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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 189
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Chapter 39
I decided to go with Holden over to his territory to try and alk some sense into lan, Emery and Emmett's cousin, and the on of the
former Beta. He's been butthurt since Holden amed Bo, his best friend, as his Beta, and so when my broth- er offered him the
Gamma position, he turned it down. I know ve had discussed this beforehand, that we didn't want any- ›ne with a title that will
have a sore disposition, but we need
im to accept the Gamma position.
Gammas are the righthand man to the Beta and in charge of the warriors. The Head Warrior answers to the Gamma, and so on,
but most importantly, the Gamma protects the Luna. Me and Asher have yet to choose our Gamma's but it's unani- nous that lan
be one of them. Emery is special all the way around and so we want extra protection for her and since lan has always been close
to both our mate and her twin, he's the only option for us, and that's how we are hoping to bring him. to see that it would be the
right decision for him.
'I just don't understand why lan is being so stubborn,' I say though our mind link as we head over to Hold's territory, 'I mean, he
was so easy-going when we were kids, he never had a chip in his shoulder.' Even though we can speak out loud, thanks to the
bonds, I still prefer keeping our conversation between us as we let Blaze and Achilles run, in case there are others running
around or we get close to patrol.
'I think he just assumed that he would be Beta because his dad was the current Beta.' My brother responds.
'But he knew that the Beta Heir doesn't always get the po- sition.' I feel like a broken record, always repeating myself on this
'Well, hopefully we can get him to see the light. I mean, technically, he will be the Beta to my Beta so...'
I chuckle, 'Yeah, let's see if he sees it that way.'
'Well, at least I have someone in mind; look at you and Ash. Does Emmett or Ayden even have anyone in mind?'
I sigh, 'No, at least they haven't told us, but I did inform Emmett of getting me his list of candidates by the end of the day

'Decker, with this new threat, we really need Emery well protected, or at least with good warriors that will fight for and with her,
because we both know that our feisty little Luna won't just sit off on the sidelines.' He chuckles, 'Man, you should have seen her
the other day when one of the rogues came at me. She shifted instantly and Kiki was magnificent. I can watch our Luna battle
every day, she's that good.'

'Well, let's not wish for that, okay?' I chuckle at my brother' s statement. The last thing I want is to live our lives having to battle
every day.
We find lan talking to a couple of young she-wolves. You can tell they are just out of high school, if even that. lan rolls his eyes
when he notices that we are coming his way. He says something to the girls, and they glance our way before hurry- ing off. The
male pushes himself away from the wall that he's leaning against and waits for us to approach.
"First of all,' Holden lays in on him right away, "Never roll
Book 3 - Chapter 39
your eyes at your Alphas!"
"Sorry, Alpha." He doesn't sound too sorry but he's not a complete asshole either.
"lan," I say his name in a friendly manner, "We need to talk to you about the Gamma position."
"I already told Holden that I don't want a pity position!" He raises his voice a little bit.
"Hey..." Holden begins but I place my hand on his arm to stop him.
"Let me explain something to him first, and then you can yell at him all you want." I grin at my older brother.
Yeah, I may be the 'softer' Alpha, but I'm also the more sensible one, knowing that you catch more bees with honey than you do
with vinegar. Hm, I wonder where I've heard that from. I turn back to lan and study him for a moment, contem- plating on how to
start. Finally, I just dive into what it is that we need.
"You know that we love your cousin more than anything, right?"
He nods, "I would hope so, since you are mated." He

I follow suit with my own smirk, "Yeah, well, even though we know she can take care of herself for the most part, we need
someone that we can trust and that will have her back no matter what. You love you cousin, and I know you would protect her
from any danger; am I right?"
"Of course! I've always helped to protect Em. She's family, one of my favorites actually." Again, lan smirks.
"Okay, and you know why a lot of packs have Gammas, correct?" I ask but right away I can tell that he really isn't sure.
"Well, I know that they are in charge of the warriors. I know I'm a good warrior, Alpha, but I don't want to be stuck training them."
I chuckle at this, "That's fine because that's not what we want you for, that's the Head Warrior's job. Granted, you will oversee the
Head Warrior and the rest, but you don't have to train them. In fact, if for some reason the Head Warrior would need help, then I
would suggest that you choose a Delta to help with that because your main job as the Gamma will be being the Beta's first in
command and most importantly, pro- tecting your cousin, Luna Emery."

Holden glances over at me when we start to see the wheels turning in lan's head. Making the job title a little more interesting and
having it be a very important title is the key to winning him over. I really do want him to be the one protect- ing our mate because
I know that he would give his life for Emery.
"lan," Holden gets his attention, "I know that you were wanting the Beta position, but I need you, we need you in this position
because you are the only one that we trust. Yes, there will also be two more Gamma's, one from each territory, but you are the
first Gamma and the other two, once they have been chosen will follow you."
Hook, line, and sinker! He stands a bit straighter, "Okay, I'll do it."
"Yes! Thank you so much for accepting this position, lan." Making him feel important is the only thing that we really needed to do,
"Oh, a little advice on women," I grin, "Number one, you have Beta blood, so you should end up with a high- ranking mate and
shouldn't be dallying with omega's; break- ing their little hearts, and number two, don't be a male whore before you meet your
mate," I look over at Holden who's smil- ing sheepishly, "or you will regret it." My brother nods in agreement.
"No, that's not what that was..."
I laugh, "Hey, as long as they are of age and it's all consen- sual, you don't have to explain, but heed my warning. I waited for
mine and it was so worth it."

By his expression, I'm taking it that it's already too late. and I shake my head, "To each their own, lan. I'll have Emery contact you
about your new position. You know how she likes to have plans set in place for everything that may possibly go wrong." I turn to
leave but then stop, "Oh, and as soon as we figure out the Gammas in the other two territories, I will be in contact with you
"Yes, Alpha, thank you."
"I think Decker is fine when we are in a private setting, you're family, remember that." I grin and then Holden and I head towards
the pack house to pay Bo a little visit. He needs to know our decision and be aware of that he now has a bit more help around
here when Holden isn't here.
"Do you really think we made the right decision with lan?" Holden asks on our way.
"Yeah, I really do. Once he realized the importance of the
position and that it involved protecting his cousin, it all snapped into place for him. I think lan Stone will prove to be a great
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