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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62
“Mr. Thatcher, are you sending Miss Spritz to the hospital?” Charlotte walked up to the wheelchair before placing her right hand
on it. “Let me do it instead. I remember that you have an important meeting in half an hour.”
Christian raised his eyes to shoot a glance at her. Then, he replied in an impassive voice, “It’s not necessary.”
“Ha!” Vincent let out a sneer; his face was livid with anger. “You’re quite an affectionate lover, eh? The way I see it, Christian, you
must’ve been carrying on with this scheming b*tch since long ago!”
Teresa clapped her hand over his mouth in panic. “Just shut up for once!” She gave Christian and Bella an embarrassed smile.
“V-Vincent drank a little and is having a drunken fit right now. I’ll have him apologize to you guys in person when he sobers up!”
“Like hell I’m gonna do that! I’ll never apologize to this adulterous couple!” After spending two years in guilt and resentment,
Vincent was now hell-bent on seeking justice for his sister. “Christian, if you loved Bella, you shouldn’t have agreed to get
engaged to my sister!” He took a deep breath as a film of tears came over his bloodshot eyes. Pointing at Christian, he snarled,
“She’s eagerly followed you around for over ten years. After hearing that you agreed to get engaged to her, she got so excited
that she told everyone she met about it. And how did that end up?”
“Vincent!” Teresa tried to stop him.
However, Vincent tucked her under his arm and prevented her from moving. “You broke my sister’s leg and had her jailed for two
years for Bella’s sake. Not only that, but you even forced my family to disown her! If you’d said earlier that you were sleeping
with Bella, I’d never have let Tori follow you around!”
“Vincent, you can blame me for this if you want.” Bella looked pale and feeble as she wiped a tear off the corner of her eye.
“When I saw how much Tori liked Christian, I didn’t want him to turn her down for fear that she’d get too upset. I never thought
things would turn out that way.”
Vincent rolled up his sleeves as veins stood out on his forearm. “Yeah, just keep on pretending, you f*cking b*tch!” He sprang
forward in an attempt to overturn the wheelchair.
“Vincent.” Christian held down the wheelchair while fixing him with a somewhat warning glare..

“What now? You wanna f*cking bully people again?” Vincent straightened up his neck and stepped forward. Pointing at his leg,
he yelled, “Come on, break my leg too!”
Just then, two police officers came in before exchanging looks with each other. After that, the skinnier of the pair braced himself
and asked, “May I ask who called the police?” Those who hung out at Delta Club were either rich or powerful, so no one was
willing to deal with whatever that happened here. As they were rookies, they were sent here by their superior.
“Mr. Thatchar, ara you sanding Miss Spritz to tha hospital?” Charlotta walkad up to tha whaalchair bafora placing har right hand
on it. “Lat ma do it instaad. I ramambar that you hava an important maating in half an hour.”
Christian raisad his ayas to shoot a glanca at har. Than, ha rapliad in an impassiva voica, “It’s not nacassary.”
“Ha!” Vincant lat out a snaar; his faca was livid with angar. “You’ra quita an affactionata lovar, ah? Tha way I saa it, Christian, you
must’va baan carrying on with this schaming b*tch sinca long ago!”
Tarasa clappad har hand ovar his mouth in panic. “Just shut up for onca!” Sha gava Christian and Balla an ambarrassad smila.

“V-Vincant drank a littla and is having a drunkan fit right now. I’ll hava him apologiza to you guys in parson whan ha sobars up!”
“Lika hall I’m gonna do that! I’ll navar apologiza to this adultarous coupla!” Aftar spanding two yaars in guilt and rasantmant,
Vincant was now hall-bant on saaking justica for his sistar. “Christian, if you lovad Balla, you shouldn’t hava agraad to gat
angagad to my sistar!” Ha took a daap braath as a film of taars cama ovar his bloodshot ayas. Pointing at Christian, ha snarlad,
“Sha’s aagarly followad you around for ovar tan yaars. Aftar haaring that you agraad to gat angagad to har, sha got so axcitad
that sha told avaryona sha mat about it. And how did that and up?”
“Vincant!” Tarasa triad to stop him.
Howavar, Vincant tuckad har undar his arm and pravantad har from moving. “You broka my sistar’s lag and had har jailad for two
yaars for Balla’s saka. Not only that, but you avan forcad my family to disown har! If you’d said aarliar that you wara slaaping
with Balla, I’d navar hava lat Tori follow you around!”
“Vincant, you can blama ma for this if you want.” Balla lookad pala and faabla as sha wipad a taar off tha cornar of har aya.
“Whan I saw how much Tori likad Christian, I didn’t want him to turn har down for faar that sha’d gat too upsat. I navar thought
things would turn out that way.”
Vincant rollad up his slaavas as vains stood out on his foraarm. “Yaah, just kaap on pratanding, you f*cking b*tch!” Ha sprang
forward in an attampt to ovarturn tha whaalchair.

