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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127

While Professor Turner was doing a comprehensive check-up on Mila, Wynn took Philip to the rest area and stared at him. Philip

shrugged helplessly and decided to be honest. "Well, let me be honest, Professor Turner used to be my father's private doctor.

"Private doctor?" Wynn was surprised, her eyes were sparkling. ‘Who was Philip's father? He had the means to hire Professor

Turner as his private doctor?’ "Philip, is there nothing else that you want to tell me?" Wynn asked again, her face showing slight

anger. ‘Philip must still be hiding something from me.’ Philip immediately hugged Wynn’s waist. He smiled and said, “There’s

really nothing else. Professor Turner was not so famous at that time. My dad had an issue with his health, so he asked Professor

Turner to be his private doctor. I don't have a reason to lie to you. If I am lying, I will be struck by lightning..." Just as Philip

wanted to make an oath, Wynn immediately covered his mouth, glared at him with a coquettish look, and said, "Okay, I believe

you." Philip grinned and scratched Wynn's nose. Wynn shyly turned away, then rolled her eyes at him and said, "What are you

doing? There are so many people here." Professor Turner took over the remaining matters regarding Mila, so Wynn returned to

the company. Not only was the issue with Mila’s operation solved, but Professor Turner was also now the main physician. Wynn

was in a happy mood the entire day. At the same time, her view of Philip had also changed a lot. She was thinking about where

she should inform her parents about this matter. ‘Forget about it. I’ll do it after some time, mom is probably still angry.’ Back at the

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company, Wynn felt that her colleagues seemed to be avoiding her. “Hey, Mindy, what's happening?" Wynn asked her assistant.

The assistant looked around before saying, "Wynn, a new Vice President joined the company in the past few days that you have

not been around. The VP is a woman. I heard that she is Mr. Hall’s lover. She has a bad temper. She namedropped you this

morning and said that she would target you." Wynn smiled and said, "I don't know the new VP, why does she want to target me?"

The assistant sighed helplessly, and said, "Because someone told on you, saying that you are romantically involved with Mr.

Hall." Wynn was startled. There was really nowhere to hide from the malicious competition in the workplace. However, she was

not bothered by it. She said with a smile, "It's OK, let's not speak or act on hearsay. Mr. Hall and I are innocent, I’m not worried

about it." Her assistant nodded, but still dropped her a gentle reminder. "Wynn, I would advise you to keep watch, the new VP is

not someone to be trifled with, Mr. Hall puts a lot of weight on her words." Wynn nodded to indicate that she was listening, and

then she brought along the proposal for Turner’s Second Hospital to the chairman's office. After half an hour, Wynn came out of

the chairman's office. A woman that looked stand-offish walked towards her; she had big wavy hair and wore big crystal earrings.

She carried an aura that declared that ‘I am a queen’. At first glance, one would know that she was not someone to be trifled

with. Wynn smiled, nodded, and said hello to her.

However, the woman walked straight to Wynn, raised her hand, and slapped Wynn's face hard! Smack! This slap was done in

front of everyone in the company. Everyone took a deep breath. No one dared to step in; everyone chose to keep their head

down and watched silently. Wynn was dumbfounded, and her cheeks were burning hot from the slap. "You are Wynn?" The

woman asked coldly. Wynn stared at her angrily and asked,

"Who are you and why did you hit me?" The woman sneered and slapped her again. She pointed at

Wynn’s nose and said, "My name is Yasmin, the new VP and Mr. Hall’s girlfriend. Consider this a

warning, stop harassing Mr. Hall. Otherwise, I will slap you every time I see you!" She was domineering

and arrogant! This was Yasmin Lewis, the newly appointed Vice President of Beacon Pharmaceutical.

Wynn was mad, she had not expected Yasmin to be so domineering and unreasonable. It seemed that

she was only in her early twenties. At that exact time, Derrick Hall came out of his office. When he saw

what was going on, he shouted, "VP Yasmin, what are you doing?" Yasmin had a brazen look on her

face. With her hands across her chest, she walked off, but not before she gave Wynn a cold stare.

In the office, no one dared to speak. Derrick looked at Wynn. He felt very guilty and motioned Wynn to

come into his office. He apologized. "VP Johnston, I'm so sorry, I apologize on behalf of Yasmin,

please forgive her."

As he spoke, Derrick took out a card, handed it to Wynn, and said, "Here are one hundred thousand

dollars. I heard that your daughter has some medical expenses, just think of it as my contribution

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towards it." Wynn did not take the card, but said coldly, "There is no need for that, Mr. Hall, if there’s

nothing else, I'll be leaving now." After that, Wynn turned around and left Derrick Hall's office, then

returned to her office. Her assistant ran over and asked in distress, "Wynn, are you okay? I didn't

expect that Yasmin could be so arrogant and Mr. Hall wouldn’t take action." Wynn was very upset; she

looked in the mirror and saw the red palm prints on her face along with the two bloodstained cuts on

her right cheek from Yasmin’s nails. Was Wynn not pissed off? She was pissed off. However, she was

just a manager of the marketing department; Yasmin was the new VP and Mr. Hall's lover.

Her only option was to deal with it. This was the ruthlessness of the workplace. After she got off work,

Wynn returned to the hospital in a bad mood and accompanied Mila in the VIP Inpatient Suite. When

Philip came over, Wynn found an excuse to leave. Mila was wearing a pink medical gown. She tugged

on Philip sleeve and said innocently, "Dad, mom was crying, I think mom even hurt her face." ‘Wynn

cried and had hurt her face?’

Philip wrinkled his brows, ran out, and found Wynn. Wynn tried to turn away, but Philip still saw the injury. There were red marks

on her face. The two scratches were clearly caused by someone’s nails! "Who did this to you?!" Philip was angry; there was a

furious chill in his eyes that had a murderous intent! ‘Someone dared to hit Wynn! That is unforgivable!’
