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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 1531 – 1535
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The First Heir – Chapter 1531

“How… How did you know?” Pete’s face was pale.

In a casino, it was the most taboo to cheat.

However, the level of gambling skills was also equivalent to the level of cheating skills.

If one cheated and was not caught or spotted by others, the person could be considered a true master.

For a cheater, being caught meant losing a hand. Otherwise, they would be a true master!


The foreigner’ s cheating technique was actually not too bad, but it did not escape the eyes of Philip,

who had been playing with top local gambling masters since childhood.

Truth be told, such games were just a simple form of entertainment for magnates like the Clarke family!

The Clarke family’s charity gambling gala!

All the top domestic and international gambling masters would be invited to this event where everyone

would use the money they won for charity.


Since Philip was ten, he had mastered his skills in poker, dice, and pai gow, making him at the top of the


If he wanted to win against a foreign ‘gambling master’ who made a living by cheating, would that not be

a walk in the park?

From the very first hand, Pete would place his hand over his card when he folded. Although the move

was quick, it still did not escape Philip’s eyes.

After that, several times when the foreigner folded, he did not turn over his hole card but quietly hid the

larger hole card in his sleeve with a very clever technique.

However, Pete never used the hidden cards until he lost more than 20 million and was so angry to the

point of Spurting blood. He probably thought at first that Philip was a rookie.

Then, in the last round, he thought he had three queens while Philip only had two aces, so he did not use

the cards to cheat either.

However, Philip actually won!

That was when Pete got crazy and wanted to use their lives to place a bet!

Why did he want to rely on one card to determine the winner?


It was because he had an ace of spades up his sleeve! The largest card in a single hand!

He could not lose.

As expected, Philip was only dealt a nine.

All of this was within Philip’s grasp.

Pete had not cheated at all in the entire game. When he refused to let him go this time, Philip knew Pete

was about to cheat.

Hence, he had Yolanda bring in a knife in advance.

It would be more convenient to chop off his hand later! Philip picked up the five of diamonds from the

cards on the table that had fallen from Pete’s sleeve earlier.

As Pete had been nervous, the card was crumpled when he hid it.

“Mr. Pete, this must be the card you drew just now, right?” Philip sneered, his eyes looking extremely


“These… These are my own…” Pete was still lying!

Furthermore, it was such a feeble lie!

“Your own? In that case, let’s get the croupier to check if these cards are missing from the decks of cards

we played with just now.”

Philip said helplessly. It was such a cheap lie.

As he said that, he held Pete’s left hand with one hand and raised the fruit knife with the other.

Pete was already shaking like a leaf by now. Randolph wanted to rush up at this time but was stopped by

Victor and the others.

“Master Bell, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to help the Harrison family of Glenford? Why are you

helping this ordinary tutor?”

Randolph was upset. Pete was his lethal weapon for talking business and playing with women. How

could he allow Philip to chop off his hand like this?

Victor laughed and said, “It’s not right for you to say that. I’m not on anyone’s side. Since you know the

rules, you should know that in the casino, cheating is a big taboo. A cheater will lose a hand when

caught. This is the biggest rule in casinos. This is my turf and I have the full authority to exercise this

right when I catch a cheater. I have to protect this rule. Otherwise, how can I gain a foothold in the

industry in the future?”

Victor winked as he said this, and dozens of people surrounded Randolph immediately.

Everyone was full of killing spirit.

Randolph and his people took two steps back.

“Mr. Clarke has already ignored the fact that your bodyguard took a peek at his card. However, Pete

blatantly changed cards and got caught red-handed! Even the Harrison family of Glenford won’t be able

to condone your men cheating on my turf like that, right? Are you underestimating me?”

This time, Victor played hardball.

He had no reason to be afraid!

The First Heir – Chapter 1532

Randolph’s face went red when he heard Victor say that. He was thinking inwardly that Victor had better

not fall into his hands one day.

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Since the boss could no longer do anything, all blood drained from Pete’s face. Now, even if Philip really

chopped his hand off, he could only resign to his fate!

His life was over. He could only live as a disabled person with one hand in the future!

Pete’s heart froze as he allowed Philip to press his hand down.

Philip smiled at Pete and said, “Are you ready? I’ll do it on the count of three!”




On the count of three, the knife in Philip’s hand fell from above!

