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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 494
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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 484 The Greasy Couple (Beatrice Dismay)

I was beginning to wake up maybe an hour later. Finding myself in the woods and in a cabin made me realize they

hadn’t taken me far. I must be in the pack’s woods.

They have restrained me with iron, and there were some injections placed on the table, a little farther from me.

“Ahh,” I groaned as I tried moving my arms. The chains were wrapped all around my body. I could tell they were

afraid of me unleashing my dragon on them.

“I need some wa—ter,” I whispered to myself as my throat closed on me.

“Huh?” A little sigh from the dark made me understand I was not alone. She let out a bothersome cough before

stepping out of the darkness and revealing herself.

“Mariah!” I groaned. It was confusing why these two decided to come back to cause me more distress. The fact

that they have been gone for some time and I thought Mariah stopped existing, yet they came back, was just


“What are you going to get out of this?” I asked her in a rough tone, coughing a lot to clear my throat.

“I know you are capable of giving us nothing,” she didn’t hesitate before hugging her shoulders.

“Then why am I here?” I asked, watching her nod to herself.

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“Flynn wanted you here,” she dragged a chair and sat down, focusing on the red dress she had changed into. It

could barely cover her thighs. Her nails were perfectly done, she had full face makeup, and her hair was curled until

it looked half its length.

She must have been doing a lot to keep him interested. I noticed how she was constantly checking her image in the


“And it doesn’t upset you that he wants me here?” I questioned, watching her slow down while running her hand

through her hair to fix them.

“It is not like he brought you here to accept him,” her voice cracked, illuminating the fear she held in her heart. She

was already afraid he might do something like that and me saying it out loud just shook her composed posture.

“Huh! So why am I here?” I asked again.

It was important for me to know what kind of trouble I was facing. I remember Flynn had tried abducting me and

had even succeeded when he put me in the cabin, but why come back again? Why wasn’t he getting the hint that

this whole war had nothing better to come out of it?

As she cluelessly shrugged her shoulders, I shook my head at her in disbelief.

“You don’t even know why he brought me here?” I taunted her for doing his job, and he wasn’t even telling her his

plans. I could tell my words upset her because she brought her eyebrows together and warned me with her gaze

not to poke her. 

“He is an alpha king. He doesn’t need to tell me s*hit,” she raised her voice, probably trying to convince herself

because I was not convinced.

“Is that why you are sticking around with a toxic person like him? You think once he is done with his revenge, he will

accept you and make you sit on a throne like a f*uc*king Luna Queen?” I rolled my eyes, using a taunting tone to irk


“I am sticking by his side because I love him,” she hissed. Her eyes shook for a split second, enough for me to

determine that she was lying.

There was no love in her heart for him. She was just s*uc*king up to him because he was now her only option to

gain the title of Luna Queen.

“Do you? You are only sticking around because you didn’t get to trap Zane,” I spoke softly, hissing while smiling as

her smile faded away.

“I heard you have turned evil. But looking at you only confirms it,” the fear in her eyes and the shakiness of her

tone while she slowly got up from the chair to walk away made me feel victorious. I don’t care what anybody says. I

will act evil with evil.

That’s when the door opened, and Flynn stepped in.

“Our guest woke up,” he yelled happily, smiling as he watched me stare him down.

Mariah looked my way before staring at him, and then she rushed to wrap her arms around his waist and k*iss him

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on the l*ips. It was the most awkward, intimate scene ever, as he was still trying to speak to me while she was

shoving her tongue down his throat.

“Wait, did I miss something?” he broke free from her and asked in excitement. It didn’t even seem like he was

happy to have her k*iss him. He was more excited to know what caused her to act up.

“Did she say something that made you jealous?” He continued to show interest in what I might have said to lead

her into showing she owned him. “She is insecure,” I commented, making her take a step near me and grunt.

“Shut up before I pull your tongue out and feed it to the rogues,” she made a threat. Now that Flynn was around,

she was acting more confident than before. “Huh!” I let out a scoff while glaring at her f*inger that she had raised

at me.

“Easy! She is very powerful,” Flynn dramatically held her by her waist to pull her back and then k*issed her neck,

but his eyes stayed on my face.

There was no way this man was in love with her. He was using her, and as an evil person herself, she was happily

letting him do that.

“But she is not so powerful when in captivity,” she was quick enough to counterattack his statement. The insecurity

has succumbed to her. She didn’t even want him to say the truth or talk about how powerful I was.

“Mariah, would you like to give us a moment alone?” He suddenly broke the hug and looked my way.

It was pretty evident at this point that she didn’t like him wanting to be left alone with me. There was no way he

didn’t know about her feelings towards the specific demand. But he simply didn’t care.

Now. I didn’t want her to leave us alone, but the instant she nodded, I was fear-stricken.