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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

Wynn blinked. Philip said that as though he knew. How would Philip Clarke of all know who Professor Turner’s patient was?

“Alright, I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but since Professor Turner isn’t free right now, we’ll just have to wait,” Wynn

said with some impatience. However, Philip smiled and said, “Wynn, do you trust me?” Wynn looked at him suspiciously. It truly

felt to her like he was slightly different today, as though he had a little more confidence than he did before. “You’re my husband. If

I don’t trust you, who should I trust?” she said with a small smile. Well, that was what she said but it was actually just lip service.

When it came to this matter, she trusted Juan a tad more. After all, Juan was rich, powerful, and well-connected. He was even

the one who pleaded with Professor Turner to get Mila a fighting chance. Nevertheless, she did not want to hurt Philip by saying

that to his face, so she told him a little white lie. Philip was no fool, either. He knew what she was thinking. Holding her soft, small

and delicate hand, he said gently, “Don’t worry, Wynn. I’ll contact Professor Turner.

Mila will be able to check into the hospital tomorrow, and she can have the surgery in a week from now.” A week from now? But

Juan said that Professor Turner would be unavailable for the next half a month. Was Philip implying that Professor Turner was

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going to be spending that time on helping Mila? No way. Wynn gave him a faint smile. “Alright, Philip. I know you’re trying to

comfort me, but this isn’t something we can force.

I’ll talk to Juan about the details. You should go back home and stay with Mila.” With that, Wynn lay in

bed and turned to her side, putting her back against Philip. Philip looked at her back, but he did not

continue trying to explain. Inwardly, he said to himself, “You’ll know next week, Wynn. Your husband is

not a good-for-nothing at all.” After he left the hospital, Philip returned to the company. Agnes had been

looking after Mila the entire time.

She was quite fond of kids and had a lot of fun playing with Mila. The vehicle the company gave

delivery runners had all been changed to BMWs, and that made a large splash online. That meant

Gopher Delivery Services was also trending right now. Countless netizens were trying to guess who the

company’s owner was. They were being so flagrant with their money!

An entire fleet of BMW bikes! Only the filthiest of all rich people would do that! There were even

reporters from various media outlets camped outside the company doors, behaving almost like

paparazzi. Thankfully, Philip was very plain-looking. Even when he walked right past their noses, they

would never have guessed that he was the owner of this company. After he spent some time with Mila,

he left the company once more. It was because he had received a call from Henry Turner offering to

treat him to a meal. George Thomas would be joining too. Philip gave it some thought and decided to

attend after all. The location was set at Virtuous Court. When Philip arrived, the room they had booked,

Zenith Hall, was already filled with more than ten people. “Mr. Clarke.” Henry immediately stood up and

greeted Philip with a respectful smile. The people in the room were mostly the students and specialists

Henry had brought with him. All of them were also secretly surprised to see their teacher, the

internationally-renowned medical expert, treat such an average-looking young man with such respect.

They had long since heard that Professor Turner came here to Riverdale specifically for a certain man.

They just did not think that he would be so young. That probably meant he had quite the impressive

background, huh? “You don’t need to be formal, Professor Turner. You’re my elder and a legend in the

medical world, after all. Please, don’t be so polite with me.” Philip smiled and returned a polite bow. The

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two of them took their seats, with George Thomas accompanying them. After a few toasts, Henry went

straight to the point. “Mr. Clarke, Turner's Hospital would like to start a research division here in

Riverdale. I hope I can count on your support in this endeavor.” He wanted Philip’s help and not just an

investment. With Philip’s support, Turner's Hospital would definitely be able to start their Riverdale


After all, Turner's Hospital was quite capable in themselves. Every other city would be clamoring for their presence on their

grounds. Philip was different, however. His background was another story altogether. Henry Turner knew that very well. As long

as he could get Philip on board as an investor, the future of Turner's Hospital would surely go beyond domestic borders. Besides,

Turner's Hospital needed funds for their research too. The size of the funding they needed was no joke. Naturally, that was

Henry’s final goal in all this. Philip said calmly, “You can just talk to old George about this. However much money you need, just

ask him and he’ll give it to you.” The moment Henry heard that, he immediately beamed brightly and held up his glass. “My

appreciation goes beyond a mere thanks, Mr. Clarke.

On behalf of all the doctors in the country, I toast to your generous contribution.” With that, Henry drained the glass.