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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 172
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Chapter 22
"What are your intentions with this pack?"
I watch as my mate takes hold of Ledger's head just after she asks the question. He doesn't seem to be in any pain as he stares
up at my mate in awe. In fact, Cici and Spencer have similar expressions on their faces that matches their mate's as they watch
the blue vein-like lines form and climb up Quinn's hands and into her arms. Her facial expression goes from con- sternation to
surprise and then a smile, but then anger fills her face as she pulls her hands away.
I'm about ready to seize the new wolf when she smiles sadly down at him, "You might have been living with witches, but you
have been surrounded by wolves in sheep's clothing all these years. I can't say much for your father, but the two that you were
sent here with are pure evil and they never planned for you to survive. They syphoned your magic before they left you for dead,
and that's why your wolf is coming out."
"But did you see my intentions? Please tell me that I wasn' t as bad as the others!" Ledger really seems concerned on who he
was as a human being before his accident.
"It's the whole reason why they wanted you dead, because they realized that you were trying to protect us from them. Ledger, I
got the feeling that you had found out a secret about something and that you are or were holding it dear to your heart, not
wanting anyone to know. It would be interest- ing to sit down and pick through you brain and see if I can come up with anything,
not only for us, but for you as well."
"What do you mean, Luna? Do you think you can see my memories from before my accident?" He asks.
My mate chuckles, "I already know that I can, how else do you think I know your name?"
"Why haven't you done so then?"
"Ledger, I'm not going to go around invading people's pri- vacy without their permission. I didn't even know I could do it until I
touched your arm that day."
"I don't like when you do it. It freaks me out when I start seeing the vein-like lines creeping into your skin. It's almost like you're
using your life force." I tell my mate frowning.

"Actually, I would have to agree with Alpha, Spencer states, "I mean, I was entranced watching you do it, but now that he's
mentioned it, I think that's exactly what it was do- ing."
"Oh, you guys, I feel perfectly fine. Thanks for worrying but I think I'm good. Besides, it can't hurt if I don't use it all the time."
Quinn just blows off our feelings on the matter, and it kind of pisses me off but I know now isn't the time to bring it up.
"Okay, now that we have that settled, let's get on to swearing Ledger into the pack. We are losing daylight time and I would like
to have this over with and be able to sleep in my own bed tonight."
"Oh right! Yes... let's get on with it!" Quinn jumps up and grabs the ceremonial dagger.

We don't go outside and do it in front of the whole pack, we don't have that kind of time. Instead, we do call Cam up since he is
her Gamma and is in charge of Quinn's personal guard, so he will also be in charge of Ledger. Once my Luna swears in the
Beta's mate, I also swear him into my pack. Since Quinn and I have yet to have the Luna ceremony, we don't have the links to
each other's packs, just to each other. I want to be able to link with Ledger while we are out on this mission and to do so, he
needs to be sworn into both packs.
"Please be safe out there and come back to me." Quinn says as we spend a few moments together before we head out.
"I will always come back to you, little mate. I've waited too long to have you by my side, and I will not leave you to live. without
me by yours." I hug her to me tight.
"I can't wait for all this Shikari business to be over. I want to start growing our family, I want to give you another pup...or two." I
can hear the smile in her voice as she says the latter.
I pull away from her and look down into her brilliant blue eyes, "I plan on having you grow with my pup at least once a year. Have
we not had this conversation before?"
"We have, but I like talking about my future with you, so we will probably have this talk many times again."
"You make me feel like the luckiest man and wolf alive by giving me your love, baby. I don't know what I would do if we ended up
not being fated."
"Oh, I planned on claiming you regardless." She states matter of fact.
"You would have given up the legacy bestowed upon you by the Moon Goddess herself?" I quirk a brow..

