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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1532
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Chapter 1532

Chapter 1532

Edwin looked pale, and he was putting on a show. With that bloody chest, he seemed really weak.

Joanne decided to ignore him.

No matter how much it hurt, Edwin asked for it.

Even if he was covered in wounds, Tail suffered much more than him...

However, despite this thought, Joanne's hands naturally spread the hospital gown, raised the right sleeve, and then

grabbed Edwin's arm to put it in.

Edwin smiled slightly with smugness when she wasn't looking.

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When his eyes inadvertently glanced at the hickeys on her neck, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He made love to her so fiercely that her body was covered with the hickeys. When Joanne came to the hospital, she

had to wear a silk scarf and pull her collar up.

As Joanne put his other arm into the sleeve, Edwin turned his head. His thin, cool lips just brushed past her delicate


Edwin thought, 'Damn, she's so seductive.'

Yet Joanne didn't even notice the small change in his emotions.

"Okay, I'll do it myself." Edwin rudely shook off Joanne's hands.

His cold voice came from above Joanne's head. She frowned, cursing lowly, "Are you mad?"

She threw the hospital gown, turned her head, and walked away.

Before she left, Joanne heard a few nurses in the office whispering.

"Mr. Atherton is even more handsome than in the magazine."

"It's the first time I saw someone with such serious burns who didn't even moan when he was treated. Look at the

bloody gauze. That must be very painful."

"Alas, but I feel that the burns are too serious. Earlier, I treated a patient with burns caused by a steam leak. His

wounds were not as bloody as Mr. Atherton's..."

Joanne's clear eyes narrowed slightly as she heard the last few sentences.

Yes, she also wondered why a bowl of porridge could burn Edwin to this point.

If he wasn't burned by the bowl of porridge...

Could it be that he used boiling water to scald himself?

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At the thought of this possibility, Joanne shivered. Edwin couldn't be that perverted. She might have overthought it.

Since Edwin unilaterally declared Sharon was "unimportant", Sharon had been neglected.

The directors and producers who used to flatter her all changed their attitudes.

Without Edwin's support, in just half a month, Sharon had a hard time.

From a hot actress, she was reduced to a nobody, and even her agent started to give her attitude. Sharon was

even offered a contract for porn.

Noah came to her.

"Sharon, if this goes on, I'm afraid I can't help you anymore."

Noah was the Celebrity Director of the company and had a lot of power.

Sharon, who put her hopes in Noah, said eagerly, "Noah, I am Mr. Atherton's woman. How can I shoot porn? Help

me think of a way."