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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 416
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Chapter 416 Can | Get a Hug?

As soon as the words left Marion's lips, she regretted them.

Why had he not slept well?

Why had he suddenly rushed back? Was it all because she had been stopped by someone while driving last


Marion bit her lip, feeling guilty as she averted her gaze to avoid his eyes. She feigned ignorance, saying, “The

hotel bed wasn’t comfortable, was it?”

Lucas stared at her intently. After a couple of seconds, he spoke slowly, “Indeed, it’s not as comfortable as the

one at home.”

Then he cast a meaningful glance at the large bed in front of them. Marion caught his implication and her ears

turned red instantly.

She cup with a rather lexcuse, though it was genuine, “I-I'm hungry! I'm going downstairs

to eat!”

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She hastily got up from her chair, walked past Lucas, and headed straight out of the room.

Lucas turned his head and watched Marion leave, his dark eyes flickering as a faint smile played on his lips. The

sunlight fell perfectly on him, softening his usual features.

If Daniel saw him now, he would recognize Lucas!

Feeling guilty, Marion hurried downstairs. Hearing her footsteps, Mrs. Bailey emerged from the kitchen and

asked, “Ma’am, Mr. Craig askedto cook noodles for you. Do you want to eat them now?”


Marion glanced at Mrs. Bailey and nodded, “Yes, please.”

“I'll bring it out!”

Then she disappeared into the kitchen and soon returned with a bowl of egg noodles.

“Thank you, Mrs. Bailey!”

Marion barely picked up her spoon just as Lucas walked into the dining room. He sat directly across from her, and

noticing his arrival, Mrs. Bailey promptly brought out a second bowl for him.

“Thank you,” Lucas said, picking up his fork. Instead of diving in, he watched Marion closely.

“Go ahead, eat.”

Marion's ears turned completely red. She lowered her head and took a bite of her noodles.

Lucas glanced at her reddened ears but did not tease her further. He lowered his head and began to eat

his noodles.

Chapter 416 Can Get a Hug?


Marion ate slowly, and by the tLucas finished his meal, she had only eaten a third of hers.

His phone rang, and he got up to answer it in the living room.

As the noodles cooled, Marion picked up her pace.

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She finished her meal, called out to Mrs. Bailey for swater, drank half a cup, and then went out to

find Lucas.

He still was on the phone by the floor-to-ceiling window. Marion did not approach him but sat on a high stool by

the island, one hand supporting her chin, watching him quietly.

Sensing her gaze, Lucas turned around, his eyes softening when they met hers. Marion beamed at him, her eyes

reflecting the light of the sun. Lucas hung up the phone and walked over to her.

Marion blinked, feeling embarrassed but unable to resist the longing in her heart. She opened her arms

tentatively, “Can | get a hug, Lucas?”

Her gentle and sweet tugged at him, pulling his heartstrings. He looked at Marion, “Yes.*

Before he could say anything else, Marion reached out and hugged him tightly.

She wrapped her arms around his slender waist and rested her head against his abdomen.

Lucas gently cradled the back of her head, stroking it from top to bottom.

Then, in the next moment, his hand moved down to her waist as he lifted her into his arms.