Yolanda and some of the women present covered their eyes.

After all, this scene was too bloody.


Immediately after, a scream from Pete was heard in the private room!

Yolanda trembled all over.

Although she was strong headed, she was still a woman, after all.

After a while, Yolanda slowly looked at the scene through the gaps between her fingers.

Strange. Why was there not a drop of blood on the table or the floor?

Although Philip’s knife had fallen heavily on Pete’s wrist, it was the back of the knife that landed.

Philip was showing mercy.

Looking at the pained look and grimace on Pete’s face, Philip said with a smile, “I’ve crushed your wrist

bone and your two joints are completely shattered. After your recovery, you can continue to play cards,

but the two joints in your wrist won’t be as dexterous and you won’t be able to cheat again.”

As Philip said that, he tossed the knife aside. Then, he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He exhaled

a ring of smoke.

“I’m leaving you with one hand this time as repayment for your loss of five million dollars to Miss Lee.

Remember to thank her. In the future, find a true master and learn the real art of gambling.”

After saying that, Philip turned around and left with style.

Pete clutched his broken wrist and fell to his knees, bowing repeatedly.

“Thank you, Mr. Clarke! Thank you, Miss Lee! Thank you, Mr. Clarke! Thank you, Miss Lee!”

Yolanda’s face was flushed, and her heart was torn and hesitant. She looked at Philip who was leaving

and could not help a surge of warmth in her heart.

If she had fostered a good relationship with him from the very beginning, she would not have ended up in

this situation.

Wynn was really fortunate.

However, Yolanda would not admit defeat. At this moment, she vowed to rely on her own abilities to

make Philip look at her differently!


At the door, Philip’s phone rang. As soon as the call was connected, his mother-in-law, Martha Yates,

roared like a tigress. “Philip, where the hell are you? Wynnie says that you’re still alive? Why aren’ t you

back, then?”

Philip sighed and said, “Morn, Wynnie is angry with me and won’t let me go back tonight.”

Martha scolded, “You piece of sh*t! Of course, I know that! Get your *ss back here right now! Don’t you

know that Wynn is pregnant right now? How can you still treat her like this? As soon as she got back,

she locked herself in the room alone and cried. What exactly did you do to her?”

“Don’t think that just because I can’t stand on my feet right now that I can’t do anything to you and you

take advantage of that to run rampant. I’m still the head of this family! Get back here right now!”


Before Martha finished speaking, Philip already ended the call. He could not be bothered to listen to her


He only wanted to hurry back now.

Was Wynn crying?

Was it because of the misunderstanding during the day? If that was the case, he was done for!

The First Heir – Chapter 1533

When Philip returned to the hotel, it was already late at night.

The door of the hotel room was left wide open, seemingly waiting for Philip to return.

It was a suite. When Philip walked into the living room, he saw Martha sitting in a wheelchair. Her face

was full of anger.

“You piece of sh*t! You’re getting bolder now, huh? How dare you hang up on me?! Who gave you the

right?” Although Martha could not stand up or hit Philip, she still had a sharp tongue. She immediately

started cursing.

Philip did not want to kick up a fuss with her either. He was most worried about Wynn right now.

“Mom, what’s wrong with Wynn?” Philip asked.

Martha said with a huff, “You still dare to ask? Just now, Wynn received a phone call and her face

suddenly changed. She started crying not long after she went to her room. What the hell did you do to

her, huh? You punk, don‘t think that just because you’re the boss of some small investment group that

you can bully my daughter! She’s pregnant now!”

Philip’s face froze as he said indifferently, “I know my limits. Wynn is my wife. I don’t need you to point

fingers at me.”

“Charles, just look at this good son-in-law of yours! He’s really getting worse! You even told me to get

along with him. How can I do that? He and I are rivals. Only one of us can survive!” Martha snorted.

Charles sat at the side reading the newspaper.

‘When would the two ever stop?’

“Oh, just cut the crap. If Philip hadn’t saved us today, we would have been thrown into the river as food

for the fish!” Charles spoke up for Philip.

This immediately made Martha very dissatisfied. She turned around, glared at Charles, and shouted,

“Charles Johnston, I really didn’t expect you to be up to no good! Are you trying to play mind games with

me now? How did you treat him before? Oh, now that he’s rich, you want to stay on his side, am I right?”

