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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 300
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Chapter 300 It’s None Other Than Vivian

"Grandpa, don't get too excited! Yesterday, I heard from the doctor that Ethan's health was very good, and the

possibility of him recovering should be very high! You must be at ease. Right now, this family can't take any more

blows, right?"

Seeing the old man’s anxious look, Samantha kept comforting him.

Benjamin nodded heavily. "Samantha, don't worry. I have thought about it now. Everyone says life and death are

determined by fate! Since the heavens have kept me, this old bone, then it naturally has its uses. Since you say that

we are a family. . . Then I won't be polite with you anymore.

Samantha, you have seen the current situation of the Cooper Family. Sarah still had to take care of two children.

Julian and Vivian were busy with the company. There are no longer any extra people to take care of Ethan. Although

there are many nurses here, they usually just did some physical work. But you can chat with him. From now on. . .

I'll hand Ethan over to you. Take good care of him. Alright?"

Samantha nodded. "Don't worry, Uncle. I will take good care of Ethan."

Benjamin sat in the ward for a while before saying goodbye to Samantha. He then let Sarah help him out of the


When Benjamin and Sarah left the clinic hall, the driver of Cooper Family quickly drove the car over. Sarah helped

the old man sit in the car first. Seeing that the old man had sat down, she went around the car and sat in the car

from the other side.

The driver quickly started the car and drove away from the hospital.

"Sarah, you have to call Christian today no matter what. Let him do his work! I know he will listen to you. It is indeed

difficult for Cooper Family now. But this is only temporary. We can't let Christian leave the army that he loves just

because of a moment of difficulty.”

“With Christian here, we can indeed protect the Cooper Group, but if Ethan wakes up and finds out about this. . . He

will definitely be very sad. Christian has always been Ethan's pride. After the death of Christian’s mother, Ethan had

always felt guilty towards Christian, that’s why he didn’t stop Christian when he wanted to join the army. Now if

Christian leaves the army, Ethan would blame himself rest of the life.”

“So Sarah, you must understand Christian's thoughts and do not let him change his career back. Grandpa begs you,

please don’t let him leave the army.”

If Christian said he wanted to change his career, then he would definitely do it. And Benjamin couldn't change his


Sarah understood grandpa's intentions, so she looked at the old man and nodded. "Grandpa, don't worry. I will call

Christian when I return home later."

"Okay, okay!"

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The car quickly returned to Villa of Cooper Family. Sarah helped Benjamin into the living room and sat down.

Maternity Matron carried Stephen and Simona over. When the two children saw Sarah, they couldn't help but grin.

They looked at Sarah with excitement and waved their little hands.

Sarah knew they were hungry, so she carried Stephen back to her bedroom first.

Ever since Stephen followed her, Sarah was afraid of making the child feel wronged, so every time she fed them,

she would feed Stephen first until he was full. She would then feed Simona.

When Vivian changed the children, she definitely would never have thought that, even after doing so much evil

things, she would not be able to snatch a child from his mother’s embrace. At the end of the day, Stephen still went

to Sarah’s side.

It was precisely because of Sarah's kindness that things showed the opposite effect.

After feeding the two children, she saw Maternity Matron carry the children away. Sarah walked to the door of the

room and closed the door. Only then did she walk to the bedside and pick up the phone.

Sarah found Christian's number and dialed it.

When the phone rang, Christian had just arrived at his office in the army and was about to take out a piece of paper

and pen to draft the application for his resignation.

Just as he picked up the pen, he received a call from Sarah.

Seeing the name “Wife” on the phone screen, Christian immediately answered the phone.

"Sarah, did something happen at home again?"

Nowadays when he received calls from Sarah, the first thought that came to his mind was something happened at

home again.

"Christian, nothing happened at home. Have you arrived at the army?"

Hearing her words, Christian heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. "I just arrived at my office and was preparing to

write the resignation application. When I'm done writing it, I'll look for the chief. . . "

"Hubby, after you left today, during breakfast in the morning, Grandpa said a lot of things at the dining table. It

could be seen that you changing your career made him very sad. He said that it was your dream to be a soldier. If

you really changed your career and come to the business field, even if you really saved the Cooper Group, after

Dad woke up and found out about this, he would definitely be very sad. Grandpa doesn't want you to change your


"Sarah, I understand what you mean, but I can't be so selfish. My dream can be realized by my daughter in the

future, but if my family is gone, what other dreams do I have? Don't you think so?"

"Christian, can you listen to me first?"

"Yes, tell me. . . "

"I know, you are worried about your family now. Grandpa asked me to take him to the hospital just now and

specially went to see Dad. Since Aunt Daphne passed away, my mom has been taking care of your Dad in the

hospital. You know, my mom is a meticulous person. And she also says a lot of things to Dad. With her taking care

of Dad, you don't have to worry about things in the hospital.