"If it meant having and loving you? I would do it a million times over." She says breathlessly and I lose all control as I smash my
lips against hers.
I can't believe that I would come to love that fifteen-year- old girl that I saved from the safe room that fateful day. It sounds a little
illegal when I say it like that, but my feelings. didn't start growing intimate until her eighteenth birthday. when I saw her for the first
time as a full-grown woman. It's like something snapped into place that day, and only grew stronger with each day after that.
"I love you, Quinn Night Davis and soon-to- be Storm," I grin and then press my lips against hers briefly, "My perfect Luna, my
beautiful Queen, and my very desirable little mate. Know that you make me happy every single day that I'm gift- ed with waking
up with you by my side."
"Oh stop, my King, before you make me blush!" She gush- es playfully and adds a little giggle at the end of it, "Okay, I lied, keep
I throw my head back and laugh, "Oh, baby, there is never a dull day with you around. I will see you when I get back. Promise
me that you will behave while I'm gone." I say sternly.
Gasping, she brings her hand to her chest, "Since when do I not behave?"
I pull her against me hard, "Every time that I'm not around."
"Hm, that ought to tell you that you shouldn't leave then.” Her eyes sparkle with mischief, and I have to step away, other- wise I
won't be able to make myself leave, and I need to do this with our Beta's.

Yes, Spencer is still going because they threw a fit think- ing that no one would be out for Ledger's best interest either, so we
have Peter, the head warrior coming. I had thought about calling Keenan over, but that would just waste more time with waiting
on him to arrive. There are now four of us and I pray that's enough for two Shikari. At least we hope it's still only two of them.
"So, how long do you suppose we will have to wait?" Spencer asks.
"Who knows. You read the same note that I read, it never said a time or a place, so hopefully they are watching and won't make
us wait too long." I have an army of warriors wait- ing just out of sight, past the tree line. One wrong move and they will attack.
We don't have to wait long for the two fuckers to show up. About five minutes after stepping over the southern bor- der, two burly
men appear almost as if it is out of thin air. They're just like Frankie had described. I glance over at Ledger to see if there is any
kind of sign that he recognizes them, but I see none.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"We've been waiting for you to come back to us, Ledger. I' m surprised you stayed with the mongrels this long." One of the two
"Kind of hard to come back to you when I don't remember who the fuck you are, but I do know that you tried to kill me, so why
the fuck do you think I would come back even if I did remember?"
"We are family, Ledge, and your father wants you to come home." The uglier of the two pipes in.
Spencer steps up beside his mate, "Ledger is home. So, why don't the two of you leave us in peace before this gets. out of
The two Shikari look at one another and laugh, "Look at pretty boy over here trying to act all tough! Tell me," the ugly one stares
right at my Beta, "who are you to speak for our boss's son?"
"I am the Beta of the Dark Moon pack and Ledger is my fated mate. He's found his way home; he doesn't need the Shikari any
The other male doesn't like Spencer's answer, "The Beta? Pfft, you ain't shit then. Why don't you come talk to us when you're an
I finally step forward, "Then you can talk to me. I'm Alpha Declan, Alpha of both the Dark Moon and Storm River packs, and I say
that Ledger stays with us if he so wishes. Ledger, what is it that you would like to do?" I don't take my eyes off either of the two
"I think I prefer to stay with my mates, Alpha."
"There you have it, he stays. If his father would like to speak to him, he can either call me, or you can give Ledger his magic back
that you syphoned from him, and he can contact his father on his own."
They seem surprised that I know of the magic being tak- en, "You say you're the Alpha? So, you are Queen Quinn's mate."
I nod, "That's right."
They look at one another again, "I'm gathering my boss would like to talk to you then."
"Well, like I said, he can call me." "

"Nah, boss doesn't like talking on the phone very much, so we will just take you with us now."
Shit, this isn't how I'm hoping it would turn out, but I try to keep my cool the best I can. When I go to tell them where they can go,
something is blown into the air within our little circle and I recognize the smell of wolfsbane right away and think, 'Fuck, this isn't
Since I wasn't able to post yesterday, not only did I make this a super chapter but if you keep scrolling, there's another chapter
just for you! =)