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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70
Christian glanced at him sideways. “Who taught you English? Can’t you even distinguish between being rational and heartless?”
“The one who always failed our English test isn’t qualified to say that about me.” Matthew raised his leg to kick him, but was
interrupted by Christian’s faint words. “These clothes cost 120,000. Seeing you’re my friend, I’ll give you a discount. 2,000 per
kick. Payment is to be made after the kick. It doesn’t matter if you forgot my card number. I’ll have my assistant send it to your
Hearing that, Matthew hurriedly retracted his foot. “The face of a capitalist is really hideous.”
Christian ignored him.
“But seriously, Miss Spritz is too tricky. You’d better watch out.” Matthew sighed. “I’ve fallen into her trap a few times, but I can’t
accuse her of anything... Anyway, it’s complicated.”
Christian smirked. “Don’t compare your low IQ with mine.”
“Christian,” Matthew said as he continued to brew his cup of coffee. “Will it kill you if you don’t insult me for a moment?”
Christian replied indifferently, “It won’t kill me. It’ll just make me a little uncomfortable.”
The aroma of coffee wafted around the room as Matthew fell silent. After blowing on his cup and taking a sip, he said, “This
coffee is good. It’s a waste to leave it with you, so I’ll take it back with me later.”
Christian hummed carelessly. “I have a few more cans at home. You can take them all away if you like.”
“I can just come back for more after I’m done.” Matthew placed his cup of coffee down under his disgusted gaze and asked
curiously, “What exactly did Victoria do to you two years ago that made breaking her legs and sending her to jail not enough, but
you had to keep her at Delta Club?”
His eyes flashing, Christian glanced at him. “You want to know?”
Matthew nodded. “I’m a little curious.”
“Then, continue to be curious.” Christian’s crossed legs exchanged positions as he lowered his head and tugged at his tie, his
brow furrowing imperceptibly..

“What a ruthless man...” Matthew retrieved his gold-rimmed glasses on the coffee table and wiped them before putting them
back on. “Christian, stop once you’ve done almost everything you have to do, and leave a way out for her. That way, it’s good for
both you and her.”

As if suddenly recalling something, Christian scoffed. “Did your parents ask you to intercede on Victoria’s behalf?”
“Sort of.” Matthew rubbed his brow and said helplessly, “There’s also that silly apprentice of mine, who keeps chattering about
how pitiful Victoria is all day. After she found out that you and I are friends, she begged me to help her.”
Christian lowered his gaze. As the sunlight spilled in from behind him, half of his face was hidden in the shadows, making it
difficult to see his expression.
Seeing this, Matthew said, “What I said was just a casual remark, to complete the task my parents and apprentice gave me. You
can do what you want, and I won’t interfere. Just—”
He dragged out his sentence, his meaningful gaze falling on Christian.
Christian probed, “Well?”
“Recently, Charlotte told me a few interesting things about you and Victoria.” Matthew pushed his glasses pointedly. “Christian,
as a bystander, I can see things more clearly. Personally, I suggest you not to go too far, or it’ll be too late for you to regret it
Christian laughed, unfazed. “You should quit being a lawyer. Go work as a relationship expert instead. With that mouth of yours,
you can even work as a salesman.”
“If you don’t listen to me, you’ll suffer in the future.” Matthew clicked his tongue. Then, with the can of coffee powder in his hand,
he walked toward the door and said, “I’m leaving.”
After the door closed, Christian raised his eyebrows slightly, his bony fingers tapping lightly on the coffee table a few times.
Regret? He had never known that word for his entire life.
His phone vibrated with a call from his mother who asked him to go back for dinner. He was about to refuse out of habit, but
when the words were at the tip of his tongue, he swallowed them and only gave a muffled hum in reply.

Christian drove back to the Thatcher Residence, and after tossing the car keys to the maid, he went to the dining hall.
He had a large family, and apart from his grandmother who had passed away some years ago due to an illness, his grandfather,
his elder uncle, his younger uncle, as well as his family together brought the total number of people in the household to more
than 20. Other than that, two of his aunts had married and did not live with the Thatcher Family.
However, except for special occasions, most of them only ate on their own. His grandfather, Philip Thatcher, favored his younger
uncle’s family and ate with them most of the time. Meanwhile, he was not too friendly with Christian’s family and his elder uncle’s
family, but he was not cold to them either.

“Have a seat.” Evelyn smiled, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes rippling shallowly, but not affecting her feminine charm.
“Amy made all of the dishes you like.”
Christian sat down and wiped his hands with a wet towel. “Is Dad still not back?”
“Yeah. There was a problem with the business collaboration over in England, and his business trip was extended by a month.”
Evelyn lowered her eyes, her expression slightly forlorn.
Christian snorted lightly and put the towel down. “Is it a problem with the collaboration or his lover that he has to stay for an extra
Evelyn sighed and said helplessly, “Why are you so straightforward? You’re making me embarrassed.”
“Come to think of it, it’s nearly time for that woman to give birth.” Christian picked up his fork and took a bite of the food, though
not tasting anything.
“Yeah, it’s about time.” Evelyn elegantly took a bite. “I just don’t know how long he would like that woman.”
After she spoke, the two of them ate in silence, and nothing was said for a long time.
“These days, Nancy looked for me again, mostly to tell me that Lucas is already engaged, and she wonders when Bella will be
able to start a family as well.” Evelyn had a small appetite during dinner. She set her cutlery down after eating only a few bites.
Christian’s throat bobbed as he swallowed his food and took a tissue to wipe the corners of his clean mouth. “They really don’t
stop even for a moment.”
“So, what are your plans?” Evelyn asked with a smile.

Christian leaned back in his chair. “I thought you didn’t like Bella?”
“Spritz Group has already spread the news that Bella had gotten injured for you two years ago, and had the media hint that both
of our families will be joined through marriage. If you don’t marry her, the fact that you broke the marriage contract because you
dislike the fact that Bella has hurt her leg will be released, and Thatcher Group’s stocks will inevitably be affected in the future. At
best, we’ll lose a few hundred million, but I won’t be surprised to see a billion or so disappear.”
“On the minor side, we’d just lose some money, and the Thatcher Family isn’t so concerned about this amount of money.
However, on the major side, Old Mr. Thatcher is already over 80 years old. He was already partial to your younger uncle and his
family. If you let the company suffer losses because of something insignificant like this, I’m afraid his will that was written long
ago will be altered somewhat,” Evelyn concluded.
Christian’s eyes darkened. “Do you think that marriage is just an insignificant thing?”
“If you don’t have someone you like, then it’s an insignificant thing.” Evelyn asked Amy to serve her a bowl of soup and drank it
in small sips. .com fast update
Christian rested his hands on the dining table, his fingers tapping unconsciously.
After seeing his reaction, Evelyn chuckled. “Why aren’t you saying anything? Is there someone you like?”
“You don’t need to probe me. If I had liked Victoria, I would have gotten engaged to her two years ago,” Christian said in