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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1558
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Chapter 1558

Chapter 1558

Ada originally hated Edwin and thought he was scum.

However, when she saw Edwin gently caressing Joanne's cheek with affectionate eyes just now, Ada was touched.

Last night Edwin and Ada's brother fought, and they were both hurt quite badly. Ada's brother still lay in the

hospital, but Edwin didn't say a word and personally led the team to save Tail...

Although she thought so, Ada was determined not to help Edwin. "Your eyes are bloodshot. When Tail is rescued

later, you must be worried and watch her all the time, so we didn't wake you up to let you rest more."

"It's so dangerous. Tail must be terrified. I have to go. What if she runs around and gets struck by the bullets?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Joanne hurriedly changed her clothes and shoes and then ran out.

Knowing that she couldn't stop Joanne, Ada followed her to the kidnappers' place.

In the suburbs, in an old abandoned factory, the air was filled with a pungent smell of dye, accompanied by a musty


Less than fifty meters away from the factory, Edwin and Eason led their men over.

In the dim night, the crowd perfectly blended with the darkness.

Eason and Edwin quickly made a siege plan.

"We've cased the joint. There are only three kidnappers, but our most important thing this time is to protect and

save Tail no matter what happens..." Eason methodically ordered everyone to secretly flank the opponents to

prevent them from escaping with Tail held hostage.

The snipers in the hidden high places were ready. After Edwin and Eason gave orders, they silently approached the


Inside the factory, the kidnappers tied up Tail and threw her into a corner.

The three men then gathered around a small wooden table that was in disrepair and full of dust to eat and drink.

It could be seen that these people were outlaws. Their shoulders or backs were covered with large tattoos.

"Our employer let us kill that little girl and then give her corpse to the woman at the hospital, right?" Scarface asked


Another stout man snorted coldly, "Kill her after we get the money. The result will be the same."

"Exactly! At this time, why should we still care about work ethic? This girl is the daughter of Edwin's woman. With

Edwin's property, he can easily give us two hundred million dollars. It will be enough for us to live happily for the

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rest of

our lives. We can take the money and run to other countries. Isn't it good?"

Hearing the kidnappers' fierce voices, Tail shivered in the corner.

They thought she, a three-year-old child, was too weak to run away and could only be killed anyway, so they didn't

hide anything from her.

However, they did not know that since Tail had come to Sapphire City, Ada and Joanne had taught her to protect


In such critical situations, the first thing was to make the kidnappers let their guard down and feel that she was

incapable of escaping, and then, she should find a way to be rescued...

Tail knew that her mom and Miles would come to her rescue.

When the three kidnappers were eating happily, Tail wriggled on the ground and let out a moan. "Boohoo... My

stomach hurts so bad. Am I going to die?"

The kidnappers didn't think she might be faking it. After all, she was only three years old.

Other kids at her age could not even speak clearly.