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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

When we got home, Neil instructed Ada to make some lemonade. I chimed in, “Ada, make a little extra.

I want some too.”

Ada replied respectfully, “Yes, ma’am.”

Neil yanked off his tie and tossed it on the couch, flopped onto couch, and closed his eyes. I stared at

his jawline, then his Adam’s apple, then finally, my gaze settled on his


A faint hi ckey was visible near the collar of his black shirt, full of ambiguous breath.

Could it be Bonnie’s? No, it couldn’t be. If Bonnie were willing to leave a hi ckey on Neil, it would mean

she was warming up to him. If that were the case, Neil would be over the moon and wouldn’t be here


It must have been left by another woman. I analyzed in my mind. This wouldn’t be the first time

something like this had happened. Even though most times, he was just playing around and didn’t take

it all the way, it still irked me. I had come to terms with a lot of things. But I was more worried about

whether Bonnie could handle this lifestyle in the future.

Still, Neil would certainly refuse to fool around with other women for her sake, right? I laughed bitterly to

myself. How unlucky I was, after ten years I still couldn’t get Neil to give me anything.

“Forget it, I don’t want lemonade anymore.” I was in a foul mood, so I muttered this under my breath

and went upstairs.

When I got to my bedroom, I was about to change clothes to take a bath when Neil pushed open the


I looked at him in surprise, “What are you doing?”

Neil didn’t say anything, he just closed the door and locked it. Then, he moved a little closer to me. I

had a bad feeling about this.

Sure enough, Neil was not only drunk but also seemed a little h or ny.

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He leaned down and kissed me. His eyes were filled with passion. I tried to push him off, but his hands

were on my waist. I couldn’t get away from him.

“Neil, what are you doing?!” When his lips left, I felt my heart explode. My voice was shocked and


“Someone drugged my drink. Irene…” Neil’s voice was low and slightly restrained. He leaned down and

whispered in my ear as if to reassure me, “I’ll take care of it as soon as I can.”

He then picked me up and laid me on the bed. My mind was a blank.

Just as Neil was taking off all my clothes, Ada’s voice came from outside the door, “Madam…are you

asleep? The lemonade is ready.”

Both Neil and I stopped. Suddenly, I decided to take a gamble and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Neil’s eyes widened, and then he was back at it again.

I let out a moan as if without thinking. Soon, the sound of Ada’s retreating footsteps came from outside

the door.

“Neil…” I managed to say, looking at him, “Are you going to blame me?”

“Blame you for what?” Neil kissed the corner of my lips and asked.

For intentionally letting your future mother-in-law witness us making love; blame me for putting

obstacles in your pursuit of true love.

I silently answered in my heart, but didn’t say anything out loud. Instead, I leaned up and kissed his

Adam’s apple. This was a trick Stella had taught me, but I had never had a chance to use it.

A few seconds later, I had to admit that Stella was a genius!

After a night of passion, I was left feeling like I was falling apart. Take care of it as soon as possible?

What a lie!

When I managed to get downstairs, Ada had already prepared breakfast. Seeing my odd gait, she

smiled suggestively, “Madam, eat up. You need to regain your strength.”

I blushed, cleared my throat, and tried my best to walk normally

“Where’s Neil?” I asked offhandedly.

“Mr. Whitmore left early for the office. He didn’t even have breakfast.” Ada responded.

“Oh,” I nodded. Neil was always busy. There were so many things to take care of at the company. Even

when he had some spare time, it was spent socializing or hanging out with Mitch and some other


All sorts of scandals seemed to pop up whenever there was a chance.

Just as I finished breakfast, Oscar called. I glanced at Ada before answering, “What’s up?”

“Irene, I drank too much last night. I’m really sorry. How much was the room? I’ll transfer the money to

you!” Oscar said.

“That’s okay. Are you feeling better?” I asked gently.

“I am a bit. I’ve realized that if Bonnie really loves me and hasn’t changed her feelings, then she’ll

continue to choose me. I have to trust her. As long as I’ve done my best, I’ll leave the result up to Go

d.” Oscar sounded much more relieved.

It seemed he had taken my advice to heart. I was relieved, “That’s good. I have some things to take

care of. We’ll catch up later.”

After hanging up I went upstairs to change and prepared to go out. I needed to talk to Barbara.


Recently, Barbara wasn’t running around looking for commercial performances or competitions.

Instead, she was busy preparing for her wedding at home. Norman was still working, so a lot of the

planning was left to her.

Their future home was already decorated, but they still needed to buy some furnishings and finalize the

wedding procedures. These were all complicated tasks that should just about be completed by the end

of the year.

“Rena, do you want a taco? Norman made these for me last night. He used his special beef filling, it’s

really good!” Barbara greeted me with glee.

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Thanks, but I’ll pass. Is Norman at work?” I looked around. This apartment that Barbara and Norman

were renting was about 100 square meters, two bedrooms and a living room. Compared to her

mansion, this apartment looked really humble.

But Barbara had made it feel very warm and homey. You could see how much effort she had put into

this relationship.

As a man, Norman must be feeling somewhat inferior. You could tell from the whole wedding dress


Barbara brought over a plate of fruit and smiled, “Yes. He said he didn’t want to rely on my family’s

support and wants to provide for me through his own efforts What a hypocrite! He acted like the perfect

gentleman in front of her, but behind her back, he was getting cozy with other women in bars. I was

disgusted with Norman in my


Chapter 45


Just as I was hesitating about how to tell her about Norman’s infidelity, she suddenly laughed, “Rena,

do you want to hear a secret?”

I was taken aback, “What secret?”

A tender smile crept up on Barbara’s face. She gently touched her tummy, “I haven’t had the chance to

share this good news with you guys. I’m pregnant. Just about a month

and a half”

“What?” I almost jumped out of my skin, my face turning a ghastly shade, “You’re pregnant? Didn’t you

say you wanted to wait until after marriage?

“So this baby is a surprise gift from G od. Since the little one is on the way I’m going to embrace it and

love it.” Barbara was lost in her happy thoughts about the future, “1 haven’t told Norman yet. He’ll be

very happy when he finds out. We’ll be a happy family of three

Chapter 4