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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4123
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"Well, you may go. Let me recover a little," Philip said.

Jonas nodded and took his leave.

After Jonas left, Philip grimaced. The pain was excruciating!

His body had not fully recovered yet, and he was still in pain. His internal organs had

suffered varying degrees of damage from the lightning, and his veins showed signs of

rupture. Even now, residual lightning energy surged in his body constantly.

This pseudo holy lightning tribulation is really something. No wonder I almost couldn't

handle the last lightning strike...

Philip took a deep breath.

After that, he activated his energy to heal his injuries. However, a purple light flickered

above his head the next moment. He felt as if the power of lightning in his body was

pulled by something toward his forehead.

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Huh? What's going on?

Philip was startled.

He manifested a mirror with his energy and looked at his forehead. The chimera imprint on

his forehead had turned purple. It looked more bizarre now!

Philip was stunned.

Had his chimera imprint mutated?

As the chimera imprint on Philip's forehead flickered, the residual power of lightning that

he could not incorporate was absorbed by the chimera imprint. The imprint seemed as if it

had eaten its fill and slowly faded into nothingness.

At the same time, a childish voice appeared in Philip's mind.

I'm full. Don't disturb me. I'll tell you when I wake up...

Hearing this, Philip was dumbfounded.

This chimera imprint can talk?!

Philip felt goosebumps all over his body. He did not know what to say anymore. This was


After a long time, he suppressed his weird emotions and muttered to himself, "It should be

a good thing, right? Whatever, let's not worry about it and heal my injuries first..."

After that, Philip activated his energy and began to absorb the residual energy while

examining himself.

An hour later, Philip slowly opened his eyes, which were full of excitement. He had fully

comprehended the laws of lightning!

The laws of fire had turned into the laws of Agni fire!

Compared to the normal laws of fire, the laws of Agni fire seemed more restrained but

could explode with the greatest power when he needed it. However, the laws of Agni fire

were no different from ordinary laws of fire under normal circumstances, possessing the

same power.

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Yeah! I struck the jackpot!

Philip was excited.

His laws of wind had also turned into the laws of jet stream, which were more lethal than

the former.

Ordinary people would tremble at the mention of jet streams, so their power was needless

to say!

I reached the late stage of nine stars during this lightning tribulation and also

comprehended the laws of lightning. Now, I have five types of laws, including space,

lightning, Agni fire, jet stream, and ice, all offensive laws. It seems that I need to find an

opportunity to upgrade my earth element...

Philip muttered to himself as he evaluated his current strength.

Besides that, the chimera imprint has changed, and I have no idea what that means.

Compared to before the lightning tribulation, my strength has at least doubled! I should

have a fighting chance against the average pseudo holy tier now!