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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15 “This! Where did you get this?” Gary asked in a low and confused tone. He was completely


“Is there a problem?” Darius asked, slightly frowning.

Sarah and David, along with Dana and the other onlookers were confused at Gary‘s sudden behavior.

They were sure that he was going to kick Darius out after exposing him for the liar and pretender he was,

but that was not what happened.

Gary couldn‘t help but look Darius up and down once again, but still shook his head. He was the

manager of this store and had been doing it for years, so it was natural that he recognized that the card

was out of the ordinary. 1

At a glance, he could tell that the card was a customized card made exclusively for the head of a top

business or company. However, the appearance of the male in front of him was not matching with what

he imagined. He certainly didn‘t look like someone who controlled such an astronomical amount of power

and wealth. He was about to confront the said peasant when he remembered something vital. Just a few

days ago, there was a rumor among the upper echelons about the ownership of a top consortium being

transferred to another individual. However, there was little known about the individual, as all information

about the individual had been tightly protected.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Gary suddenly felt beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. What if this individual here was the person

who was granted ownership of the consortium? It was a terrifying possibility when he thought about it. It

all made sense when he thought about it like that. Otherwise, how would be in possession of that

exclusive card? If he treated him badly in anyway, he wouldn‘t even know how he died!

“Of course not sir. Welcome to our store. I‘m very sorry for any inconveniences we‘ve caused.” Gary said

in a polite tone. His attitude had taken a 180 degree turn when he thought of this

individual being the head of a top consortium. He knew he couldn‘t afford to offend this person.

Darius smiled when he saw that the manager‘s attitude had chung u. It was no surprise that he was able

to become the manager of this luxurious store. He certainly had the qualities. “Please pardon her

inadequacies. She doesn’t know the weight behind this card.” Mr. Gary said while glaring at Dana, the

sales lady, which made her shrink back in fear. She wasn‘t dumb and she saw that from the way Mr.

Gary treated Darius, he had to be somebody important. “Why don‘t you come inside? We can conclude

the transaction there.” Gary said politely, even bowing lightly to Darius, completely stunning the

onlookers present.

Darius nodded in acknowledgement of Gary‘s behavior and hospitality before making his way to the

special room he was directed to.

It seemed David was grossly irritated by Gary‘s sudden treatment to Darius. He didn‘t understand what

made Gary to treat Darius that way, so he felt that Darius had used some

unscrupulous means to make Gary do his bidding.

“Excuse me Mr. Gary. I think there has been some mistake here. This individual is very poor and is

certainly unable to pay such an exorbitant amount of money for those outfits. I suggest that you throw

him out because he might be trying to scam you.” David said politely to Mr. Gary. He couldn‘t stand the

way Mr. Gary was treating Darius with respect.

Gary coldly snorted when he heard David‘s words. While Mr. Lesley was a reputable business man in the

Mayflower district, it was nothing compared to the head of a consortium. Who did this person think he

was to advise him on matters regarding his store? Even his father would not dare to do that. “I suggest

you watch your words. The individual in question is a very important VIP of ours.” Gary said coldly. Sarah

who came from a lower middle class background naturally felt intimidated by the likes of Gary, a

manager in this luxurious store, but she couldn‘t bear to hear Gary call Darius a VIP.

What a joke. If Darius was a VIP then she might as well be the VIP of this store! 2

“Mr. Manager, I think you‘re mistaken. That peasant really can‘t afford a meal worth $100. I know this

because we‘re from the same university. How would he be able to buy several outfits worth $610,000 if

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he can‘t even get a good meal? The idea itself is really ludicrous!” Sarah exclaimed.

Mr. Gary was now annoyed at their antics. Were they trying to get him killed? If he had followed their

words in the first place he wouldn‘t even be standing here the next day. Although Mr. Gary was angry at

them, he still spoke to them politely. After all, David Lesley father and he had dined a few times. It

wouldn‘t be kind on his part to treat his son badly.

However, that didn‘t mean that he would tolerate them trying to sabotage him. While he might be

acquaintances with David‘s father, he knew when to draw the line between work and friendship. Besides,

David‘s father could not compare to the a t of power a consortium wielded. It was obvious which side he

would take between a ric). sess man and the head of a top consortium.

“I believe you are here to shop and purchase some items. Please get to your business. If you keep

making derogatory comments about our VIP guest then I‘d have no choice but to call the security for

you.” Gary said.

After hearing this, although David and Sarah were greatly unsatisfied and bitter, they turned and

continued their shopping. Mr. Gary was someone who wouldn‘t be moved by the Lesley‘s name.

However, this little episode only served to increase their hatred for Darius.

It was especially so when after 20 minutes Darius came out from the room all smiles with the manager

following closely behind him. After packing the shopping bags that Dana had packaged for him, Darius

left the store without paying his ex–girlfriend and her boyfriend a second glance.