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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 205
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Chapter 195: Plans with Odin


In my entire life, I had never met a woman who puzzled me as much as Cassie did. Watching her leave

my room I couldn't help but want to figure out every last thing about her. The problem was that while I

was here. I was having to share her attention with two other men that I knew she had deep

relationships with. Something that I wasn't privy to obtain yet.

For days my mind had been going over how I could get closer to her. The games were only a cover for

being here. Today when I faced my opponent, I didn't even need to move to know that I would win. The

man I faced was nothing but a boy and the moment he launched himself forward, I took him down with


I was hundreds of years older than they were, and my skills far surpassed anything that any of them

would ever have. I may not have been a god, but I was godly in other ways.

Turning back towards my wet bar, I poured another glass of the lilac concoction into my glass and

chased it back with a sigh. Cassie had made it clear that she missed her family and wasn't able to see

them. I hadn't known it was impossible for an immortal to travel to other realms but perhaps that is

simply what they had told her to keep her here in Asgard.

If that was the case... it was fucked up.

A new determination set into my heart as a smile crossed my face. If she wanted to go home then I

could take her, and I would be her chaperone, which would give me time to get to know who the real

Cassie was.

There was no game to what I was doing. Cassie was my mate, and the woman I was destined to be

with. I had foreseen her coming for so long and now that I had my eyes on her, there was no way that I

was going to let her go.

As I placed my glass down. I quickly exited my quarters and made my way down the hallway in search

of one person who could help me with what I wanted. As much as I would normally have just taken her

wherever she wanted to go, I wasn't in my realm. Odin would have my head if I simply let her go where

she wanted.

So that meant I needed his permission.

Aro, my guard and oldest friend, matched my footsteps in silence as he followed me toward the main

courtyard where Odin frequented this time of day. Since the moment I arrived in Asgard, I had Aro

follow and keep track of every single person here of importance. No matter what my father had said

about this place being safe, or Odin being his oldest friend-1 didn't trust it.

“Are you sure that you want to do this, Finn?" he asked, causing my gaze to turn to him, taking in his

tall muscular stature and long shoulder-length black hair that was pulled back into half updo with silver

pieces woven in. It was different seeing him out of his usual armor and not with his sword but I was

pleased to have him with me regardless.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Why do you think I shouldn't?"

The question made him scoff as we turned a corner, the courtyard door coming into view as the sound

of Odin's cheerful bellowing voice and laughter sauntered towards us through the air. "I think that you

are infatuated with the woman, and are grasping at straws... Your Highness."

One thing about Aro that I loved was his straightforward responses and boldness. Deep laughter of my

own escaped me as I glanced at him once more, shaking my head. "My dear man, this is the fun part of

courting. Who knows, maybe if you're lucky you can see the dangerous side.

Aro was obviously not amused by what I was saying but his silence let me know that he was going

along with my plan, for now.

Stepping out into the courtyard, I took in Odin's figure laid upon a lounge chair with Frigga and a few

other women and men. Curtains billowed in the breeze as they ate and drank their way into happiness.

However, as Odin's eyes met mine I saw a twinkle of surprise and a smile that made me hopeful that

he would agree to what I was asking.

"Prince Finnick, how are you today?"

"My lord Odin, I'm well. I was wondering if I could borrow a moment of your time," I replied with a smile

as I made my way towards him only to have him embrace me before gesturing towards a fur-lined

seating area on the ground.

"Of course, of course." His eyes connected with the other figures around and quickly they departed.

"Come sit and tell me what's on your mind."

I didn't hesitate when I moved forward, taking my seat upon the thick lush blankets and oversized

chairs that littered the area underneath the awning. Speaking to Odin was important because it was the

only way that I was going to be able to get what I wanted. Something that of course, everybody else

might have a problem with but for me. I had a special degree of importance and in Odin's eye, I was

the son of his oldest friend and the alliance that he had with my kingdom was important.

"I wanted to see if I could speak to you about Cassie," I replied as I looked at him, watching as his

facial expression turned from one of happiness to slight concern. His brows furrowed slightly as a soft

breath escaped him that almost sounded like a sigh.

"What has she done now? I know that she's been quite difficult lately but I was hoping that she would

have adjusted by now."

Hearing him ask what she had done came as a surprise because as far as I was aware, there were too

many issues that Cassie had been a part of unwillingly for her to be a problem. She may have been

immature in the way she acted on certain things but she was new to the way we lived.

Perhaps Odin didn't quite see that. "She hasn't done anything wrong. On the contrary, I noticed that

she was a little out of sorts lately, and appeared to be stressed. I had a solution that might perhaps help

her... adjust to her new role."

His brows raised as a look of understanding crossed his face, a smile picking the corner of his lips as

he nodded. "By all means, if you have any suggestions. I'm all ears."

"Well, from the little that I know about your granddaughter, she's slightly uncomfortable being here.

