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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 398
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I was parked outside the coffee shop had been for about fifteen minutes. My gran was here inside sitting in a booth by the window. I could see her perfectly from my car.

I hadn't gone inside yet because I wasn't sure what to say to her. I wasn't sure how it was going to go. Should I even be here? Should I have left the past in the past and got on with my life? I missed having her in my life, but I didn't need her not anymore.

Sighing I unclipped my seatbelt and got out making sure to lock my car before heading inside. She had already ordered for us. Two coffees sat on the table.

"Hey". I smiled sitting opposite her.

"I ordered for us I hope it's still a cappuccino". She spoke.

"It is thank you". I felt awkward, it was awkward between us and if it's one thing I hated it was feeling uncomfortable. It shouldn't be like this not with her. I still wondered how we ended up the way we did. We used to be so close.

"You look good sweetheart". She smiled. "Are you doing, okay? Is life treating you well?".

I shrugged. "I haven't really been doing much if I'm honest. I'm waiting to hear back about college but that's about it". I didn't feel the need to share everything with her because she didn't need to know. She didn't need to know about the baby or the miscarriage.

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"Sounds exciting. Am I right in saying you'll be studying English literature?". She asked.

"That's the plan". I took a sip of my coffee. "But I have to wait and see if I get a space first".

"I'm sure you will".

"Why am I here?". I asked.

"What?". She frowned.

I was trying not to be rude or blunt but there had to be a reason as to why she askedto go for coffee. We hadn't spoken in months and then she textsout of the blue saying she wants to see me. Why? "Why did you askhere?". I spoke.

"You never did have any patience". She sighed.

I grit my teeth in the hopes I didn't say something I would probably regret later. She had a wicked tongue at times. My gran wasn't a woman that held back.

"We haven't spoken in months. You cutout of your life like it was nothing and then textout of the blue wanting to see me. So, what do you want?". I asked.

"I miss you Leah, I miss you every day. I made a mistake, and I realise that. I pushed you out and pushed you away because I thought I was doing what was best for you".

I rolled my eyes. It was the sold story. She thought she was doing what was best for me. Yeah, right. "So, what you want us to go back to the way we were?". I asked.

"That's what I hope for one day, but I know it's not going to happen overnight. This book has many missing chapters and scenes if you're not reading it on Job nibI know you'll need tto think about it but maybe we could start by meeting once a week for coffee?". She suggested.

"I don't know if we'll ever get back to the way we were but meeting for coffee could be a start". I was too nice of a person just to brush her off and say no. Even after everything I couldn't bring myself to hurt her feelings. Deep down I know I could never hate her.

"I would really like that". She smiled. "Maybe further down the line we could have you and Jake over for dinner?". "Maybe". I smiled.

I had been sat in the driveway for the last twenty minutes. I thought the minute we sat down and spoke we would have fell back into the way we were before but that didn't happen.

It was weird and it felt forced but that was the first twe had been for coffee in months. Maybe the next twe meet it'll be better. I guess we just have to get to know each other again.

She seemed well though, aging like a fine wine.

The tap on my passenger side window knockedfrom my thoughts. Jake opened the door and got in.

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"You going to sit out here all day?". He asked.

"No". I smiled. "Just thinking".

"About?". He grabbed my hand in his and laced out fingers together. "Is your gran, okay?".

"She wants to meet once a week for coffee. Try and fix our relationship and maybe get back to how things used to be". I spoke.

"Is that what you want?". He asked.

"I don't know". I sighed. "It was weird, the whole coffee date was weird, but I agreed to meeting once a week. Can only see what happens". I shrugged.

"It could be a good thing though baby. I know how close you and your gran once were". He placed a kiss on my knuckles. There's nothing to say it can't be fixed". "Maybe". I smiled before unclipping my seatbelt and getting out. "I guess we'll find out soon enough". "How about tonight I take you somewhere special?". He asked as we walked through the front door of our house. "Special?". I frowned.

"Yeah, letdo something for you". I felt him behindhis arms snaking O around my waist, head resting against my shoulder. "It'll be something you'll love". "Do I need to get dressed up?". I asked. A laugh fell from his lips before he placed a kiss on the side of my neck. "Wear whatever you want princess just be comfortable".

"Does that mean we aren't getting tacos?". I turned in his embrace so I could face him. "Because I really want tacos".

Rolling his eyes he brushed his nose against mine. "Whatever you want want you get now go wash up. I've got stuff to do with a smack to the a*s, he leftstanding wondering what he was planning. X