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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 24
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Jason chatted amicably with his pack members. Many asked him about his travels and what other packs were like, as well as the rise in

rogue attacks. He answered their questions and eased their concerns. Though there had been some incursions in their own territory, their

warriors stopped them well before they caused any major damage. Jason patrolled their borders himself and assured them the rogues had

been driven out.

Several congratulated him on finding his Luna. Though he accepted their congratulations, he couldn't help but notice most did not

approach Phoebe. His gaze continually sought her out, watching as she conversed and laughed, but the only wolves who approached her

were ones she already knew: his mother, sister, Mona and Bridget. It worried him the pack was not integrating her. Phoebe had been so

isolated in her previous pack he didn’t want that for her here.

The servers, however, seemed to be paying particular attention to their new Luna. Not only did several omegas approach her to thank her

for her care for Shannon, but they were also concerned she enjoyed her meal and that her needs were met. Their actions gave him hope she

would be fully accepted by the pack.

“Don’t look so serious,” Luke nudged him. “It's a party.”

“I'm aware.”

“What's the matter?” Luke asked. He followed Jason's gaze to Phoebe. She was laughing and blushing at something Lucille said. He could

only imagine what racy comment had just been made. “She looks happy. Is there a problem?”

“It’s been an hour, no one else has tried to approach her,” Jason muttered.

“Well you can hardly blame them,” Luke chuckled. “She’s surrounded by the Former Luna as well as the Beta and Gamma females. Not

many would approach so many high-ranking members at once.”

Jason sipped his beer. Was that all there was to it? His brow furrowed in thought.

“Relax. The night's still young,” Luke patted his shoulder. “So...you adopted two pups today.”

Jason cleared his throat, “Well, they are living on the alpha floor and Phoebe and my mother adore them.”

Luke chuckled, “Theres more to it than that. I saw you with them after the initiation. You looked like a proud papa.”

Luke gave him a knowing smile. Jason had always been a good Alpha, but there had been distance and disconnect between him and the

other pack members. Part of it stemmed from the lack of a Luna as well as an uncertain future with no prospect of heirs. The pack trusted in

his strength and leadership, but they lacked true connection.

While alphas were often intense and difficult to approach, lunas were generally gentler and welcoming. Pack members often brought their

concerns to her first. Without a Luna, they sometimes sought Luke or Ben or, more rarely, Mona, Lucille and Norah. Now that Jason had

found his Luna, the disconnection he felt with his pack should naturally resolve itself.

While the adults conversed, the pups darted around them playing various games or stealing bits of food. The pack pups were naturally

curious about the newly initiated pair and welcomed them into their games. It seemed making friends was easier for younger pack

members than their elders.

As the pups chased each other, a young she-wolf tripped and fell, skinning her knee. Before anyone else could react, Phoebe scooped her

up and cuddled her. Carrying the pup to a table, she sat down cooing softly.

“Shh. Shh. It's okay sweetie.”

Whether through the packlink or simply motherly instinct, an omega brought a damp washcloth. Phoebe accepted it with a smile.

“This might sting a little,” she warned the pup before gently cleaning the injury.

The pup whimpered, but didn’t cry out as it leaned into her, soothed by her gentle aura. Bridget still had the balm and extra bandages, so

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treating the skinned knee was a simple task. Phoebe cooed to the pup the entire time the nurse applied the salve and wrapped the knee.

“You are such a brave girl. There, all done. It doesn’t hurt anymore, does it? Good. A brave little one like you deserves a reward.”

Before Phoebe could mind link the servers, an omega brought a cookie for the pup, who seemed quite content with all the attention. They

shared a knowing smile while the pup enjoyed her treat.

“Lexi,” a she-wolf emerged from the crowd, summoned by someone who recognized the pup. “What happened?”

“Mommy,” the pup smiled with a mouth full of cookie, “look what Luna gave me for being brave.”

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Phoebe smiled at the nervous mother, “We just took a little tumble, but she was very brave.”

Standing, she handed the pup to the worried mother, who apologized, “I'm so sorry she bothered you, Luna.”

“She was no bother at all,” Phoebe shook her head, tickling the pup. “She’s adorable and such a sweetheart.”

“I think you're sweet too, Luna,” Lexi declared.

