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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 14
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Chapter 14: Hercules loyalists Peter scoffed and turned towards Jessica. “Call the securities right now

and get this guy out of this place!”

“Using a fake check, I‘ll call the police and charge you with fraud!” Peter laughed. The door behind

them opened quickly and Grey bent to pack the pieces of the cheque. His hands shuddered beside him

as he clenched his fist in anger.

The securities moved nearer to him and he contemplated quickly on what to do.

The door opened before he could do anything and a familiar deodorant filled the air. Grey was very

angry now and all he wanted to do was punch Peter in the face, even though he might have to return to

Alfred for another cheque.

“What the fuck is happening here!” Gregory roared suddenly. He seemed to have recognized Grey from

his stance,

Grey let out several breaths to steady himself. Maybe, he wouldn‘t need to disturb himself at all now

that Gregory was around.

Peter turned towards him with a calmer expression. “I‘m so sorry you have to see this. There was only

a bug and it shall be taken care of.”

“Can we move now please! I need to see the manager,” the rich man behind Peter reminded again,

annoyingly. Gregory sent him a dirty stare and his eyes went wide with shock. “I‘m meeting the

manager instead,” he ordered, his eyes still on the rich man. And it seemed like he knew who Gregory

really was.

Mafia men would always recognize themselves. “Oh, alright,” he turned back to the rich man and

realized he had backed off already. “Should we go now?”

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Actually, Gregory seemed like a no–nonsense mafia boss.

“Ask me that again and you won‘t like the aftermath,” his voice was thick and spoke authority.

“He‘s coming with me and so are you,” Gregory finished up in a voice that left no room for more

conversation. He started up the stairs while Grey followed quietly. Peter was also quiet while wondering

what was really happening. Gregory stopped before the office and glanced back at Peter. “You stay

here while he follows


“But he‘s just a delivery boy,” Peter argued.“and he used a fake cheque. I‘ve already call the


Gregory turned towards him sharply,” say one more word and your tongue will go with it!” He sneered.

Peter stared at him as if he was a joker. But he knew how close he was with Jayden, the manager. And

anything that upset the manager, could lead to lim kissing his job goodbye.

Peter took a short bow. “Sure, I will do just that sir.” Gregory made a little smile. “Good boy,” he moved

towards the door and stole a glance at Grey that had been watching everything in silence. Actually,

Grey was anxiously watching how the situation would end. As far as he was concerned, Gregory was

one of his men and he was reasonably working undercover. So, Gregory would never let someone

humiliate his boss. Not someone like Gregory that hated mess.

Gregory and Grey walked into a big room with desks and chairs. There was a pile of documents on the

desk and by the shelf.

A man in his probable fifties was by the computer, typing hard on the keyboard. But the moment

Gregory closed the door with a loud slam, he looked up. Seeing who it was, he stood up which amazed


He walked out of his seat to meet Gregory halfway. “Gregory, what do I owe this pleasant visit


Gregory watched him for a moment, with clenched teeth. “Jayden, I‘ve come for a business deal but I

met something more important. Do you know who this is?” He gestured at Grey.

Jayden craned his neck in the direction of his finger. He stared at Grey for a moment and his eyes went

wide with shock.

“What the fuck!” He exclaimed softly and moved closer to Grey.

Grey was also watching him, wondering what he was up to.

“Is he Hercules?” The words came flying out of his mouth with a strangeness that Grey had never

heard before.

“Who is this?” Grey inquired as Gregory turned to look at the both of them.

“That‘s the sixth and the last elders of the mafia world in which you are the boss, Hercules,” he


The fuck! The manager where Peter was working actually does work for him? Interesting as well.

Gregory took to his feet immediately. “It has been a while, Hercules. What brought you here?” Hercules

sighed. “I‘m here undercover. Please, get up,” he urged and finally watched Jayden get up.” I‘m not

going to show up until later.” Jayden nodded quickly. “I‘m so happy that you are alive. I‘m sure we will

get through with this tragedy together,” he assured. Gregory nodded.” He will. Though, before that, I

would like for you to treat the disrespect that your workers are giving to Hercules because I won‘t have

it!” He boomed. Grey didn‘t say a word. There was nothing he could say when his subordinates were

already fighting for him. Jayden turned to look at Gregory, then back at Grey.with confused brows.

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“Which of my workers?”

Grey opened his palm and let the pieces of the cheque fly to the floor. “Peter did this to my cheque,” he

explained briefly. Jayden took in a deep breath as if he was trying not to get angry. He moved towards

the door and opened it to look at Peter.

“Enter!” He said at once and walked back inside.

Peter came to stand beside Grey while still giving him a dirty glare.

“Why did you tear this gentleman‘s cheque?” Jayden asked softly.

Peter blinked once.” But he‘s the delivery man and his cheque was fake! I can‘t find information in our


“Seriously?” Jayden was more than surprised.

Grey chuckled.” He‘s a stubborn one.”

Peter looked up at Grey as he was shorter by one inch.” What did you just say?”

“Pick the damn papers and stick them together. If you don‘t succeed, then see it as that you‘ve lost

your job already,” Jayden contended. “Do you know whose cheque it is? It was Mr.Alfred who wrote it!

Do you think you have authority to check the information on this cheque?”

Peter looked up at him as if he couldn‘t quite believe the word coming out of his mouth.” What did you

just say I should do?”

“I don‘t like repeating myself Peter and you know it!” Jayden said strongly.

“If you are unable to make it as whole and new as it‘s always been, then you will be sacked,” Gregory

moved to sit but still looked up at him.” I‘m going to give you an hour.”

Grey stared at them, surprised. Actually, he wondered how many workers he actually had. And

wondered how many he was still supposed to meet as the elders.