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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1554
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Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554 "Edwin?" said Harry, stunned. A nervous scowl flashed across his eyes.

'Damn! When did he come? How much did he hear in our conversation? He didn’t hear that I had let someone to

murder Joanne, did he?'

Harry was anxious as an ant on a hot pan, but he tried his best not to show it. He let out a groan of pain. "Edwin,

you're finally back. Look at this woman! She's so rude! Not only did she humiliate me, but she let her men beat me

up. It would be a joke if you kept her in our family."

The next second, Edwin let out a sneer, "So you cursed Tail to be killed?"

"I'm just mad. I didn't mean it." Harry tried desperately to hide his panic. "I didn't know her daughter. She brought

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these men to threaten me, so I was out of my mind. Edwin, you're my son. You should be on my side!"

"I'm your son, but Tail is my daughter!"

Edwin clenched his fists tightly. He suppressed his anger and walked over to Joanne.

After the argument with Harry earlier, Joanne was really afraid that Tail would be killed...

Hearing Edwin say that Tail was his daughter, Joanne bit her lower lip, almost bursting into tears.

She thought Edwin said it was because they were married, so literally, he was Tail's stepfather.

But where was Tail?

Seeing Joanne's pale face, Edwin took her hand in his.

Joanne tried to pull her hand back, but Edwin wouldn't let go because he felt her body trembling.

He put her hand to his chest and touched her tense face with the other hand. He leaned over, rested his forehead

against hers, and said in a soft voice, "Don't worry. I'm here. I'll get Tail back. I promise no one will hurt her."

All Joanne could think about was Tail. She should have been tough, pushed him away, and questioned him about

where Tail was, but when she heard his soft voice, she burst into tears.

"How could I not be worried? She's my daughter! She means everything to me!"

After a few seconds of pause, she suddenly pointed to Harry and screamed, "It's him! He kidnapped Tail! He had

threatened us in the hospital."

Joanne's body kept trembling. Edwin held her tightly in his arms. He kissed the top of her hair and said softly, "I


'It really was my father.'

Harry couldn't believe it.

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Callum had told him Joanne resented Edwin and that the two barely spoke.

Why do they seem so intimate?'

Edwin demanded in a cold voice, "Where's Tail? Give her to us."

"Edwin, don't trust this woman. I didn't kidnap her daughter, neither did I write this letter!" Harry roared. He felt

angry that Edwin believed Joanne and not him.

Harry felt so indignant.

"How would you believe that I didn't kidnap her daughter?"

"If I kidnapped her daughter and left her a letter, then I was trying to get her to leave you. When she came to me

just now, I would have been straight with her. Why would I deny it? I'm not stupid.

"I admit that I had threatened her, but the position of that billboard was precisely calculated. It would not hurt her

or her daughter!

"I'm a father, too. I wouldn't hurt a three-year-old girl."

After Harry's defense, Edwin didn't say anything. Harry had no idea what Edwin was thinking.