“Thank you,” Phoebe poked her nose.

The pup giggled.

Across the quad, Jason watched as his mate tenderly cared for, comforted and entertained the pup. She had not hesitated a moment to

scoop her up just as she had not hesitated to take in Blake and Emma. His chest swelled with pride.

“Mate is amazing!” Loho howled in his mind.

Jason couldn’t agree more. He watched as Phoebe spoke with the mother, gleaning who knew what information. Phoebe had a comforting

presence that drew others in and they relaxed as they opened up to her.

Eventually, the pup fell asleep and the mother excused herself. After that, it was like a dam broke. Other pack members began to approach,

mostly other mothers. Some doubted the rumors swirling around since breakfast, but they couldn't deny what they witnessed with their

own eyes.

Jason watched, finally content as more pack members introduced themselves. Phoebe gave each of them attention as they asked about her

former pack and answered her questions about Blue Moon. Despite the growing number of admirers eager to converse with her, she didn’t

seem overwhelmed or uncomfortable.

“See,” Luke slapped his shoulder, “I told you.”

Jason nodded. There was no denying Phoebe’s natural charm. How her previous pack was able to ignore her was beyond his

comprehension. She was not a wolf meant to live anonymously or, as she put it: a nameless cog.

His gaze settled on his mate. Though her clothing choice was modest, it did nothing to hide her form, the soft swell of her breasts, the

gentle shape of her curves. His gaze traveled down her shapely legs as her musical laughter reached his ears.

“Do you mind not mentally undressing your mate in public?” Luke nudged him, startling him from his thoughts. “I can practically smell your


Jason felt his face warm. He tried to marshal his wayward thoughts while his Beta chuckled at his discomfort.

“What's so funny?” Ben asked, joining them. As Gamma, he was generally more approachable than Alpha or Beta, though with a Luna now

in attendance, he would probably lose his edge.

“Our Alpha mentally stripping his Luna in public,” Luke answered.

“Is that all?” Ben chuckled.

“Stop it.” Jason warned, earning more snickers. He growled, but there wasn’t much threat to it.

“Relax Jace,” Luke tried to suppress his laughter. “It's completely natural.”

Ben nodded agreement. The mate bond was not something one could fight, especially between fated mates. If the initial attraction was not

overwhelming enough on its own, the longer they were together the stronger the connection and urge to mark them became.

Jason was playing a dangerous game by holding himself back. Yet, they knew why he did. Phoebe had been rejected once. Because of that,

she did not trust the bond. He wanted to earn her trust rather than forcing the bond.

It was a stance Ben respected, but it also meant Jason was putting added pressure on himself to control his wolf and their natural urges. But

Jason would not force Phoebe to do anything she wasn't ready for.

Ben's gaze slid toward their Luna, watching her sip from the drink she had been given as she conversed with other pack members. Unmated

males were keeping their distance, less their actions were construed as a challenge to their Alpha’s claim, but several she-wolves did

introduce their mates.

“Ah Jace, is Phoebe much of a drinker?” Ben asked.

“Phoebe? No, I don’t think so. At least she didn’t have anything in her cottage.”



“Do you think anyone told her that is Aconite Beer?”

Jason jerked to attention and looked again at Phoebe, focusing on the container in her hand. A grow! burst from him, “Who the hell gave

her that?”

“Easy, easy,” Luke patted his shoulder, hoping they wouldn't have to actually physically retrain him. “Take it easy.”

“The aconite is less than a half percent,” Ben reminded.

The aconite in the beer wouldn't cause any lasting damage. At most, it would quiet Phoebe’s wolf, but it wouldn't fully suppress it.

Alcoholism itself was rare as their wolf spirits constrained self-destructive behaviors, which was the true danger of aconite beer as it

weakened the connection to their spirit. But Ben doubted that would be an issue for Phoebe. The only real danger was how she would react

to the alcohol itself. If she wasn’t much of a drinker she probably had a low tolerance for its effects.

Jason's fur bristled as he fought Lobo for control. Someone had given their mate poison and he was ready to tear the pack apart to find out

who. Luke and Ben's words slowly reached him and Jason was able to maintain control. They breathed sighs of relief as he calmed. This

night was important for the pack to bond with their Luna and it wouldn't do any good for their Alpha to go on a rampage.

