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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

Smack! It was a crisp-sounding slap! Martha cursed at her, "Get out of this house! Don’t ever come back! You are no longer a

child of mine!" It was heart-rending for Philip when he saw Wynn get slapped. He stared at Martha with an angry gaze, champing

to tear her apart! Even if she was his mother-in-law, she had bullied Wynn, so Philip needed to step in to teach her a lesson!

Philip put down Mila and walked over angrily with a daunting expression. Martha was also frightened and cried out, "You… What

do you want to do?" "You shouldn't hit Wynn," Philip said coldly. He had his fists squeezed tightly and he was trembling slightly.

Wynn, with dazzling red imprints on her face, immediately stopped Philip. "Philip, calm down. Let's head home." She was really

afraid that Philip would do something impulsive. If that happened, there would be no way out of it. "Okay."

Philip's expression gradually softened. Martha was very nervous at first.

When she saw Wynn stepping in to stop Philip, however, she immediately shouted angrily, "What did

you want to do just now? You wanted to lay your hands on me?" Philip looked at Martha coldly and

refused to give up.

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This was the first time he had been so aggressive in the Johnston family.

When she saw how Philip looked at her, Martha instinctively felt guilty. She stepped back a few steps

as if she was before a tiger instead of a spineless coward. He terrified her! How can this good-for-

nothing exert such an imposing manner? Seeing that things were going wrong, Charles immediately

got up and said coldly to Philip, "Philip, what do you think you’re doing? She is your mother-in-law! Do

you really want to lay a hand on her?" Philip sighed, then glanced at Martha and Charles before saying

coldly, "Think of this as a warning. Don't force Wynn to do anything she doesn't want to do." After he

was done speaking, Philip left the Johnston house with Wynn and Mila. After they left, Martha was

soaked in sweat and sat limply on the sofa. After a while, she gritted her teeth with hatred and shouted

madly, "Charles, look at that! That piece of garbage is fighting back.

He even dared to threaten us! Who does he think he is?!" Martha was also putting up a front. She knew

that she was in the wrong. Charles shook his head helplessly. "Martha, can't you stop for a few days?

Do you have to break up your daughter's marriage?" "What do you mean? Why are you pretending to

be the good guy now? Can our daughter really have a good life if she stays with that useless bum?"

Martha took her anger toward Philip out on Charles. "Don't forget, it will be Dad's 70th birthday in a few


Are you really planning to bring this piece of trash and b*stard child to Dad’s birthday?" Charles was

very aware of the virtues of his wife. Sooner or later, this family would be turned upside down by her.

He shook his head and said, "I'm going for a walk." He walked off after he said that. Martha gritted her

teeth angrily and muttered, "Sooner or later, I will find a way to split up Wynn and that wimp!" On the

other end, after Philip and Wynn left the Johnston house, they headed straight to the hospital. Philip

said that Mila could be admitted this afternoon. Wynn had been curious about the doctor that Philip

contacted. Last time, he said that it was Professor Henry Turner, but Wynn did not believe it. After all,

Professor Turner was a legend in the medical world. ‘Does Philip really have what it takes to get him on


Unfortunately, Wynn and Philip ran into Juan Parker as soon as they arrived at the hospital. "Wynn, why didn’t you tell me that

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you’ve been discharged from the hospital?" Juan walked over. Wynn smiled and said, "Hey Juan.

Sorry, I left the hospital last night and didn't have the time to tell you." Wynn was grateful for Juan’s help over the years. However,

the more that he helped her with, the more uncomfortable she felt. "By the way, what are you doing here?" Juan was puzzled

when he saw Mila who was in Philip's arms.

"We are arranging for Mila to be hospitalized. Philip said that he has contacted the doctor. Mila will be soon nursed back to

health," Wynn said truthfully. Juan was taken aback. He sneered. "Wynn, why would you listen to Philip? What is the capability of

the doctor that he contacted? What if that doctor delays Mila’s treatment? I have already contacted Professor Turner. He is here

today to see a special patient. I begged him for a long time before he agreed to take a look at Mila." As he was talking, he

glanced at Philip triumphantly. However, Philip completely ignored him and was preoccupied with playing with Mila. “No…

There’s no need for that. Philip has sorted it out." Wynn found it hard to refuse Juan. To be honest, she really wanted Professor

Turner to take a look at Mila, but Philip had already got in touch with a doctor. If she went with Juan at this time, it would seem

like she did not trust Philip. Juan's expression changed. He turned his head to look at Philip and asked with a false smile, "Philip,

what doctor did you contact? Is he any good?" Philip said calmly, "You don't know anything about the special patient that

Professor Turner came to visit today?"