had accidentally fallen out during a bumpy

ride earlier and got stuck in the gap under. Benny thus handed the phone to Cedrick, who was working in

the study. Cedrick glanced at Benny casually before he dropped the phone on the desk and continued to

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deal with his work, ignoring him.

An hour later, in the large, silent study, a loud and untimely ringtone abruptly broke the silence in the


“The sky is blue and waiting for the misty rain, and I am waiting for you. The smoke rises, thousands of

miles across the river…” Cedrick followed the source of the sound to see that it was from the phone

Benny had given him, its screen lit up as an unknown number called in. Cedrick deliberately did not

answer. He left the phone ringing over and over again, and it eventually stopped. However, just moments

later, the phone started ringing again. Cedrick put the pen down slowly and answered the phone. “Hello?

Is this Uncle Benny? I’m Catelyn. I seemed to have left my phone in your car. Can I come and get it later

in the afternoon?” said Catelyn anxiously and silently waited for a reply over the phone

The receiver was quiet, however, and for a moment, no one spoke. Was she mistaken? Was the phone

not in Benny’s car, or did he not want to give it back to her? “Mister Benny, this phone isn’t worth much. If

you want, I can give you some money for it,” pleaded Catelyn. “Why don’t you set a price, and I’ll give it

back to you if I’m satisfied with it,” a familiar voice came through from the other end, which left Catelyn

shocked. That voice…