Phoebe moaned. Her head felt fuzzy. She felt weighed down, but at the same time it was as if she was floating. Strong arms supported her,

lifted her and carried her. A pleasant smell invaded her nose, making her entire body relax. Groggily, she opened her eyes to see a firm chin

softened by dark stubble. Raising her head, she saw the face near hers.


“Feeling all right, angel?” he asked, looking at her with concern.

“Hmm. What time is it? What happened?”

“Late. You had a bit too much to drink.”

“Did I?”

He clenched his jaw. Jason had counted at least five cans in her hand throughout the night. He hadn't interfered, not wanting to discourage

the pack from interacting with their Luna. What was more, she looked so happy. The entire night, Phoebe conversed and laughed with the

pack, something she never did with her former pack. Given her anxiety, it was good to see her unwind and relax.

He let it go too far when it became clear she was a little drunk. When she turned, seeking a chair, she stumbled. Jason was at her side

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immediately, picking her up. Though she had maintained well up to the point, she instantaneously fell asleep in his arms. The pack members

were concerned, but he assured them she simply had too much to drink. Now, he carried her up the stairs to their floor.

Her head fell back to his shoulder. Her arms curled around him, her face close to his neck. Softly, she muttered, “You smell good.”

Jason shuddered with pleasure at her touch and blushed. Lobo pranced in his mind, exceptionally pleased. She nuzzled his neck and her

embrace tightened. Jason groaned as his skin almost felt electrified at her touch.

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Reaching the alpha floor, he quickly ensconced her into their private suite, wanting to avoid his mother who he knew was still up after

sending the pups to bed. Laying Phoebe down in their bed, Jason carefully took off her shoes then hesitated. She should really change into

pajamas so she could sleep comfortably.

“Phoebe,” he smoothed her hair away from her face. “Phoebe angel, I need you to get up. Angel?”

She stirred, “I really like it when you call me that.”

“You like it when I call you angel?”

“It makes me feel special.”

Jason leaned close, kissing her forehead, “You are special, angel. won't let you forget it. Can you wake up and get ready for bed?”

She moaned, but fell back to sleep. Jason hesitated, not sure what he should do. He wanted her to rest comfortably, but he also didn’t want

to undress her without permission. With a sigh, he eased back, but she suddenly reached for him and pulled him back. Surprised and

caught off balance, he nearly toppled on top of her. Jason caught himself, propping himself up on his elbows.

“Don’t leave.” Phoebe muttered a slight pleading tone in her voice.

“Shh. Jason nuzzled her. “I won't ever leave. I promise, angel.”

She fell back to sleep, seemingly comforted. Slowly, he eased back and pushed himself off the bed. He stepped back, trying to get a hold of

himself. Her scent was intoxicating. Forcing himself away, he retreated to the bathroom and into the shower. He leaned his forehead against

the tile as the cold water fell on his heated skin. Lobo whimpered, pacing in his mind.

“Get back to Mate!”

Jason shook his head.

“Get back to Mate now! She needs us!’

“Not until we're in control,” Jason insisted.

Lobo growled.

“I refuse to do anything without her consent and she’s not in any condition to give it. Do you want her to hate us?"

Lobo whimpered and finally retreated.

Jason sighed, looking down at his stiff member. Groaning, he gripped it. His mind filled with images of Phoebe laughing and smiling. Her

scent was still thick in his nose as he increased his pace. It didn’t take long to bring himself to his release. Jason groaned as he ejaculated

and let it wash down the drain before finally stepping out of the shower.

Drying himself, he pulled on a pair of sweats before returning to the bedroom. Phoebe had turned in her sleep, hugging his pillow where his

scent was strongest. He smiled, recalling her confession on the stairs.

slipping into the bed, he eased himself next to her and pulled her into his embrace. Phoebe snuggled against him, breathing deep and

relaxing. Jason chuckled, gently caressing her. Lobo finally settled now that she was in their arms.

“Soon,” Jason promised his wolf. ‘We'll claim her soon.”

“Yes! Mate ours!’

But he wouldn't until she was ready. He told her that her word was his law. An Alpha bowed to no wolf, but his Luna.