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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 426
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Chapter 426

“Renner, why aren’t you apologizing to Mr. Clarke? Don’t you want your project to be approved?” Nick stopped smiling and began

to weaponize his authority instead. Mont immediately panicked. Very reluctantly, he told Philip, “Sorry, I was rude to you just now.

I hope you won’t hold it against your uncle.” Philip smiled. “No worries, Uncle Mont. We are family, after all.” Everyone burst out

laughing at that, all to try and ease the tension in the air. Only Cindi and her mother continued to look constipated. They wanted

to criticize Philip some more, but they never expected that good-for-nothing to know someone as impressive as Nick Cage. The

others were shocked as well, but they hid their reaction behind awkward smiles. Just a second ago, that man was a worthless

wretch just about anyone could criticize, but now they were saying that he was friends with Nick Cage, a director at the Land

Registry. What a miraculous turn of events! Everyone returned to the room, but over the meal, all the attendees could see just

how much Nick respected Philip. It showed in his every word and action. They were inevitably confused. Nick Cage stood above

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them all, but he seemed to look up at that shabbily-dressed good-for-nothing. They soon polished up their dinner. After they sent

Nick off, everyone else who remained in the room looked at Philip quite differently. Mont kicked his wife under the table, gesturing

at her with his brows. “Philip, do you really know Nick Cage? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Fern batted her lashes at him, her

attitude completely different from before. “I hope you won’t take what I said just now to heart. Here, I’ll drink this as an apology.”

With that, she quietly downed a glass of white wine. “So Philip, your uncle wants to enter the Riverdale property market this year.

Since you know Mr. Cage, and since he seems to respect you quite a bit, could you put in a word or two for your uncle? Maybe

find out what it’s like in there?” Fern said from her seat, all smiles. If it were not for her husband’s career, she would never butter

up a poor peasant like that. “But Aunt Fern, I’m a useless good-for-nothing, right? I don’t think I can help Uncle Mont all that

much.” Philip smiled and did not even look up. Fern blinked. Inwardly, she burst out swearing at the rude brat, but then she

forced herself to smile awkwardly, finding herself at a loss for words. “Philip, is it really that difficult for you to help my mom out?

Do you really think you’re all that? So you know that Cage guy, so what? Do you think my dad can’t do anything without you?”

Cindi was furious right now, especially when she saw how cocky Philip looked. He disgusted her! At the end of the day, he was

still useless trash who lived off his wife’s apron strings! “Enough, Cindi. Watch your mouth, and be more polite to Philip from now

on. He’s still your cousin, after all.” Mont turned red and told Cindi off. “Hmph!” Cindi crossed her arms in front of her chest and

looked at Philip coolly. She hated his guts! “Um, Philip, could you lend me a hand? It’s okay if you can’t. Don’t force yourself.”

Mont was not putting all his bets on Philip. After all, the latter had never made anything of himself. The fact that he knew Nick

Cage would not change that so drastically. Philip thought it over and then turned to ask Wynn. “Should we help, darling?” Wynn

blinked. She did not expect Philip to ask her to make the decision. “If we can, why not? We are family, in the end.” Wynn said

with a smile. All of a sudden, it felt like her position was elevated, and she was unbelievably proud as she faced her uncle and his

family. Who ever said that her husband was useless? Philip did not say anymore. Since they had decided to help, he would not

delay any further, so he immediately gave George a call. Not long later, Nick Cage called Mont and said, “If you have time

tomorrow, Mr. Renner, come over to the Land Registry and we can talk things over.” “Oh, thank you, Mr. Cage, thank you!” Mont

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was ecstatic.

He thanked Nick profusely before hanging up and then heaping praises onto Philip. He had never

expected Philip to get everything settled with just one phone call. “Aren’t you going to apologize to

Philip now?” Mont glared at Fern and barked at her to comply. Fern hemmed and hawed for a long


Eventually, she shrunk into her seat and muttered, “Sorry. Everything I said just now was nonsense.” She was secretly so

frustrated! He was just the Johnstons’ useless son-in-law, but it turned out that he was quite capable, after all. Martha and

Charles were on cloud nine right now. To think that Philip would make them proud like this! After that, everyone kept praising

Philip and flattering Martha and Charles. As a result, Martha and Charles had a few more glasses to drink. After dinner, Philip

and Wynn saw the Renners off and called a ride for Martha and Charles. Finally, the two of them prepared to drive home. On the

way home, though, Wynn received a call. The blood drained from her face, and she said in a panic, “H-Hurry, go to the hospital!

It’s my parents!” Philip froze and then immediately turned the car around, asking, “What happened to them?”