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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 203
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Chapter 53
I don't remember sweating this much whenever I prac- ticed my magic back at school. Now, the sweat is just pouring down my
face and I'm constantly wiping it away. Miss Beat- rice stayed overnight wanting to get a practice in before me and my mates
take on the tedious task of taking out a whole species, well, their magic anyway.
"Good, you're doing great, Emery. Actually, you're doing better than you ever did at school!" She cackles, "Must be those hottie
mates of yours."
"Oh Goddess, please don't ever refer to them as my hottie.
mates." I chuckle.
"Why, afraid I will steal them from you?" The witch asks. deviously.
"Oh, hell no. It's just that the word hottie sounds so wrong coming out of your mouth." I laugh this time.
"I hate to break it to you, Luna, but that word started back in my time, so I'm allowed to say it anytime I want. You young pups
think that just because we are older, or how I like to refer to aging as, experienced, that we are not allowed to use cer- tain
words. Just so you know, your generation all sound hideous and lazy when you only use part of a word."
"See, right there! It's whatever, not whatevs." She shakes
her head and I shrug.
"Let's just agree to disagree." I chuckle.
"Finally! We at least agree on something."
"Can I ask you something, Miss Beatrice?"
"You can, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to answer." She grins.
"Is Colin really your nephew?"

She sighs sadly, "Unfortunately, yes."
"What happened? Why did you leave? If you don't mind me asking..."
She chuckles, "There really isn't much to tell; I didn't have the same beliefs that my father did, so as soon as I turned seventeen,
which is the legal age with the Shikari, I made a run for it."
"Made a run for it?" I ask.

"You made the comment about Colin's harem did you not?"
My heart skips a beat, "Oh Goddess!"
Miss Beatrice nods, "My father planned on giving me to Marko, your grandfather. I actually babysat your father a few times when
he was younger."
"So, that's why he sent me to you for training?" I think I start to understand but she shakes her head.
"I don't think your father even remembers me from that time. He wasn't quite a teenager when I left. My sister Layla, Colin's
mom, she was the apple of our father's eye and she was so impatient for her seventeenth birthday because she wanted to be
part of the harem. Layla is two years younger than me. It looks like she got what she wanted and even got a son out of it."
"I am so sorry, Miss Beatrice." I didn't even realize that I had tears in my eyes until one tickled my cheek. "It's funny how the
Hunters label us, shifters, as abominations but they are the ones that are barbaric."
"I can't agree with you more, dear."
"So, did you ever meet my grandmother, Brianna Grego- ry?" I'm intrigued to know all that I can.
"You know what? I think I may have seen her once. I re- member being a young girl, maybe about six years old. I was playing
with my dolls when Marko came through with a beau- tiful woman but he was telling her that she had to be very qui- et, that they
were only there long enough to pick something up and then he was taking her to their home. I remember her smiling at me when
she saw me playing, and I smiled back. I never saw her again, though."
I smile, "She and her mate will be coming later for supper. All three of my aunts and their mates with their children are visiting for
a few days because it's my grandmother's birth- day, so we are throwing a big feast here. Dad just told me be- fore I came to

"Oh, how wonderful! I should probably head back then, sc I'm not in the way." She states with a smile.
"No, I want you to stay and eat with us. You have done so much for me and my mates, and I would love for you to stay and join
us with the rest of the family." I bump her with my shoulder, "My Uncle Brent will be here as well, and he's still a handsome man.
I mean he's older than you, and a widower, but still..." I wiggle my brows at her.
"Emery!" She gasps, "I am not looking for a man!"
"Alright, suit yourself. He misses his wife, Tara, and could use some female companionship. I just thought, you know..."
"No, I don't know!" She chuckles, "But I would love to join, if nobody else minds."
I hug her, "It starts in three hours, so don't be late. My mates are calling me, so I'm going to go meet them."
Miss Beatrice laughs, "Maybe you better tell yourself not to be late." She winks at me and then she's gone in a blink of an eye.
'Hurry Kiki, they are catching up!' I laugh as I command my wolf to go faster. We are the prey and as much as I would love
nothing more than to let our mates win, I also want to make them work for what they are going to get from us, 'Lis- ten here you

little hussy! I know you want them to have their way with us, but I want them to earn it. I feel that we are worth that much,
'You're right! Hold on tight because I'm going to...' Kiki skids to a halt as soon as Ghost magically appears right in front of us. Kiki
squeals with laughter and turns but Blaze and Achilles is right there as well. 'Well, shit...'
'Way to go wolf!'
'Oh, shut it, human!' My wolf chuckles and then submits by going down to her stomach.
"Giving up so easily, Kiki?" Ghost chuckles.
"As Emery says, I'm a little hussy and can never get enough of you mates." My wolf flirts back.
"At least she knows her place..." Blaze jokes as they begin to circle around us.
'Oh, no he did not just say that!' Kiki links with me..Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

'I believe he did, you hussy.' I snicker and then suddenly, I' m jarred as Kiki takes off at a dead sprint, flying through the gap that
our mates formed as they were circling us.
"Suckers!" she calls over her shoulder and then out of nowhere, we are rolling on the ground, laughing our asses off as Ghost
tumbles with us. He's the quickest one, so he's al- ways the one to catch us.
We land on our backs as Ghost stands over us with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a cute little puppy dog. Kiki reaches
up and licks his face which then causes him to bite down on our scruff to show his dominance as our other mates finally saunter
"Oh, look at that, caught again." Blaze teases.
"Keep it up and you won't be getting any from me, mate!" Kiki warns even though we all know that it's an empty threat.
Ghost let's go of our neck and then gazes into Kiki's eyes, "Shift."
I'm suddenly now laying naked while being pinned down
by a gigantic Dire wolf, "Ghost, please let Decker have con- trol."
"Give me a moment to feast my eyes on our beautiful mate first." His wolf gives me his wolfish grin and I blush.
All of a sudden, Decker is over me and descending down. to take my mouth with his, "Mm..."
"Listen to her, she's already feeling good." Asher states as he kneels down beside us.
"Can't you smell her?" Holden asks as he grips my legs and spreads them before taking what he wants from between them.
"We are due back at the pack house soon..." I pant and try to grind my pelvis into my mate's face, but I'm held down by the other
"All in good time, Luna." Asher takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks hard before letting go, "First, we are going to have our
way with you. You won't be leaving here until you have at least three orgasms, one from each of your mates."
"Oh Goddess..."
"The Goddess can't help you now, love." Decker grins and goes for my other nipple.

Next thing I know, Holden is thrusting into me, and I cry out in ecstasy, my voice echoing through the forest for all to hear.
Thanks for reading! =)