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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1638 Return
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The four of them took the trishaw to get to their destination. This time around, that old woman, Daphne, did not

cause any more trouble.

The place was indeed isolated from the world.

As they left the bustling city, Vivian could see the skyscrapers disappearing and being replaced by mud houses that

she had never seen before. At some point, the road was no longer suitable for vehicles, so they had to walk on foot.

However, the scenery was breathtaking.

Suddenly, the mountain appeared in front of them. It looked like an extremely beautiful landscape painting. Once

they entered the area, the surroundings became so quiet that all they could hear was the chirping of the birds.

“What do you think? Our place is an eye-opener for you, isn't it? It's as if you have entered a primitive society.”

Vivian was so engrossed in her surroundings.

Daphne, who had been walking behind them and looking around at the new environment, let out a snort.

Hearing that, Vivian turned her head.

Before she could say anything, she noticed a wistful look flash across Kurt's face, who was walking next to her.

“Not really. The living standard here may be lower, but the scenery is wonderful. You should have helped improved

this area before, Daphne. No matter what, you are now the queen consort of Yartran. With the wealth and power

that you possess, you should be able to rebuild your hometown. I'm sure it won't be too much of an issue for you.”

Much to everyone's surprise, Vivian was not disgusted by this place.

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On the contrary, she began to condemn that woman.

Vivian felt she should do something for her hometown now that she was doing well.

Kurt's eyes twitched right there and then.

As for Daphne, her face had turned green with rage.

I can't wait to tear up that mouth of hers!

Not wanting to be with the two anymore, she went in with her son.

When Kurt saw that, he held on to Vivian and continued strolling ahead.

“Once we get to the tribe, let's go over to Grandma's house first.”


Upon hearing that, Vivian widened her eyes in shock.

This soon? I'm not ready yet.

“W-Why are we going to your grandma's house first? Didn't you say that given your current identity, it's better not

to be seen by the people here?”

“Yes. We are going to her place just to get two sets of tribal clothing. In Elysium, they will get suspicious when

strangers enter regardless of your intentions. You will be taken in for questioning,” Kurt explained briefly.

As soon as his words fell, Vivian's face fell instantly.

So, we are going there to have a change of clothes.

She was a little disappointed.

However, Vivian remembered he had no other family members. The idea of her meeting his only family member

made her happy again.

Not long after, they arrived at a junction. According to their original plan, Daphne and her son went into the

mountain. As for Vivian, she followed Kurt into the tribe and came to the prominent and mysterious tribal ground of


“Sire, are you chopping wood?”

It was Vivian's first time hearing Kurt speak in the local language. They passed a skinny elderly man chopping wood

along the roadside.

Isn't he a little too old to be doing such a chore?

Vivian looked on in surprise and was upset about it.

“Yes, I'm chopping wood. Young chap, where are you from?”

When the old man heard the greeting, he looked up at Kurt slowly.

Sire... young chap... These must be their local way of greetings.

Vivian could not understand what they were saying. As the conversation went on, all she could do was stand by the

side and looked on in a daze.

Kurt asked, “We... We were at the market. It's in the ditch over there. Sire, can we get a drink from you?”

His eyes were riveted on that old man.

Although he tried hard to conceal it, the bitterness and tremor in his voice were still visible if one tried hard enough

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to take note.

The elderly man nodded.

The tribal people in Elysium were very kind in reality. If someone needed help, they would lend a helping hand.

They were simple and honest people.

It was the royal family of Elysium and their lackeys in the tribe who were doing evil deeds.

Kurt helped the old man carry the wood back to his house.

Vivian followed along.

“Kurt, what did you say just now? I thought you wanted to go to your grandpa's house? Why are you helping this old

man with his firewood?”

“He's my grandpa,” he informed.

Vivian did not expect that bitter response from the young man.

Her eyes widened in shock.

That elderly man is his grandpa? Then, why doesn't his grandpa recognize him?

She was dumbfounded and started to pay more attention to the hunchbacked old man walking with a stick.

There was nothing unusual about him. As they were walking, he was chatting happily with them.

“Young chap, do you belong to that family over in the ditch?”

“That's Gary's family.”

“I see. Did you study abroad, then? Did you just come back? Are you having your vacation?” queried the elderly


Walking behind his grandfather, Kurt hummed a response.