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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 163
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When Quinn tells me that we can stay in Cam and Veronika's house for now, I'm not going to lie, it hurts. I know me and Cici can.
come home but Ledger is our mate too. How would she feel if the roles were reversed. I understand her concerns, especially
with the pups, but it's as though she doesn't trust me as her Beta. So, with a heavy heart, I informed her that I would be taking a
leave of absence from my duties. Of course, it doesn't go over too well and the next thing I know, I have a very angry Queen at
our doorstep.
"What the fuck do you mean, you are taking a leave of absence? I need you more now than ever, Spencer!" Quinn's voice is
loud, but she isn't using her aura on me, so that's telling me that she is hurt more than she is angry.
"I'm sorry, Quinn. I cannot serve as Beta to this pack when the Luna and Alpha, pardon me, the Queen and King do not trust my
judgement." Now that I'm saying it to her face, it's breaking my heart even more.
"What the hell are you talking about? You're not making any sense, of course, we trust your judgement, I trust your judgement!"
"With all due respect, Luna, I beg to differ. If you did trust my judgement, then Cici and I would have our new mate settled into
the Beta suite as we speak."
It's almost as if I had slapped her, her head whips back that fast as though I've hit her, "That is why you are stepping down?"
"What would you do, Quinn, if you were in my shoes?" I run my hand through my hair and then step outside, shutting the door
behind me because I don't want to disturb Ledger resting, "Look, I understand your concern and all, but he's got amnesia for
Goddess's sake, he can't even remember who he is! When we told him that he had both werewolf and witch blood in him, he
didn't take it all that well, and doesn't understand how he or his father would want to kill werewolves when he, himself, is one.

He's lost and confused, and now he feels like he's a burden to me and Cici."
"Why does he feel as though he's a burden? He's just met you."
"Are you serious right now, Quinn? He feels like a burden because we are taking care of him instead of doing our job. I can't
believe you, of all people are acting as if the mate bond isn't anything. special." I turn to go back inside because I can't even look
at my Luna right now, I'm so disappointed in her at the moment.

"Spence, wait! You're right, I do understand, I'm only trying to figure out what all of this means. If you think that Ledger won't be a
threat to us once he recovers his memory then, I will trust your judgement and you can bring him home."
"Seriously?" I ask, not believing what she's actually saying
"Yes, I'm serious." She chuckles.
"What about Alpha?" I know for a fact that he's not going to be happy about this.
"Let me handle Declan. I have my ways of persuading him to agree with me." She winks.
"I will take your word on that, Quinn, no need to explain," I chuckle, "But to be honest, I think having him around the pack and
seeing how we interact and how we live; it will show him that we are no different than everyone else, but I really don't think we
will need to convince him of anything."
"Okay then, I will see you at the pack house whenever you decide to come back. Tell Cici she can stop hiding behind the door,
the big baby." Quinn laughs and then heads back to the pack house.
Cici opens the door, "What? You couldn't come out and talk sense into your best friend yourself?" I ask my mate as I cross my
arms. over my chest.
"No, because I was ignoring her for the time being, until she got her head out of her ass. You did perfectly fine on your own,
babe." She turns and goes back inside, "Oh, Ledger was asking to speak to you in private."
Glancing in the direction that the Luna went, I then head back. inside to go see what my other mate needs to talk to me about. I
can't imagine why he wants to speak to me alone, though. He always seemed a bit overwhelmed when it's just the two of us in

the room, but I understand because I'm not sure what to do with a male mate either. He doesn't even know much about mates,
only what we have told him, so it's got to be extra hard on him.
I gently knock on the door to his room, which is right next door to mine and Cici's. We figured he would feel more comfortable for
now having his own, than sharing with two strangers. I hear his strong, masculine voice telling me to enter and my cock stirs. It
does that almost every time I hear his voice, it's sexy as fuck.
"You asked to speak to me alone." I close the door behind me before going over to where he is sitting in a chair by the window.

"Yeah. I couldn't help over hearing you talking to your Luna, I'm sorry, the window is open." He nods towards the window, which
is indeed open.
"There is nothing to apologize for, if anything, I should be apologizing for disturbing you, it was not my intent."
"I've been awake for a while, but I called you in here, because I don' t want you giving up your duties for me. I understand your
Luna's concern after everything you and Cici have told me. She has a right to be worried. Besides, I think I may feel better being
here for a little bit, until I get used to everything, than being in a house full of a bunch of strangers." He gets up and comes to
stand right in front of me.
"Whatever makes you feel more comfortable, is what we will do then; until you're ready to move to the next obstacle." I've been
watching him stare at me intensely and I want to ask if he's okay but then he speaks again.
"I'm ready to move on to the next obstacle." He smiles at me, and I swear the room brightens a little bit more.
"That's great! What is this next obstacle?" I ask getting a little. excited that he's taking a little bit more interest in things.
"This..." He steps into me, grabs my face and crashes his lips. against mine.
For a moment, all I can do is stand here and try to figure out what is going on, but then my mind catches up, or maybe it's my
cock hardening, that has me kissing him back, I'm not sure, but I pull him into me as I open my mouth for him. I'm not quite sure
who the dominate one is between the two of us because we both take and then give the same amount, only I wait for him to
become more aggressive before I show any of my own.
My back hits the wall as he shoves me into it and presses himself into me. I can feel his own hardness digging into me and I
moan. I' m not quite sure where to go from this point, and I don't know if he does either, but it doesn't matter just yet because we
are suddenly interrupted when we hear a gasp coming from the doorway, and we break apart only to see our other mate staring
in total shock.