Also about the company, at breakfast today, Julian was called downstairs by Grandpa. Perhaps it was Grandpa's

words that had taken effect. It hadn't been long since we had breakfast this morning, Vivian went to the company

first, then after more than an hour, Julian also went to Cooper Group. Although he was still in low spirits, I think as

long as we give him some time, he will definitely be able to pull himself together.

At a time like this, if you really change your career, Julian will feel that he is too incompetent and useless. But if you

don't change your career, he will feel that he must be strong and support this family! If you don't come back, he

might stand up faster. But if you really come back, you will carry all the burden for him. It was very likely that he

wouldn't be able to pull himself together for a long period of time. So for him, and for Dad to not regret after he

wakes up. . . Hubby, don't change your career. Okay?"

"Sarah. . ." Listening to her words, Christian did not know how to answer for a moment.

"Actually, everyone in the family knows how difficult it is for you to make this decision. Grandpa was the first to

object. He said very firmly at breakfast that he would definitely not let you change your career. If Dad wakes up in

the future, what do you think Dad will think when he hears that you took off your favorite military uniform because

of him? He will think that he has implicated you! This is a regret for him for the rest of his life! You let Julian handle

the company matters first. If he really doesn't do it well, then. . . You can come back when the time comes!

My mom takes care of Dad in the hospital. And you don't have to worry about the children. As long as I'm here, I

won't starve any one of them. I'm the daughter-in-law of this family. In the future, I will also do my duty as the

daughter-in-law. Hubby, you must think twice before making any decision, okay?"

She really did not want him to make such a decision, even though she knew that he had no choice.

Christian listened to his wife and fell silent.

Sarah continued, "Hubby, grandpa also asked me to tell you that he will give Julian a month's time. If the Cooper

Group really can't do well in a month's time, you can change your career at that time, alright?"

"Sarah. . .”

"Hubby, count it as me begging you! Give Julian another month! As long as it's a month, if the Cooper Group really

can't do it by then, you can come back! Alright?"

Christian listened to Sarah's words and was silent for a long time. In the end, he still nodded. "Okay. . . I will listen to

you. . ."

Sarah heard that he finally agreed to her request and immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"Since you have already returned, don't come back for now. You must work hard in the army. You don't have to

worry about the family matters. Everything will be fine."

"Sarah, I owe you. . . Too much. . ."

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Sarah smiled faintly. "Since you know that, then treat me well in the future."

"I will!"

Because Sarah's car accident had escalated from a normal traffic accident to a criminal case, Jasmine, who had

always been straightforward, was very angry. So she had been paying attention to the development of the case

these days.

The second day after she called Sarah, she originally wanted to go to the police station to ask again, but she did not

expect to hear news of Sarah’s mother-in-law's accidental death.

Since such a big thing happened in Cooper Family all of a sudden, no matter how important Sarah's case was,

Jasmine could not sprinkle salt on the wounds of the Cooper Family people at this time!

So in these three days, Jasmine did not mention anything about the case. Even if she called Sarah, it was only to

comfort her.

But since she did not tell Sarah that didn't mean she didn't care about the case.

When it was almost noon, Jasmine first gave Captain Brook, who was in charge of this case, a call. She made an

appointment with him to go to the police station later.

After closing the line, she quickly left her office and drove straight to the City Police Department.

Because she had been dealing with Captain Brook for the past few days, she was somewhat familiar with him. After

Jasmine rushed to the Criminal Police Department, she directly went to his office.

"Captain Brook, that Vivian was originally my brother-in-law's fiancée. Later, she lured Julian into marrying into the

Cooper Family! She had a huge conflict with my cousin Sarah, so she must be the one looking for her! You must

catch her quickly! Don't let her get away with it anymore!"

When Jasmine heard that Lucas and Vivian knew each other, she was sure that the mastermind of this case was

none other than Vivian!

Captain Brook nodded. "Actually, what you said was within our scope of suspicion from the beginning, but this is

only a suspicion! What the police need when handling a case is evidence! We haven't found any direct evidence of

her committing the crime yet, so we can't do anything about it for the time being!"

Jasmine was a little angry when she heard that. "Do we still need evidence? That 1.8 million is evidence! Even an

idiot can tell that it was her who did it! She was now living in the same house as Sarah. If you don't do anything

about it, she will harm others in the future!"

Captain Brook looked at her helplessly. "Lucas is firmly insisting that the 1.8 million was Vivian’s money which he

took as a loan. This was basically the same as what Vivian had said. From the beginning to the end, Lucas was the

only one who contacted Felix! If Lucas insisted on this, we can only convict him. Vivian might very well escape the

punishment of the law. I hope you are mentally prepared."

"Didn't you check the surveillance footage when Lucas gave Felix the money? There was no sign of Vivian on it?"

Jasmine did not give up and continued to ask.