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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 110
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"Luna Quinn, we weren't expecting to see you here today. How are you holding up?" One of the Elders ask.
"Yes well, it was an unexpected visit. Alpha Declan isn't available to meet with you and so I was asked to sit with Luna Lila and
you fine gentlemen. As for the latter, I'm taking it day by day." I give them my most welcoming smile, "Come, let's have some
refreshments while we wait on the Luna. I think she may be tending to her son at the moment."
"Well, it's good to see that she is taking an interest in her pup finally. We are hoping that she's pick up some of the Luna duties
as well." This comes from the same one that asked about my well- being.
The other one cuts in, "Yes, I knew she wasn't a good fit, but what do you do when these she-whores get knocked up. We had to
abide by the law."
They both seem to not be on Lila's side at all, but I already knew that, it's just shocking to actually hear them speak like this, "I
understand perfectly, and that's why you are Elders, you do a fine job upholding the shifter laws." I want to gag just from being
nice. to these men. They ruin lives with this law. It's an outdated rule that needs to be changed before more Lila's get their hands
on other Alphas.
I ask one of the omegas if she could get us some tea while we wait for the Luna. Cam links me letting me know that he's five
minutes out with the package, and I tell him where to take it when he gets here, and that he's to go through the back door.
"So, Luna Quinn, how's the little one doing?" It's the first Elder once again, who seems to be very interested in how I'm fairing
after my mate's passing.
"He's well, growing like a weed and the spitting image of his
father." I smile when I say this because it's the truth. I miss Gavin every single day, but I thank the Goddess for giving me a son
who looks just like him.
"That's good to hear, very good indeed," he clears his throat, "but tell us, what are your plans for the Dark Moon pack?"
The omega comes carrying a tray with the sweet tea and a few glasses on it. I wait for her to set it down before I offer the Elders
theirs first. I pick mine up and take a sip trying to calm myself down because I know what they are going to say. They were

against me taking over my pack before but there is nothing stating that I couldn't take it over. Now that Gavin's gone and I'm the
Luna, they will try and put their two scents in.

"I guess I'm not understanding what it is that you are asking. I plan on continuing to run the pack until my son is old enough, and
I can help him along the way, so when the time comes, he can take over both Blue River and Dark Moon. After all they are his
"Erm, well yes, that is true, but shouldn't you let someone else run the pack until little Alpha is old enough?"
I paste a smile on my face, "With all due respect, I was running this pack before my mate came along, and I will continue running
this pack until our son can take over."
He gets cut off as Lila steps outside beside Beta Carter. He exchanges a look with me and I'm hoping it means that he found
evidence on video. Lila exchanges pleasantries with the Elders and
I try sniffing her as best I can but there is nothing, no scent at all. Hopefully the Elders don't try sniffing her for any reason
because they will become suspicious. At the moment, all you can smell is a light scent of roses and that's only because the scent
blocker only works with our wolf scent.
"Please excuse me briefly while I have a word with Beta Carter." I take the Beta's arm and just pull him to the other side of the
porch, so I can still keep an eye on Lila with the Elders.
"We have proof, first with her lacing the coffee pot yesterday morning after she poured her own cup, and then again at dinner
time." Carter sneers but keeps his voice very low.
"Okay, stay out here with us. You will be her guard, and just go along with everything." I step back around the Beta to go back to
the others just in time to hear Lila tell them that she's been treated as expected.
"You look a little peaked, are you getting enough sunlight, Luna?" Elder number two asks the she-bitch.
"I could probably get a little more, but I was in my room all day yesterday trying to stay out of everyone's way. They still haven't
accepted me." She tries playing on the Elder's soft side, but I'll be damned if she gets away with it.
"I'm afraid that is a lie, Luna. You shouldn't lie to our Elders."
Lila looks at me like I don't know what I'm talking about, "I was; ask anybody. I only came down for coffee and again to make
myself a plate for dinner."

"What else did you do while in the kitchen area?" I wait for an answer, but I never get one so I turn to the Elders, "You must
excuse the Luna. Beta Carter is here to take her to the cells for drugging Alpha Declan."
"What? I did no such thing! She's lying! If the Alpha was drugged, then she did it! She's been after my man for years!" She goes
on rambling.
We all turn to the doorway where Declan stands, still in a pair of basketball shorts with his hair sticking out every which way.
The anger in his voice and his eyes makes even me stay silent, not that his aura works on me, but it's out of respect. Declan
clenches his jaw and balls his hands into fists.
He then turns to me, "Thank you Luna Quinn, for stepping in for me, and for taking care of the Elder's needs."
"Of course, it's what friends do." I smile at him and then take a step back, letting Declan take over, I'm so happy to see that he
came out of his room.
"What Luna Quinn says is true. My Luna drugged me yesterday and I have proof. There is security footage proving that she
drugged me."
"That's impossible! I..."
"You what?" Declan interrupts her, and I wish he hadn't because she was going to hang herself without realizing it.
"I was just going to say that I don't have any drugs, so how could it have been me?" The she-bitch says smugly.
"I think you were going to say that you made sure you weren't on camera, but what almost no one knows is that I added more
hidden cameras. If the Elders would like, I'd be happy to show you in my office. As for you though," he points straight at Lila, "you
will be escorted straight to the cells by Beta Carter.
"You can't do this to me! I just came..." her voice stops as soon as she was going to say that she just came from the cells, but
Declan must have given her his command, so she physically cannot say it.
"Beta Carter, take her away!" Declan orders as he glares at his Luna.

"Yes, Alpha." Carter takes hold of Lila's arm, and she struggles but is no match for the Beta. I watch as he drags her down the
steps and around the side of the pack house.
"I am so sorry for my appearance, but I've been a little under the weather while waiting for the drugs to leave my system." Declan
tries to explain but I really know that he doesn't care what they think of him dressed down the way he is, "Come with me, so I can
show you the proof. Luna Quinn, you are more than welcome to join us."
"Thank you, Alpha Declan. I'm happy to join the three of you." I want to see with my own eyes what that conniving bitch did, and
then I hope Declan lets me have a piece of her.
Hello friends! I hope you enjoyed another chapter. What are your thoughts on what Declan should do about Lila?".