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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 Goodbye, One Hundred Million Dollars

Marion smiled stiffly and stepped aside to let the infuriated Veronica enter the villa.

Veronica had come specifically to find Marion today, taking advantage of Lucas’s absence.

At the door just now, she thought Marion was foolish, but each word from Marion carried a sting.

Frustrated, Veronica sat down and immediately ordered Marion to fetch her some


Marion simply took a bottle of mineral water from the fridge and placed it in front of Veronica. “I think

water is good enough for you.”

Veronica looked at Marion, as she slammed the table. “Do you even understand the basics of


“I do, but you’re not my guest.”

Marion smirked, her round eyes twinkling with mischief.

Veronica noticed that Marion did not take her seriously at all. Since that was the case, she did not want

to waste any more time. “Miss Marion, I see you’re a clever person.”

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After her groom fled the wedding, Marion managed to get married to Lucas in just two months.

Marion was not a fool.

Veronica had been careless just now.

Suppressing her anger, Veronica lifted her head slightly and reverted to the haughty demeanor she had

when Marion opened the door. “I’m not happy about coming here today, but no matter what, Lucas is

my son. In the Craig family, we will never allow a woman like you to marry someone like him!”

Marion looked at Veronica and continued to smile. “That’s a little hypocritical.”

Although she was just playing the part of Lucas’s wife, compared to Veronica, who was a mistress,

Marion felt she was not in a bad position!

Veronica did not miss the sarcasm in Marion’s words. She was so angry that her hands were trembling.

She reached into her bag and took out a check. “Here is fifty million dollars. If you divorce Lucas within

three months, this fifty million will be yours.”


Chapter 98 Goodbye, One Hundred Million Dollars

Marion took the cheque, counted the zeros on the back, confirmed that it was indeed fifty million, and

then spoke. “I’m sorry, but I’m not that kind of person.”

She was not a fool. Lucas was worth more than that!

Veronica seemed to have anticipated Marion’s response. She sneered and pulled out another check.

“Here’s another fifty million, making it a total of one hundred million dollars. Just divorce Lucas within

three months.”

One hundred million dollars.

Marion swallowed nervously. Honestly, she was somewhat tempted to accept the offer.

Silky Corp had been on a downhill trend for several years, and its annual revenue was declining. At this

point, the annual turnover might not even reach one hundred million dollars, let alone gain pure profit.

People in her circle said she married Jameson for the climb, and there was some

truth to that.

Richard was not cut out for business, but he managed to keep Silky Corp afloat until now, which was

no easy

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Lucas’s stepmother was quite generous. If Marion was not committed to her role as Mrs. Craig, she

might have considered accepting the offer.

One hundred million dollars! Who would not be swayed by that amount?

If she took the money, her father could retire and enjoy his later years, and she would have more

confidence to reject certain commercial performances.

The more Marion thought about it, the more tempted she became. To avoid embarrassing herself, she

pressed her hands tightly together. “Lucas’s value is priceless.”

Veronica knew what Marion meant. She was so angry that she stood up. “You’ll regret this!”

Then she abruptly snatched the checks from the table and left. The sound of her high heels clattering

as she made her way to the front door.

Marion watched Veronica’s receding figure and felt a sense of loss for the wealth she could have


She sighed. She had really wanted it!