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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57
It was so quiet in the office that one could hear a pin drop.
“Is there anything else, Mr. Thatcher? If not, I’m heading off to work.” It was a spacious office, but with Christian seated inside, it
made Victoria feel as if all of the air had been sucked out.
Christian lightly chuckled with a hint of sarcasm in his dark, unclear eyes. “Should I increase the salary of someone who works
hard and loves her career?”
“You’re joking, Mr. Thatcher. This is the basic duty of my job.” Victoria was tense, which made him dissatisfied again.
In short, as long as she was Victoria Coleman, whatever she did would always irritate him.
“Is it your duty to intentionally leave your clothes at my home?” Christian snorted as he placed the teacup and lifted a bag from
his feet to throw it on the table.
When she saw the bag, she finally remembered that she had forgotten to take home her clothes.
“You have nothing to say, huh?” He rose to his height and walked in front of her to look down at her.
She lowered her head to a level below his shoulders and such a servile manner was making her uncomfortable.
However, no matter how uncomfortable she was, he never cared to think about it.
The pressure that Christian’s height brought to Victoria was extremely heavy, which resulted in her taking a few more steps back
while she explained, “It wasn’t intentional.”
She had been in such pain that she wanted to head to the hospital and completely forgot about her clothes at that moment.
“Such a clumsy explanation.” Christian raised Victoria’s chin to force her to look at him. “Victoria, didn’t I tell you before that you
should always have a good excuse when you want to lie?”
“How sure are you that it is a lie and not a fact, Mr. Thatcher? Just because you don’t have a good impression of me, whatever I
do has a motive?” Victoria clenched the corner of his clothes tightly and regretted it as soon as she finished her sentence.
Such an attitude would only deepen his dissatisfaction toward her.

Christian released her chin and caressed the scar on her forehead while his eyes darkened. “Victoria...”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you in such a manner.” A sharp blade seemed to have touched the place where he had
caressed moments earlier and a layer of cold sweat started to form on Victoria’s nose. “About the accident that happened in the
car yesterday... I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”
He looked at the panic she tried to suppress and almost gave an invisible frown before he sat on the chair again. “The tea is
“Wait for a while. I’ll make it again.” Victoria boiled the hot water, but brewed the tea restlessly. She accidentally scalded her
hand when she passed it to him, but she didn’t dare to say anything.
When Christian saw her red hand, his eyes darkened as he took the teacup. Yet, he lost his mood to drink it and placed the cup
on the table.
“I have gastric. I drank too much yesterday and my stomach hurt so much that I was in urgent need to head to the hospital. That
was the reason why I forgot the clothes.” Victoria had no idea whether he would buy her explanation, but she felt that she should
still explain it.

The reason was simple—she couldn’t bear his anger.
Christian hummed, but there was no sign of anger. He leaned against the back of the chair and rolled his shoulders while looking
Seeing this, she was hesitant, but spoke cautiously after remembering Gabrielle’s words. “I have learned some massage
techniques, so I can help to relieve the tension.”
He crossed his legs and placed his hands on his knees while looking at her.
Victoria couldn’t decipher his meaning and her lips twitched a few times, but she didn’t say anything in the end.
“You have learned a lot of things,” he said vaguely as he closed his eyes. “Come here.”
She responded with a hum and lowered her head to walk toward him. With a deep breath, she placed her hand on his shoulder
while shaking. After a while, when she noticed that he had closed his eyes and said nothing, she gradually stopped trembling
and secretly glanced at him.

As the sun shone on him from the window, it softened the features of his handsome face, which made it look less imposing as
Perhaps the air conditioner in the office was too hot, so he had unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt. The slightly exposed chest
muscles were radiating a strong hormonal smell.
Suddenly, Victoria’s pupils shrank.
A jade pendant rested between his pectoral muscles and his collarbone—it was something that she gave to Cameron before.
How could it be on him?
“Are you sure this is a massage and not a method for you to vent your anger?” Christian opened his eyes with a dim gaze.
She forced herself to look away as she released her strength. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I haven’t worked on my skills for a long
time, so I’m a little rusty and can’t control the intensity of my strength.”
When she heard that Cameron had resigned, she had wanted to ask about the jade pendant, but couldn’t do anything about it.
“Have you given a lot of people massages?” Christian straightened up and rubbed his slightly swollen eyebrows. He had
returned last night to deal with some documents for a few hours and couldn’t sleep well as a result.
When Christion sow her red hond, his eyes dorkened os he took the teocup. Yet, he lost his mood to drink it ond ploced the cup
on the toble.
“I hove gostric. I dronk too much yesterdoy ond my stomoch hurt so much thot I wos in urgent need to heod to the hospitol. Thot
wos the reoson why I forgot the clothes.” Victorio hod no ideo whether he would buy her explonotion, but she felt thot she should
still exploin it.
The reoson wos simple—she couldn’t beor his onger.
Christion hummed, but there wos no sign of onger. He leoned ogoinst the bock of the choir ond rolled his shoulders while looking
Seeing this, she wos hesitont, but spoke coutiously ofter remembering Gobrielle’s words. “I hove leorned some mossoge
techniques, so I con help to relieve the tension.”
He crossed his legs ond ploced his honds on his knees while looking ot her.

