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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 147
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#Chapter 147 – Aiden and Donovan Catch a Prize

“Odile was spotted again.” Donavon informs me urgently. “In Newtown.”

“When?” I reply, alight with excitement.

“Just now.” He shoots me a predatory grin, and I know we’re already on the same page.

“We need to move now, before it’s too late.” I announce.

“I’m already on it.” He assures me. “Every enforcer we have is currently deploying, we’ll have the entire

neighborhood on lockdown within half an hour.”

Donavon is as good as his word. In no time at all, Newtown is crawling with enforcers and sentries, all

concentrating around a single focal point: Paws and Claws, Elysium’s most exclusive nail salon. As

betas, we stand at the center of the law enforcement melee, frantically going over every last detail of

the raid.

We‘ve yet to notify anyone but Drake, defaulting to the strongest wolf in the area amidst this unusual

power vacuum. Though we won’t admit it to Selene, it worries us to no end that Bastien hasn’t been in

touch. It’s less about his own wellbeing, than it is Selene and Lila’s. If he were on his own, he might

stay out of contact for an extended period of time, but he would never go this long without checking in

on his mate and pup.

“What kind of she-wolf turns up in a city where she’s exiled, and goes to a nail salon?” I question.

“The kind who believes she holds the world on a string.” Donavon answers.

We‘ve confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s still inside the salon, and we have every

entrance and exit thoroughly blocked, *1 want her brought in alive.” Donovan growls.

“Everyone just keep your head down until we give the mark.” I advise, “As long as everyone plays their

part, this should be an easy catch.”

As we watch, three female enforcers enter the salon arm in arm, pretending to be friends on a girl’s day

out. Target is in sight. One of the women reports, we got here just in time, it looks like she’s checking

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We wait with baited breath as the enforcers circle Odile, surrounding her as more sentries filter through

the salon doors, no longer concerned with remaining covert. “Odile Durand, put your hands up and turn

around very slowly.” Once of the enforcers orders loudly.

The elegant she-wolf freezes in place, her body going rigid as she slowly raises her hands into the air.

She turns, emitting a low growl and curling her lip in disgust. “Well, well, well.” She drawls. “Looks like

Bastien isn’t completely inept after all.”


This day just gets worse and worse.

I’ve been kicking myself all the way to the enforcement headquarters. What was I thinking? I can

already hear Frederic’s voice in my head, you risked our cover to get your nails done? YOUR NAILS!

Of all the stupid, frivolous ideas, Mother.

If I’m being honest, I’m terrified of facing him after this. A month ago I never would have dreamed of

fearing my own son, but it seems he’s finally come into his Alpha genes. He wrested control of our

plans away from me just as his father would have done when he was alive, right down to his cruel

methods of putting me in my place. The apple truly doesn’t fall far from the tree.

He’s going to be absolutely furious I’ve been caught. In fact, I’d much rather be here with these

spineless betas than in Frederic’s clutches, at least until he’s had time to cool his temper.

Case and point: Donovan stands in front of me with a smug grin that – far from intimidating-shows he’s

much too pleased with himself. “Odile, it’s been a long time.”

The two Novan alphas are standing over me, while I sit handcuffed to a stark metal table. “Donovan,” I

reply coolly, “20 years later and you’ re still just an Alpha’s lackey.”

His smile widens, becoming a sharp, predatory thing. “Unlike you, I don’t believe you have to run the

pack to be of value. Everyone has their role, and not everyone with strength is fit to rule.”

“Your son, for example.” Aiden interjects, “if Frederic had what it took to lead he could challenge

Bastien outright. But he doesn’t, and he never will”


12:51 D

#Chapter 147 – Aiden and Donovan Catch a Prize

“As you said.” I remind him, “leading is about more than brute strength. Do you really think it’s fair that

Basiten should be in charge simply because no one else can beat him in a fight.”

“Funny.” Donovan chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest, “Frederic has been scheming to bring

him down for years, has he not? And Bastien hasn’t fallen – what would you call that if not outwitting

his enemy?”

“I’d call it luck, and standing on the shoulders of those wiser and more cunning than he is.” I suggest.

“Then you don’t know Bastien.” Aiden proclaims firmly.

“Oh I know Bastien, just like I knew his father.” I snarl. “Wolves full of pretty ideals who aren’t willing to

make the hard decisions and do what is necessary for the good of the pack.”

“Like what, releasing rogues into the territory to torment innocent men, women and children? Is that

how you think you’ll help the Novas?” Donovan inquires with a scoff.

“The Novas could be the most powerful pack on the continent.” I exclaim. Honestly, these people have

no vision! “We could overtake the Calypsos if we invested in building our power rather than keeping the


“Oh, so that’s your plan.” Aiden assesses shrewdly, “terrorise everyone so they’ll support a war to take

control of the continent.” The young man looks more and more disgusted with every word.”That kind of

power is only good for those who stand to gain. You don’t give a damn about the people.”

“You stupid, naive boy!” I hiss, “Have you never heard of sacrifice for the greater good?”

“Of course I have.” Aiden assures me, “granted it’s usually only espoused by psychopaths like you.

Honestly it’s hard to blame Frederic for turning out a madman with the kind of parents he’s had.”

“You don’t have a clue who you’re dealing with.” I tell him with relish, you would do well not to

underestimate my son.”

“Why don’t you tell us more, Odile.” Donovan invites, “We’d love to hear all about your and Frederic’s

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“I’m sure you would.” I snort, cutting my eyes to the two betas. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not that


Donovan pins me with his gaze. And you’re sure Frederic is the smarter choice? He’s not going to be

happy you let yourself get caught, Odile. I don’t know the body, but if he’s anything like his father…” He

trails off ominously.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Forcing the words out through clenched teeth, I try not to

think about how right the big wolf is. What is he going to do with me?

The men exchange a glance, and I fear they’ve read my unease. “Think about it, Odile.” Aiden

instructs, “we might be the lesser of two evils here. We can help you.”

“I don’t need your help.” I spit, “my son would never harm me, when this is all said and done, I’m going

to rule at his side.”

“That’s not what he seems to think.” Aiden taunts, “all our intelligence shows he plans on Selene ruling

at his side. In fact, he doesn’t seem to have thought of you at all.”

“You’re wrong!” I cry, losing my cool just a little.

*Think what you like.” Donovan shrugs, “After all, you said it, you know your son better than we do. If

he’s promised you a role in his government, who are we to say otherwise.” –

And that’s when I realize… Frederic hasn’t promised me anything. For months I controlled the plans,

always intending to continue pulling his strings once victory was ours, I never expected him to throw

me over. After he took control, I still assumed I would be his main advisor – after all, who better to look

out for him than his mother? However as time has passed he’s become more and more domineering,

cutting me out little by little, and never mentioning where I might fit into his future plans.

I told myself it was alright, that it was simply the takeover and I’d take my place when things settled

down. Yet as these two wretched, uncouth wolves look down on me, I realize they’re right. Frederic

isn’t including me, and he isn’t asking for my advice – because he doesn’t want it. I’ve been deluding

myself all this time, imagining he would respect my experience and stay true to my vision. The moment

I lost control of him, I lost my chance to be involved.

“Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to share with us?” Donovan asks knowingly.

As much as I abhor the idea, I’d be a fool not to consider it. After all, I’m the one who insisted this isn’t

about ideals, it’s about power – and right now, they have it.