Martha was very angry. This old man was very shrewd. They had agreed to join forces but he changed

courts at the last minute!

How could she not be angry?

Charles sighed helplessly. This crazy woman was really good at finding trouble.

Since being hospitalized, her temperament had changed greatly. She became more disbelieving by

nature, more unreasonable, and was suspicious all day long.

Charles had asked the doctor about this, who said it was menopause.

Menopausal women must not be avoided. They should be pampered, loved, and cared for.

However, Charles could not care for such a wife, so he simply avoided her.

Seeing that Charles was ignoring her, Martha yelled at Philip again, “Philip, tell me the truth, how did you

bully my daughter? I’m telling you, if you don’t admit your mistake today, you won’t see my daughter

again. When the child is born, I’ll get her to divorce you!”


Philip’s eyes went cold as he said solemnly, “Martha Yates, I call you ‘Mother’ because of Wynn’s sake.

You’re not worthy, understand? Don’t keep looking for trouble. Haven’t you been beaten enough?”


Martha saw Philip’s icy face and the anger throbbing in his eyes. She felt as though she was facing a

wild lion that was about to get angry!


She had not experienced this feeling for so long that she had almost forgotten.

Philip was no longer that same useless wimp from before.

His methods were ruthless!

“You… How dare you talk to me like that? I’m your mother-in-law and you’re my son-in-law. Besides, I’m

also a patient! Can’t you be more considerate?” Martha shouted hysterically.


Philip snorted and said, “Now you know I’m your son-in-law? Hehehe.”

After saying that, Philip turned around and walked toward the bedroom, directly ignoring the furious

Martha in the living room.

The First Heir – Chapter 1534

“Hey, what does he mean by that? Oh, I can’t even scold my son-in-law now, huh?” Martha was

annoyed. If not for her disability, she would have rushed up to him and given him a few earfuls!

At this time, Wynn was still sobbing in the room.

“Wynn, what’s the matter with you?” Philip knocked on the door and asked softly.

Wynn’s sobs in the room stopped abruptly. After a short while, she choked up and said, “Who told you to

come back? I told you not to come back.”

Her voice sounded as if she was suffering a great grievance and it caused Philip a lot of distress.

“Will you open the door? Tell me what happened after you open the door,” Philip said and comforted


“I don’t have anything to tell you. You can continue being lovey-dovey with that Bernice woman,” Wynn

said with a tear stained face. Her head was in a mess right now.

Did Philip really cheat on her?

Was he keeping a woman outside?

They had not even resolved things with Chloe Sommerset. Although the other party had not appeared for

a long time, Wynn knew the other woman was a schemer and definitely plotting something.

An angry woman would forget all the good things others had done and only remember the pain others

had caused her.

It was the truth for Wynn now.

When she discovered that Philip and Bemice’s relationship was somewhat ambiguous, anger

immediately consumed her rationale. The more she thought of it, the more she felt that Philip was a


“I…” Philip wanted to explain but did not know where to begin.

Wynn started crying again and said dejectedly, “It’s all your fault! If not for you, Uncle Martin and Uncle

Bernard wouldn’t have joined forces to drive me out of Beacon and take over the board of directors.”

Philip was taken aback. Instantly, his face was full of anger and his eyes were bitterly cold.

“Martin Johnston and Bernard Johnston, what did they do?”

Philip tried to control his emotions and volume, but his anger was already overflowing.

Those two uncles were really looking for death!

How dare they take advantage of the fact that he and Wynn were not in Riverdale to do such a thing?!

Take over Beacon?

Good, very well done!

The members of this family were really wonderful! “It’s been a while since I left Riverdale. Since they’re

relatives and my parents also approached me many times regarding the matter, I made arrangements for

them to join the company and take up a few small positions. However, I never expected them to gang up

and embezzle funds from the company, squandering

everything. In the end, they even gathered followers to take down the board of directors. They kicked out

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half of Beacon’s board members.”

Wynn whimpered and felt very frustrated.

She never expected that her uncles would actually do such a thing.

The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she became. She started sobbing. “Now, I have nothing left.

The company has been taken over by them. I’ve just received news that the uncles have taken over our

villa and their two families have moved in. They’ve even changed the guards. There’s no longer a place

for our family in Riverdale now.”

