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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1539
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Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539 "Mr. Atherton, Miss Atherton was diagnosed with leukemia at birth. Mrs. Atherton was badly injured at

that time. If it weren't for the Brown family, Mrs. Atherton and Miss Atherton would have..." Lucas reported on the


Edwin could imagine how miserable Joanne was when she was taking care of Tail in the hospital, and she was badly

injured. His eyes darkened.

"Bring me Tail's medical records," Edwin ordered.

With the medical records, he could gather all the medical specialists to give Tail a consultation to prevent the

recurrence of leukemia.

Since Edwin didn't ask anything else, Lucas asked curiously, "Mr. Atherton, don’t you want to know who donated

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bone marrow to Miss Atherton at that time?"

"Give him money in return," Edwin grunted.

Lucas was silent on the other end of the line for a moment. Then he said hesitantly, "Mr. Atherton, do you want to

reconsider it?"

Edwin only cared about Joanne, so he didn't give much thought to the person who donated the bone marrow to Tail.

Hearing Lucas' words, Edwin had an impatient expression and snapped, "Be straightforward!"

"Mrs. Atherton looked for matchable bone marrow throughout the entire Mourpa at that time. They were all

surprised when they found a match between Patrick's bone marrow and Miss Atherton's."

Edwin squeezed his phone and asked, "What did you just say?"

"It was Patrick who donated the bone marrow to Miss Atherton," Lucas repeated.

Worried that he wasn't making it clear, he explained, "When we had the paternity test done, we took a sample of

Miss Atherton's blood, but Miss Atherton had received a bone marrow transplant, so her blood changed..."

Edwin was stunned.

He suddenly remembered that when he took the sample of Tail's blood, it was such a coincidence that Tail had

punctured her hand and that he easily got the tissue stained with Tail's blood. It was like a plan.

"Bring Tail's medical records to me as soon as possible. You have other duties, too," Edwin ordered, his voice


Lucas could guess what the duties were.

He thought to himself, 'If the girl is really Mr. Atherton's daughter, then Mrs. Atherton must have deliberately let Mr.

Atherton get a sample of her daughter's blood.

'Mrs. Atherton should know that the girl is Mr. Atherton's daughter...

But Mr. Atherton locked Miss Atherton in the room.'

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After hanging up the phone, Edwin sat alone in the room for a long time. His eyes were bloodshot, and his breathing

became labored.

After despair, he saw a glimmer of hope...

Edwin locked himself in his room for most of the day. He didn't go to the office until the afternoon.

When he reached the company’s entrance, he met Harry.

Harry's limousine was parked outside the office building.

Harry was dressed in a fancy suit. His face still had the handsomeness of his youth, but his face was grave, as if he

was plotting something.

Edwin did not show any expression.

He thought Sharon had gone to complain to Harry.

Seeing Edwin, Harry caught up with him.

"Edwin, I want to talk to you!" Harry sounded quite serious, as if he was going to question Edwin.

Edwin glanced at Harry nonchalantly and asked, "I know what you want to say. But I'm married to Joanna. I can’t

get a divorce again."