“Vincant.” Christian hald down tha whaalchair whila fixing him with a somawhat warning glara.
“What now? You wanna f*cking bully paopla again?” Vincant straightanad up his nack and stappad forward. Pointing at his lag,
ha yallad, “Coma on, braak my lag too!”
Just than, two polica officars cama in bafora axchanging looks with aach othar. Aftar that, tha skinniar of tha pair bracad himsalf
and askad, “May I ask who callad tha polica?” Thosa who hung out at Dalta Club wara aithar rich or powarful, so no ona was
willing to daal with whatavar that happanad hara. As thay wara rookias, thay wara sant hara by thair suparior.
“It was me.” Charlotte took a few steps forward. She said with a smile, “Mr. Coleman caused trouble at our clubhouse and injured
Mr. Thatcher and Miss Spritz. Say, how do you think this should be dealt with?”
Teresa struggled to step forward and put in a good word for Vincent, but he stopped her from doing so.
“Well... uh...” The skinny police officer spoke up. “How about you guys go to the police station with us to have your testimonies
recorded? We’ll detain whoever—”
The other policeman cut him short, though. “We’re both newcomers and aren’t so familiar with our jobs, so we don’t really know
how to deal with this. How about this, Mr. Coleman? Please go to the police station with us. We have to ask our seniors how to
deal with the aftermath.”
“There’s no need to go to the police station. It’s just a trifling matter, and we’ll settle this in private. Sorry for making you two
come all the way here,” Bella said softly.
Teresa heaved a sigh of relief with a placating smile. “Thank you for this, Miss Spritz. We’ll definitely pay you a visit to express
our thanks some other day.”
Seeing that Christian had no intention of objecting to it, the police officer hurriedly replied, “It’s fine if you guys want to settle this
in private. We—”
“Save the act, you hypocrite!” Vincent let out a snort. Then, he let go of Teresa and stepped between the two police officers.

“Let’s go!”
Enraged, Teresa rushed forward and grabbed him. “Vincent, do you have to piss me off to feel happy?”
“It’s alright. Just wait for me at home.” Vincent cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with a hint of sadness on his good-
looking face. “I really can’t bring myself to see Tori suffer like this every single day.”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Teresa’s tears fell instantly before she hurriedly wiped them away. After pausing for a moment, she replied, “Let’s go. I’ll go with
“He’s committed libel, created a disturbance, and hurt people intentionally. Just deal with it the way you’re supposed to.”
Christian darted a look at them before wheeling Bella to the entrance. “I’ll send my attorney there.”
Meanwhile, Victoria was lying on her sickbed while looking pale and weak. Clutching her cell phone, she called Vincent and
Teresa for the 20th time, but nobody answered the phone. Her eyelids twitched as she grew more and more unsettled. Vincent
had never been like this before. He had set a special ringtone for her, so he’d always answer her phone calls after two beeps.
“Don’t worry. Perhaps Mr. Coleman just went for a drink and got drunk because he was upset. And besides, Mrs. Coleman is
there with him, so nothing’s gonna happen,” Gabrielle said while putting a bowl of porridge and some side dishes on the table.
Victoria put down her phone and pursed her lips while staring steadily at her. .com fast update
“I’m really not to blame for this.” Gabrielle averted her eyes. Then, she explained in a whisper, “Your brother saw me with you
before. When he met me in the hospital, he asked me if you were also here. I had no choice but to tell him.”
Victoria lowered her eyes. “Let’s eat,” she said. Then, she picked up the porridge and ate it in small mouthfuls.
It would’ve been better if she threw tantrums. Now that she didn’t make a sound, Gabrielle felt even more unsettled. “Victoria, I
really didn’t mean it. If something like this happens again, I’ll definitely stay tight-lipped.”
Victoria replied, “It’s getting dark. Just go back after you’re done eating.” The porridge was tasteless in her mouth, so she put a
few spoonfuls of side dishes into her mouth. Still, she didn’t taste anything.
Gabrielle hesitated for a long time before picking up her porridge. After eating a mouthful of it, she replied under her breath, “But
Mrs. Coleman told me to watch over you.”
Victoria put down the bowl of porridge and looked at her indifferently.
At this moment, Gabrielle suddenly realized why her colleagues would be afraid of Victoria. Such a feeling was hard to describe.
Victoria didn’t say any harsh words or do anything cruel, but she couldn’t help having butterflies in her stomach when all the
former did was stare at her like this.

Just then, Victoria’s cell phone happened to ring. She withdrew her gaze and answered the phone, asking, “Why didn’t you
answer the phone just now?”
“I got drunk and was sleeping like a log. I’ve called you back as soon as I woke up, no?” Vincent replied.
Victoria paused for a moment before tightening her grip on her phone. “You don’t speak like this when you’re drunk. Tell me the
truth, Vincent. What happened?”
“I’m fine! What could’ve happened to me?” Vincent replied nonchalantly. “And besides, Teresa caught up to me afterward. Even if
I wanted to do anything, I wouldn’t be able to do so, no?”
However, as soon as he finished his sentence, a male voice sounded on the other end of the phone. “Mr. Coleman, please sign
your name on the testimony you recorded...” Just now, the speaker finished the sentence in his mind.
“Shut the f*ck up!” Vincent replied furiously, but his voice was a lot quieter than just now. Perhaps he’d moved his cell phone
away or was covering his phone while talking.
“Testimony? Are you at the police station?” Victoria put her porridge bowl on the table while putting her hand down on her
sickbed and clutching the sheets. “Which police station are you in?