The First Heir – Chapter 1535

After speaking, Wynn cried out in agitation, her voice getting louder and louder.

The First Palace held many of her and Philip’s memories.

She still remembered when Philip bought her the diamond ring for the first time.

She still remembered the wedding photoshoot with Philip there.

She also remembered witnessing Philip’s changes along the way.

However, now everything had changed and became out of control.

Beacon Group was in complete control of the two uncles. Everyone on the board of directors had been

changed to their people, and even the security personnel in the villa had been replaced.

In short, Wynn and her family had no place to return to in Riverdale now.

Moreover, the second uncle, Martin Johnston, also filed a lawsuit against Wynn’s family. He was

accusing Wynn of embezzling company funds to purchase the First Palace in Longford Park. The board

of directors then made the decision to officially dismiss Wynn.

On the other hand, the third uncle, Bernard Johnston, had contacted some well known underground

figures to keep watch over the various entrances and exits of Riverdale. They were thoroughly checking

all passing vehicles!

As soon as Wynn and Philip appeared, they would be taken down immediately!

It could be said that the entire Riverdale was a big trap just waiting for Wynn and Philip to walk right into


The ones who came up with the plan were none other than Lynn Johnston and her new boyfriend.

Outside the door, Philip frowned and thought for a while. He said, “Wynnie, don’t worry. Leave this matter

to me. I’ll take care of it.”


The door suddenly opened. Wynn stared at Philip with misty eyes, held her belly, and asked, “How are

you going to solve it? The uncles have already prepared everything. They’ re just waiting for us to return.

You’ll be walking into your doom like this.”

Wynn was anxious as she was worried that Philip would act irrationally.

After all, Riverdale was not the same now.

However, Philip stretched out his hand, looked at Wynn tenderly, and touched her delicate cheek. He

said, “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. I won’t let them enjoy this for too long. I’m not as simple as you


As long as it belonged to Wynn Johnston, he would get it back for her!

As long as others dared to bully her, they should be prepared to go to hell!

Wynn froze. Her gaze flickered as her eyes glistened with tears. She looked at Philip, took a deep

breath, and asked, “Philip Clarke, who are you? Why are you so confident all the time? Why do you

appear whenever I need you the most?”

Philip tenderly hugged Wynn’s head, gently leaned his forehead to hers, and whispered softly, “Wynnie,

believe me. Soon, I’ll tell you everything.”

Wynn’s eyes welled up with tears as she nodded fervently.

She wiped her tears, looked at Martha and Charles who were arguing fiercely in the living room, and

said, “My parents don’t know about this yet. I don’t want them to know and add to the fear and panic.”

Philip nodded in understanding.

Then, Philip helped Wynn to the soft couch in the bedroom. She said, “Lynn asked me to meet up with

her tomorrow. According to what she said, it’s about Beacon. I’m the only one who knows the password

to the company’s R&D lab. If they want to take over Beacon completely, they can’t do it without the

password. Many research data of Beacon’s medicinal

materials are stored there. Most researchers in the research lab are my confidants. After that incident,

many of them were fired by Lynn and some were even kidnapped and tortured for the password. Philip,

you must rescue them.”

Philip nodded seriously and said, “Don’t worry and have a good rest. I’ll take care of everything. The

most important thing for you now is to take care of the baby. I’ll arrange some people to stand guard in

the hotel for you and your parents.”

Wynn nodded and grasped Philip’s sturdy arm, her eyes full of expectant hope.

Philip turned around and left the bedroom. As soon as he arrived in the living room, Martha shouted in a

commanding tone, “Hey, Philip, stop. I’ve something to say to you.”

Philip frowned, turned around, and put his hands in his trouser pockets. He asked, “What is it?”

Martha was very upset to see Philip’s arrogant behavior.

However, she could only bear with it and said coldly, “Philip, I won’t let you off when I get better! However

you treated me, I’ll return tenfold! Moreover, I’ll break you and my daughter up! My daughter is so

beautiful and also the chairman of Beacon Group. Plenty of wealthy people are going after her. You’re

just the boss of a small investment company. I found someone to

look into you. You don’t have much money and that also belongs to the company.”

After saying that, Martha sneered triumphantly.

She wanted to see how Philip was going to explain this! A loser would always be a loser!