Given the circumstances of her arrival, it's only understandable that she would feel out of place. She

wasn't raised the way we were and though her parents are the Alpha's of their pack... Earth packs

aren't like the old traditional packs; the hierarchy is a bit freelanced, if you will. Which would be the

reason why she doesn’t have the same etiquette values that the rest of us do. Something that I am

sure even Freya wouldn't be able to address with her. Perhaps having her go back to her roots and

grasp a better understanding of what happened to her there would make things better."

It pained me to say what I did to Odin, but I had to make him believe that Cassie needed help. I had to

make him believe that there was a need for her to improve and that I could help her. My little mate was

an amazing woman, and in my opinion, I didn't think she realized just the amount of potential she had

and if this was what I had to do to help her then so be it.

I was going to let others bring her down when I had hope I could help her be who she was destined to


Odin sat silent for a moment as if pondering over what I was saying. His mouth opened and closed

before he looked off into the distance and nodded once more. "So you think that she has some

underlying issues that need to be addressed in order for her to be able to act more properly in her


"Essentially, yes. I think that everything that had happened with her family and from what I understand,

her friend... caused a lot of issues originally not seen. She did say that when she went back before she

wasn't allowed to stay long enough."

“Yes, that is true. She wasn't but it was just timing with the trilogy games. Not to mention, I didn't want

her to get comfortable with the idea of being able to stay," he replied in a manner that made it seem

there was more on his mind than just simply it being the games.

"Is that why she thinks she can’t go back?" I asked with curiosity, watching the mischievous gaze in his

eyes turn towards his cup with a smile.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't have told her that but I have to protect the future of this realm. She was chosen to

be what she is... I can't have things off balance. You of all people know the importance of preserving

the lineage."

I did know what he meant, but what I didn't understand was why Cassie. He had many other children

and grandchildren who should have been in line for the throne before her. Yet, for some reason, he

dismissed all of them to put her in place.

Something that didn’t make sense.

“I do understand what you mean, but I don't think she will. I mean no offense by this, but if we want her

to be compliant, we need to treat her as the woman she is supposed to be. Let her take more of a

stance in what you do on a regular basis. Let her know more about the other realms. Right now. the

only thing she was slightly allowed to do was the games, and that is just a minor task." Odin's

demeanor turned dismissive as he stared at the drink in his hand without responding to me right away.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I wasn't trying to tell him how to run his realm, but he had to know that I had a point. If he wanted

Cassie to stop from acting out and making immature choices, then he had to treat her in a way that

would force her to grow up. Hard truths bring better understanding. Lying to her was going to do

nothing to help her grow up.

"If I were to say that you were accurate in what you are saying, what would be your suggestion for

fixing things? You seem to know more about this than I do." Odin's comment was slightly sarcastic, and

when his eyes met mine I could tell he wasn't exactly pleased with the conversation we were having.

Yet, instead of lashing out in anger, he was giving me a chance to properly give a suggestion to his


"Well, for one I would have a conversation with her explaining that she isn't bound to this realm." I

replied, watching Oding laugh as if my suggestion was amusing.

"Out of the question. Until I can know for sure that she isn't going to run, I can't afford to have that

happen, and Cassie is known to run when things get hard."

It was clear that Odin wasn't going to be easily persuaded, and his decision honestly irritated me. I was

all for keeping things in line, but to lie to her was ridiculous. And from the whispers of that lingered the

halls from the servants, this wasn't the first time he had done such-which honestly made me question

his judgment as a ruler.

I nodded. “Well, perhaps letting her have a break from things to spend time on earth with her family. It

could let her accept what happened to her and grow from her past. I' d have no problem accompanying

her there as her chaperone."

"You?" He laughed at the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes creasing with the amusement he found in

my statement. “You would travel to earth with her? Have you ever been there?"

In all reality, I hadn't, but I had studied much about it growing up and had no doubts I could maneuver

around it easily. "No. but I am well versed in their ways."

A deep bellow escaped Odin that irritated me. He cackled like a hyena over the conversation and

hearing his obvious self-doubt that I knew what I was doing was insulting. "I'll tell you what, Finnick. We

have two weeks before the next trials... I will let you venture there with her, but I will send my best

guard with you as well. Just to make sure no issues arise with her returning... she is known to be a


"I'm sure I can handle her-" I replied only to have Odin hold his hand up dismissing what I was going to

say as that same mischievous glint reappeared in his eyes.

"Don't be so sure about that. Finnick. You don't know Cassie as I do. It may not seem that I know my

granddaughter, but I can promise you that I do." Standing to his feet, I followed the same action. His

eyes left mine as he gestured to a small blonde-haired woman with large brown eyes and a soft smile.

"This is Grace, tell her what you need and she will ensure it is ready for your trip."

“Thank you, Odin. I assure you by the time Castor comes back, she will be a changed woman."

Or at least I was counting that she would.