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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4203
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After hearing the man's words, someone looked up at him and said calmly, "Percy, before

you say such things, you need to understand your position first. What right do you have to

say such things to us?"

Another voice next to him said coldly, "You have no right to make such comments about

us. If you're unhappy, you can quit at any time!"

"Percy, you're getting a little too big for your boots."

"You need to watch your words, Percy."

"And your manner too!"

Hearing that, Percy laughed with a surge of arrogance as he said, "Whether you pushed

me into this position or however else I got this position, I'm now the alliance leader! Since

you can't reach an agreement, I have the right to make the final decision! If you don't

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agree, you can ask me to give up this position, and I'll quit the Blood Moon Alliance!"

Many people who were about to speak quickly stopped upon hearing Percy's words, their

eyes flickering.

The Blood Moon Alliance was a hot potato. To put it bluntly, this organization was

extremely unstable. If they failed this time, it might dissolve immediately.

At that time, they would have to find a scapegoat, and Percy was the scapegoat. Of

course, if they succeeded, nothing would happen.

Seeing the people's reactions, Percy smiled sarcastically.

This is interesting...

Soon, Percy put this matter aside. He looked at everyone and said coldly, "This time, we'll

divide our troops into two groups. More than 95% of our forces will head to Lewe, while the

rest will go to Guan. If we can take Guan down, Guan's supplies will be used to

commemorate those who died in this battle..."

"You can also choose to take them for yourself as long as you can bear the wrath of other


Percy's voice sounded extremely cold, and the people below shuddered inexplicably. Some

controllers of the major forces looked at Percy and suddenly felt a bad premonition. He

seemed different from before.

Trifecta City, in the underground chamber of the Big Dipper Palace intelligence point.

Philip frowned as he looked at the information in his hand given by Barry.

The Blood Moon Alliance was going to divide its forces, and some people would come to

Guan. In that case, Philip had to steal Guan's supplies before the Blood Moon Alliance

could make a move. Otherwise, they might have to fight the Blood Moon Alliance.

If they could take it first, they could still pin the blame on Blood Moon Alliance!

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Philip pondered thinking on this matter.

Maybe he could do something else. For example, if the Blood Moon Alliance was about

equal in strength to the white tiger royal family, at least the former would not fall into


In this way, many families would choose to join the Blood Moon Alliance. At that time, the

white tiger royal family would become more chaotic, making it easier to cause unrest in

the whole continent!

However, who should do it?

Big Dipper Palace was not as strong as the Blood Moon Alliance now. It would not be useful

even if they got involved. Besides, Big Dipper Palace had to focus on intercepting Guan's

resources, so they could not help the Blood Moon Alliance either.

After some time, Philip's eyes suddenly lit up.

Maybe I can ask her!