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Victorio couldn’t decipher his meoning ond her lips twitched o few times, but she didn’t soy onything in the end.
“You hove leorned o lot of things,” he soid voguely os he closed his eyes. “Come here.”
She responded with o hum ond lowered her heod to wolk toword him. With o deep breoth, she ploced her hond on his shoulder

while shoking. After o while, when she noticed thot he hod closed his eyes ond soid nothing, she groduolly stopped trembling
ond secretly glonced ot him.
As the sun shone on him from the window, it softened the feotures of his hondsome foce, which mode it look less imposing os
Perhops the oir conditioner in the office wos too hot, so he hod unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt. The slightly exposed chest
muscles were rodioting o strong hormonol smell.
Suddenly, Victorio’s pupils shronk.
A jode pendont rested between his pectorol muscles ond his collorbone—it wos something thot she gove to Comeron before.
How could it be on him?
“Are you sure this is o mossoge ond not o method for you to vent your onger?” Christion opened his eyes with o dim goze.
She forced herself to look owoy os she releosed her strength. “I’m sorry. It’s just thot I hoven’t worked on my skills for o long
time, so I’m o little rusty ond con’t control the intensity of my strength.”
When she heord thot Comeron hod resigned, she hod wonted to osk obout the jode pendont, but couldn’t do onything obout it.
“Hove you given o lot of people mossoges?” Christion stroightened up ond rubbed his slightly swollen eyebrows. He hod
returned lost night to deol with some documents for o few hours ond couldn’t sleep well os o result.
Victoria’s body froze for a moment before she hummed after a while. Dad always had shoulder pain whenever he had to deal
with paperwork the whole day long. I had learned those massage techniques when I didn’t have anything to do. And when I can
remember it, I would always give him a massage.
When Christian heard this, a dark light flashed in his eyes as he swatted her hand away. “There’s no need to massage anymore.”
“Is it because I hurt you just now?” she asked cautiously after noticing his unpleasant expression.

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At this moment, the door opened.
It was Bella pushing her wheelchair in. When she saw that Victoria was also around, she was surprised before she said, “I
thought only Chris would be here, which was why I never knocked. Please don’t mind me.”
“She doesn’t have the right to mind you.” Christian poured out the cold tea for a fresh serving and looked at Bella. “How did you
know I was here?”
She glanced at the bag on the table and softly replied, “I heard that Mrs. Thatcher asked you to bring clothes to Victoria here, so
I came.”
Then, she turned to look at Victoria with a professionally polite smile. “Please pour me a cup of tea. I’m parched.”
“Okay.” Victoria suppressed the suffocating feeling in her heart as she walked to the table and poured another cup for Bella.
“You are an employee of the Delta Club, not a maid. You don’t have to do this.”
Christian took the cup from Victoria with the corner of his mouth slightly curled. Then, he squinted at Bella. “If you are able to
track my whereabouts, those who are unaware would probably think that you planted a tracking device on me.”
It sounded like nothing serious when they said it, but it felt like the office was in turmoil.
“You really can crack a joke, Chris. I wouldn’t dare to plant a tracking device on you. I’m aware of all your whereabouts because
our hearts are connected, just like the saying.” She laughed, which accentuated her beautiful features.
He snorted lightly and took a sip from his teacup instead.
“I have an impairment, so can you help to pour me a cup?” She looked at Victoria and gently said, “Let me get it clear. I’m not
treating you as a servant.”
Victoria frowned and went to grab the teapot once again, but Christian reached out to take it from her.
He squinted at Bella. “If you don’t understand, I’ll repeat it. My employees are not responsible for pouring drinks. If you want,
you’ll have to do it yourself.”